The House That Ivy Built Encyclopedia

Ivy . . . in her own words


The biggest weirdest thing about me is that I have this energy called telekinesis that moves things when I think about it. Yes for real. no I'm not making it up and I'm not crazy and this is like seriously true. So here I am going to write the questions I always am getting and tell you the ansers the best i can but you will have to put up with it sometimes making no sence and I'm not use to computers or writing or anything like this so give me a break ok.

The questions.

1. "Wow how do you do that is that some kind of magic trick?" Well usually when i 1st show someone they dont believe it's real and you know I have no idea "how" it works. i guess a scientest would have to figure that out because I cant. People think it's dumb that I say I can do it but I don't know how it works, but one time I came up with a good anser and said i don't know how my nose works either but it is always telling me stuff about things i can't see and I can't explain that either. And no it is not "magic" either.

2. "how much wieght can you pick up that way?" i dont know this but I have not found an exact limmit but whatever it is it's really high. I have picked up a truck before and I mean it was not taht hard. and anyway it has like these levels (thats what I call it) where if i try to pick something up and it gets really hard all the sudden it changes and it's easy again, like it got multiplied or something. usually i'm using "1st level" and that is how it feels most comfterble. But I think there are 3 levels total and I only used 3 one time on accident and i think i went temporarly insane. That was wild.

3. "Can you make yourself fly with it?" yeah. but if your reading this and you know me I bet you already knew that.

4. "Can you teach me?" I wish people would stop saying that. i have been doign this since i was a baby and I can't teach you because i cant explain what hapens in my head when i do it. But if you act pathetic enough it's possible you could persuede me to take you for a ride.

5. "Is that why you suck so much using your hands?" Yes now shutup.

6. "Are you from outer space? Are you not human?" if you beleive aliens are running around on Planet Earth i think You need a reality check. I am not from space you morons. But sometimes i say I'm not human just to make life easier. people exept that sometimes alot easier then exepting that I AM human but i can do this stuff.

7. "Do you have to concentrate really hard to do it?" no way

8. "Are you a witch? Are you a demon? Are you evil? Did you bribe the devil for your powers?" yes people ask me that. no none of it is true. I was just born that way and i didn't do anything and it's not like I meant to. this is making me mad just writign this.

9. "Can you move anything or just solid things?" basicly anything I want. Actually I can use my energy to make wind and waves and that is really fun.

10. "Do you have to see things to do it?" No

11. "Can you make it rain?" at least 2 people have asked me that. i have no idea where the question comes from. i CAN move the clouds by making high winds but i cant make things appear out of the air like this is magic or something.

12. "Why do you call it energy anyway?" Because i think it IS energy and it sure beats useing the long name for it. And sometimes i will abreviatte it by calling it tk which is easier.

13. "So why dont you go fight crime and be a superhero?" because I don't have a batmobile. OH GOD I HATE THIS QUESTION. like i have to be some kind of slave of justice just becasue people think i have "superpowers" or something. I HATE HATE HATE THIS. DO NOT EVER ASK ME THIS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

14. "Do you have other superpowers?" not that i know of. and I hate when people say superpowers because sometimes it makes me think this is a comic book.

15. "How good is your control?" when I got asked this the person meant how good can I control stuff when I'm using my energy. i guess the anser is perfect, it does exacly what I want, usually unless i am hyper or something.

16. "Is it like an invisible hand?" that I got asked at least twice. it is really not like a hand but it does move things and feel things but hands can't go through walls or reach far like I do

17. "what does it feel like to use it?" People ask me about the feeling part a lot, it is hard to explain because I dont think people relate too well to things they never had happen to them. my energy has a sence of touch, it's just like hands that way wich means yeah i DO get hurt when I use it on something hot, and people think this is way freaky. i guess it is wierd. but not any more then the other weird shit we're talking about here. oh and I can always feel that my energy is in my head, thats kind of another thing about it, i can tell it's there.

18. "how offen do you use it?" constently. i'm sooo adicted.

19. "does it make you get tired?" never.

20. "do you ever use it on accident?" Well there is kind of 2 ansers to this. Sometimes i use it without meaning too just out of habbit. you know because it is so easy for me and i'M so use to it and doing things my way. and becasue I suck so bad wiht my hands and so i compinsate, or like use it to balance and stuff. But the other thing is when it just comes out, either when someone scares me or if I have a bad dream at night. this is when windows get broken and people get thrown across the room. that is what scares me.

21. "can you fly while your asleep?" no, I cant control it when i'm sleeping but that would really be neat to take a nap in the sky.

22. "Did you ever use it to threaten or hurt people?" my freinds and my enemies know the anser to this is yes.

23. "Arent you worried if you tell too many people the goverment will come after you and use you as a wepon?" well i would like to see them try it. Actually that is just me being a jerk. I am actually kind of scared of this hapening. but most people dont beleive telekinesis even exists so probably no one would beleive them.

24. "telekinesis, does that mean you bend spoons?" i didnt even know what that was about the 1st time I heard it but then I found out they call it telekinesis when someone can focus really hard and a spoon bends backwards. that is nothing like mine but yeah I can do that without really thinking. and one of my friends he can do that and thats about all.

25. "do you use it to play pranks on people?" Well i don't do that as much as I use to. But yes pretty offen.

26. "can you levatate more than 1 thing at a time?" yeah actually i can do as many things as you want, exept if they have to go in diffrent directions maybe about 6 things.

27. "how close do you have to be to something?" this is like the wieght quesiton, i never mesured it, but i can be pretty faraway. I know it's not infanite though, because one time I was holding something below the clouds and I flew above the clouds and eventially it was like poof gone i couldnt feel it anymore

28. "Are you the only one in your family that can do it?" I didnt know my family for a long time because I didnt grow up with them. But it turns out they are nice normal people. my family thinks I am very wierd but they kind of act like their use to it just to make me feel better. and they dont look like me either.

29. "Do you really expect me to beleive thats for real?" i couldnt give 2 shits if you do, jackass. but we'll see wich one of us wins a fight, and if you don't beleive it after I kick your ass without getting up i want to know wich one of us is crazy.

30. "if you use it too much in a day what hapens?" well twice (one time i was building a house and one time i was doing this special effects gig for a play and i had been rehearsing all day) it was like i just got burnt out from using it and it kind of felt like my brain was going numb, and i got a headake. but that almost never hapens and if it does i'm better in the morning.

31. "Can you do it with your eyes closed?" yeah

32. "Why do you get so spaced out when you do your wind art thingys?" (note this was asked by a freind who knows me and doesnt ask the basic dumb questions but I will anser it here.) My "wind art thingys" is when I make a whirlwind hapen around me and it is kind of like a moving art peice. It is like the most wonderfull thing in the world. it spaces me out becasue it is like steping into another universe for a while like making something that is really magic. i can do it over the ocean and fill it up with water too and that is the most wonderfull of all. i really could go on and on about that. but no one will understand so i will shutup now.

33. "isnt that against the laws of phisics or something?" i dont know why people ask me that one becasue I am not a scientest. but if things that are against the laws of phisics are impossible then i guess the anser is no. ok?

34. "so why dont you go join some sideshow?" ok, i have a sence of humour. ha. ha. ha. now dont ask me this if you dont want to wakeup dead.

35. "Do you ever use your powers to commit crimes?" i guess so. just little ones. especially when I was little. a couple times I've gotten in houses when the doors were locked but that wasn't exacly a crime. and i have stolen a few things and i have gone over fences and stuff to not pay the entering price. oh and a while back i got in trouble for coming onto a school ground "tresspassing" but i just didnt know better and once I did know better i had good reasons.

36. "Why do you always do that when you know it makes me nervis?" (this is obviously asked by one of my freinds.) usually i just decide if people cant deal with it it's their problem. sometimes it is hard to be sensative to their feelings but i know it takes getting use to for people who are always around me. but it is natural for me to do things the way i am use to and asking me to just STOP is like a left handed person telling all the right handed people to write with their left hands insted just to make them feel better. exept 10 times wierder.

37. "Cant you just walk like normal?" No. Shutup. (i should explain this one more, this gets asked because i just cant walk very long without getting tired.)

38. "Would you give it up to be normal?" what are you smoking?

39. "So you like being a freak?" heres how it is. I don't particularly like being a "freak." but that is just because people give me shit all the time. i would never do anything to give it up, I love flying and everything that goes with haveing this. I WOULD like to be TREATED normal sometimes but if i have to change something i like so much to get treated the way I want, it is so not worth it. and anyway if i was normal they'd probly just find something else to make me feel horrable about.

40. "Would you carry this for me/get that high thing/change that light bulb/clean the gutter/move that piano/PASS THE FRIGGIN SALT please??" i'm useful. so I put up with some of this. But when I start to feel used i let them get their own damn salt.

41. " Hey can you do that again?" this happens like at least half the time, "can i see it again?" what is it about people that they dont believe their eyes. but usually i do it again anyway. I have to be nice about people getting use to it.

42. "So do you have dreams about flying too?" Do you have dreams where your walking? duh.

43. "How high up can you go?" Until I runout of air. pretty high. it starts getting hard when I get close to where the airplanes are. but usually I don't go that high. I just fly high up enough so that people on the ground won't be spotting me and high enough so i wont get bugs in my teeth.

44. "How fast can you go?" Pretty fast. maybe 80 miles an hour. i never do that, the wind hurts if it's that fast. i have learned to breath a special way and i'm good at holding my eyes so they dryout less.

45. "Do you ever get airsick when you fly?" yes! haha. It takes about 3 hours before I feel sick but i think it's something about the wind scraping me and laying on top of nothing for so long.

46. "What kind of flying games do you play?" Well I guess no one has really asked me this but I think I want to cover it. because really flying is like a hobby of mine just like other people have hobbys. theres really about 4 things I do to play in the sky, and they are: 1. doing flips until i get dizzy, 2. doing swoopys over the ocean and dragging my toes in it, 3. this dancing thing i do that I can't really explain, and 4. my dare devil dropping game, when i go REALLY up high and then just LET GO (which is really kind of wierd, VERY different from swoopys) and keep falling until I get scared or too close to the ground. The last one is REALLY fun because you start falling so fast the air almost pushes you up from underneath and you feel like your stomach is ten feet above you!

47. "can you sheild yourself from the rain?" it's not an umbrella you dork.

48. "Shouldn't you pay more attention to flying and less attention to talking?" (this was asked when I was flying 2 other people and me through the rain and haveing a talk with 1 person and the other thought I should concentrate more so I didn't drop us all.) well if it suprises you that I can fly while I talk, would it shock the hell out of you if I said I could also chew gum at the same time? ok.

49. "what are you going to do with your life to make good use of your power?" umm you know this question really bugs me. who says I have to do something important? i mean i didn't ask to be this way. sure I'd like to do something good because I'm not all that selfish but for real i am not out looking to do something amazing. if you can think of something I could do to make lives better without getting too much attention let me know but like totally honestly i want to keep using it like the everyday thing it is to me.

50. "What hapens with your power if you drink alcahol?" i wasnt going to put this here but since i talk about "the shampain insident" i guess i should. what hapens is it fucks me up bad. if I have more then maybe a few sips i start feeling fuzzy and (this sounds odd) if I use my energy it feels like there is soap on things. And then it like slips off so I drop whatever it is. That kind of goes on for a while like back and forth (I can sort of use it and then it's slippery again), but then I can't fly and I can't really feel it exept just a little bit but i can't make it grab anything. and so THEN when I go to sleep it has a party without me! and recks the room. out of my control. it's like it explodes out of my head and hits things and I know I'm doing it but I cant make it stop. AND on top of that it really hurts. like it's a stomach cramp or a mussle spazm or something exept it is in my head. so i wakeup in a room where everything is smashed up and like a horrable headake. Actually this only hapened once. wich is why I WILL NEVER DRINK SHAMPAIN AGAIN.

51. "How old were you when you found out you had a special power? How old were you when you learned to fly?" My sources say I could do it once i could focuss my eyes. And I could fly before I was 2. Wierd to think I spent 2 years on the ground.

52. "How come you didnt tell me about this when i 1st met you?" ok this makes a great introduction, hi my name is Ivy and i am a giant freak and before you even tell me YOUR name let me show you why. this does not work people. i mean it usually comes up soon enough but sometimes it does not and sometimes i am embarassed about it ok? so forgive me if sometimes I am shy it is not a crime.

53. "What is the most common reaction you get when you show people?" one girl Andrea I met at high school asked me something like this after I told her she took it pretty good. Mostly people say "wow" and ask me to do it again. most of the time it's stuff like staring at me and saying "whoa" and other silly things and making a really big deal of it. even if it was only me moving something really little. a lot of times if they have time they ask me lots and lost and lots of questions about it. you can see why i need this list of questions. every once in awhile i meet someone who kind of freezes and then pretends it wasnt real, or kind of backs away and wont talk to me. sometimes they keep saying it HAS to be a trick and trying to figure it out. and that makes me mad. but like a lot of people have got use to it it's really not so hard.

54. "How come when I go flying with you it's like nothing is holding me up?" I dont know really. whatever my energy is made of you cant feel it if I touch you. unless I do the thing where I smack people. oh that is fun!

55. "What is the best flying position?" soooo many people are not comfterble in the air which i guess makes sence since they do not fly. i have taught a lot of people how to feel comfterble. You just relax and cross your feet and fold your arms up, and then dont think about it. and it is best if you don't squirm around because that is really annoying to me and you will make me really want to drop you. (no i have never done that.)

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