Hi. Thanks for coming to the writing page. If you want my professional writing blog or my personal writing blog, check one of those out; this is more of a personal, sort of self-indulgent display of my work which predates my "pro" site. I also have a long nonfiction book on asexuality published in September 2014 by Skyhorse Publishing/Carrel Books and a list of all my stories, long pieces, and short pieces that have sold for publication.

The arrows are pretty self-explanatory, so click away to explore. Many of the fictional works on this site are fantasy, science fiction, or speculative fiction. Some of the sections allow you to post your feedback. All content is © 1995-2025 SwankiVY.

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Some connections:
So You Write: Toons About Writing Essay: Diary of a Writer Photo: My Interpretation of Writer's Cramp A Test: The Fantasy Novelist's Exam


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