The House That Ivy Built Encyclopedia

Artifacts of Ivy

How does Ivy fit into the boxes and categories the world has created for the rest of us? How does she rate on intelligence, personality, everything we like to know about ourselves as well as the people we care about? Let’s take a look.

[Skip this: Read Ivy's Myers-Briggs Personality Analysis]

Ivy was born on July 31st. That makes her a Fire sign: Leo, the Lion. Her friend Nicholas begins by saying Leos are often self-centered, and then gives her this gem:

“Leos are often very loving. They tend to like to have all eyes on them whenever possible and they do not react well to being outsmarted or upstaged. They can attack easily but also have protective instincts which require them to stand up for those weaker than they are, especially children. They tend to be more sensitive than they let on. They often have careers in the arts because they are often dramatic and sometimes quite creative. They can be easily tricked by flattery and are sometimes vain. And lastly, they make good leaders because of their organizational prowess and their desire to be helpful and useful.” –Book 4, chapter 35

A full-on astrological profile states the following of Ivy’s Zodiac sign:

The Astrological Symbol of Leo is the Lion. The Lion is the King of Beasts, and Leos enjoy being treated as the kings and queens of the Zodiac. Like the Lion, Leos have great physical strength and stamina. They tend to be opinionated, but they have a strong ability to see their projects through to the end. In this way, Leo exemplifies the Fixed Quality assigned to it. Leos may be arrogant or egotistical, but they are good organizers and tend to be popular and even inspiring.

Within the Zodiac, Leo is opposite Aquarius, the Sign of Friends. Leo tends to be about self and personal popularity rather than group goals and sharing of ideas. Despite their tendency to patronizingly interfere in others' plans, they are leaders, confident and dignified.

Leo is ruled by the Sun. In ancient times, the Sun was believed to be the center of the Universe, the core of existence, the Father. Today, the Sun is important because it generates warmth and keeps life on Earth moving. Leos, too, sometimes feel they are the center of the universe, and sometimes they are! They are gregarious and social, fun-loving, and live life with enthusiasm.

Despite their tendency toward bossiness and pretension, the natural leadership of people born under Leo and their administrative prowess helps ensure that their projects are successful. As leaders, Leos are decisive and direct, optimistic that they will succeed. Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to stumbling blocks, but generally they are positive and their natural pride and stubborn streak keep them from giving up. They can be demanding leaders, but they are also generous.

The Element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are physical: they tend to respond to the world through action, rather than practicality, intellect, or emotion. Leos jump headfirst into life, without worrying whether their latest goal is realistic or practical. For them, everything about life is Big with a capital B, and if drama and courage is required to do what they want to do, they have both in abundance.

Like Fire, Leos are always moving and quick, and their warm-hearted and outgoing personalities are similarly fiery. They tend to seek power more than other Signs, and because of this people sometimes feel they are obnoxious, boastful, self-centered, or rude. But despite their sometimes hotheaded or cutting response, Leos are cheerful and self-assured, sometimes to the point of living in a fantasy world. They are always happy as long as someone is paying attention to them!

Leo rules the fifth House, which besides romance and children also involves gambling. Many Leos love to gamble, and may be brash and extravagant at the gaming table. They see it as their natural due when casinos treat them as royalty! Pleasure is important to people born under Leo, and they like to spend money to feel good. At their extreme, some Leos can be vain and childish or overbearing in their reactions, but generally they're happy so long as they are comfortable.

In their leisure time, Leos prefer to play in groups rather than solo. They are too gregarious to enjoy solitary running or weight lifting, and they much prefer team sports or group exercise. In love relationships, Leo tops the charts in almost every area, from devotion to romance.

Leo rules the back, spine, and heart. People born under Leo may suffer from heart problems or back pain more often than people born under other Signs. Leo's colors are gold and purple: gold is the color of the Sun and lions, and purple is associated with royalty.

The great strength of the Leo-born is in their creativity and generosity with others. Sometimes these two can combine, resulting in thoughtful gifts or unique solutions to problems. Their creative and theatrical natures make them among the most flamboyant characters of the Zodiac.

This profile was taken from the Entertainment section of , in the Astrology section.

Skip this: Read Ivy's Keirsey Temperament Type]

The Myers-Briggs test determines which of sixteen personality types a person is, based on choosing whether they are extroverted or introverted (E or I), sensing or intuitive (S or N), thinking or feeling (T or F), and judging or perceiving (J or P).

Ivy received the designation of ENFP. Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.

The personality profiles are as follows:

The ENFP takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, particularly for people, and makes decisions on the basis of personal values. His/her life is flexible, following new insights and possibilities as they arise. He/she is creative and insightful, often seeking to try new ideas that can be of benefit to people. He/she may sometimes neglect details and planning, but he/she enjoys work that involves experimentation and variety, working towards a general goal.


What's there to say about you? You're an initiator of change and are keenly in tune to possibilities... you're enthusiastic, and it's're tireless in the pursuit of newfound interests... You can anticipate the needs of others, and offer them needed help and appreciation. You bring zest, livelihood, and fun to all aspects of your life...

You're agreeable, sociable, outgoing and like to imagine yourself in the future... who will you marry? what type of work will you do? where will you live? All questions you ask like to keep your options're prefer to understand than judge..

You see endless possibilities. You hate to be boxed into anything -- like a career -- for you hesitate and resist making decisions...always look for new and novel... You like a learning environment where the teacher takes a personal interest in you...You're motto might be: "There's always a better way or a better answer.."... when you're committed to something, you are enthusiastic to the point of preaching to the whole world about it ( the Storm Palace?)

Your style of organization is... well, personalized. Others don't really see you as organized, though, do they? YOU know what's where, and there's a "method to your madness," huh? You have a hard time separating work from leisure, since you have fun while you work. You're always on the lookout for new things... you like learning with others, so you'll invite 'em to join you at films, plays and classes.

When you fall in love, you study the other person in every way. The one you fall in love with is "the best ever" a lot, huh? Sheesh. But others feel unconditionally loved by you fall head over heels and get in love FAST. You are charming...full of treat others with sympathy, gentleness, and warmth...

Last part: watch out for losing your focus 'cause you wanna try too many ideas at the same time... you don't prioritize, so you can overload...also, because you're just a fun-loving animal, you might not complete important work and basic responsibilities...
ENFP: "Every day, New Fantastic Possibilities"


Skip this: See a Tarot Reading result of Ivy's personality]

Temperament is a set of inclinations that each of us is born with; it's a predisposition to certain attitudes and actions. In the Keirsey Temperament Test, Ivy received the designation of IDEALIST.

Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.

Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.

Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soul mate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.

Idealists are rare, making up between 20 and 25 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.


Skip this: See a Palm Reading result of Ivy's personality]

In Book 4, Nicholas mentions that he reads Tarot cards and offers to give Ivy a reading. Because he is particularly talented in this area, his results are actually quite accurate. Observe.

Ivy’s Tarot Reading
Performed by Nicholas

Card 1 (Present Position): The Hanged Man. Life in suspension, transition, change, reversal of mind, change of life forces, adjustment.

Card 2 (Immediate Influence): Six of Cups. Memories, past influences, things that have vanished, childhood passed, nostalgia, faded images.

Card 3 (Goal or Destiny): The Star. Inspiration, mixing of past and present, balance of desire and work, hope and effort, love and expression.

Card 4 (Distant Past): Ten of Cups. Home, joy, pleasure, peace, love, contentment, family, honor, virtue.

Card 5 (Recent Past): Knight of Wands. Journey, advance into the unknown, change of residence.

Card 6 (Future Influence): King of Cups. Responsibility, creativity, kind, reliable, liberal, artist, generous.

Card 7 (The Questioner): Ten of Wands. Pressures, problems soon to be resolved, striving to meet a goal, using power for selfish ends.

Card 8 (Environmental Factors): The Tower. Sudden change, breakdown of old beliefs, abandonment of past relation, end of friendship, unexpected events, loss of stability or security.

Card 9 (Inner Emotions): Strength. Courage, conviction, energy, accomplishment, mind over matter.

Card 10 (Final Results): The World. Completion, ultimate change, end result of effort, triumph in undertakings.

Skip this: See Ivy's Elemental Orientation]

There has been little in the way of results for palm-reading for Ivy, but two different people have read her palm. One was Nicholas, who said she had a very long life line, and that her lack of a pinkie finger (the “romance finger”) might indicate a lack of romance in her life. He also postulated that it was more a case of her not having the map to that part of her life, rather than that part of her life just not existing. Either could be true, but Ivy is not a fan of romance, so it remains to be seen. . . .

Some fun facts:

A big gap between a head line and a life line is indicative of a tendency toward recklessness and a tendency toward laughing in the face of danger, exercising little caution. Also, it indicates a self-image that needs constant checking.

If the life line ends away from the Mount of Venus and curves away toward the edge of the palm, it indicates a very active life, an inability to stay in one place for a long time, and an urge to always seek novelty.

A thick life line indicates a strong-willed, powerful person.

An unobstructed head line indicates a free-spirited, self-assured person with lots of energy and ambition.

Skip this: See Ivy's MASH]

In taking a nifty little element quiz, Miss Ivy received the designation of Fire of Fire. The first is the personal element, and the second is based on her life role. Here are her results.

Positive qualities: Willful, passionate, intense, spontaneous, exciting, dominant
Negative qualities: Impulsive, hot-tempered, "hot-headed," obsessive, violent
Experiences: Lust, desire, transformation, passion, intense focus, outbursts
Roles, Jobs: Leaders, warriors, salespeople, healers, smiths, artists


Fire people are impassioned, they are "on fire," whether with ideas, goals, or causes. They are natural leaders, as they convey their passions with an intensity that compels others to pay attention. Fire people can be as fascinating, as hypnotic, as watching a campfire. In politics, a Fire candidate might have an Air strategist working beside him/her, but it's Fire's face that will appear in the TV spots.

Rather than thinking, like an Air person, or feeling, like a Water person, the Fire person "just knows." S/he goes by his/her gut and once s/he is sure of something, s/he doesn't waver. S/he commits fully to whatever his/her passion is.

The Fire person "lights up a room." S/he has a "burning" presence. Of the four elemental characters, Fire is the most interesting and exciting to be around. Arguably, s/he is also the most dynamic sexually, as his/her nature is to be lustful and desirous. S/he's an impassioned and devoted lover, and may tend toward flamboyant romantic gestures.

His/her heat and passion can become negative. S/he can be hot-tempered, prone to rage, and even violent. His/her combination of lust and impulsiveness might make him/her unfaithful, and his/her utter faith in his/her gut instinct might make him/her self-righteous, barreling past the considerations and concerns of others. With his/her knack for passionate focus, s/he runs the risk of becoming obsessive. Fire is also impulsive, which is neither good nor bad; it depends on the situation, and it depends on the Fire individual and how s/he expresses it.

Fire people also have the gift of transformation. They can turn their negativity into a new, more positive way of being. They can choose to take in other elements, thereby assuring they won't burn out.

Fire of Fire: The Man of Action

Fire of Fire is a dynamo. S/he aggressively pursues several courses of action at once, at any given moment--s/he has lots of "irons in the fire." S/he is passionately interested in the things s/he does. The drive of his/her inner Fire combined with his/her Firey role in life doubles the intensity of the most intense element. S/he burns.

Fire of Fire has many involvements. S/he may be very involved in community or political causes, and is attracted to activism. Fire people tend to believe in the power of the individual to effect great change, and this is especially apparent in the Fire Knight. S/he is a rescuer.

Like all Fire people, the Fire Knight is willful. In business matters, s/he is likely to be an entrepreneur, as s/he chafes under another's authority. S/he is convinced s/he knows best, and s/he is perfectly prepared to pay the consequences if s/he's wrong.

Romantically, Fire of Fire tends to be promiscuous. Knighthood is a lustful part of life, and Fire people are highly libidinous. The combination of youth, energy, and a taste for conquest combines with Fire's natural sexuality, passion, and desire for experimentation. The Fire of Fire person is the least likely Knight to settle into a monogamous, long-term relationship. Fire of Fire is unlikely to experience any shame or discomfort about his/her romantic choices, however. S/he is who s/he is.

This test was taken from The Way of Four by Deborah Lipp.

Skip this: Go on to "Ivy in her own words"]

Teenaged girls sometimes play a fortune-telling game called MASH. In Book 3, Ivy and her friends Andrea, Mandy, and Nicky play this game, and she ends up with some silly and amusing results.

The letters “M-A-S-H” stand for “Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House,” and those represent the choices of the participant’s future house. Beyond that, the participant gets to fill in two of the three available choices for the categories of Boys, Car, Kids, Pets, and Job; their friends or the person writing down their answers gets to pick the third choice in all the categories (just to keep things interesting!). The administrator then makes marks in the MASH box until the participant tells them to stop. The marks are then used to count around the board crossing off items in each category until one remains in each (then that category is no longer counted).

In this MASH, all the categories show Ivy’s choices as the first two, and her friends’ choices are always the third blank. The exception is for “CAR”—Ivy didn’t know any cars, so her friends picked those for her.

Here is her MASH board:

Her results show she will live in a mansion, drive a Cadillac, have four kids, own a capybara, work as an artist, and marry Zeke. HAHAHAH.

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