The House That Ivy Built Encyclopedia

Ivy . . . in her own words


My name is Ivy, at least that is the name I have gone by all my life. I have had a very wierd and intersting life I think, so I am going to tell it like a story so you can get to know me better. I mean if your psycho enough to want to know me. i think you might like reading it becasue so many things have hapened it is like reading an adventure book. or really like a sci fi book because so much of it is like something from a cheezy tv show. because so many of the wierd things that hapened in my life have something to do with me haveing this really rare energy thing that has the scientific name "telekinesis" and that can really make a girls life get weird really fast. Um oh if you want to read all the bajillion and a half questions that I always get about just that you can read the thing I wrote called the biggest weirdest thing about me because it is about that. On to my life story now with as LITTLE as possible talking about that because I really am sick of talking about it.

Basic stuff is I am 18 and I have real long blonde hair and real big green eyes and I am about 5 foot 11 and I weigh 95 pounds. Im skinny but I eat fine. i look a little weird but you would have to look at a picture to see why because i really dont need to talk about that. Im half chinese but you really cant tell by looking at me exept i have been told my eyes do look like I am. Wich makes no sense to me since all the chinese people I know have little brown eyes but I don't. But then my eyes dont look like my dads either. But I'm getting ahead of myself now so I will backup.

Most peoples biographys start out with them being born I think. I am not going to do that because I dont remember being born or a lot of stuff that hapened after, so I will come back to all that when I tell about the time in my life that I found out stuff about when I was born. I guess I will start with my earlyest memory.

the 1st thing I remember is eating bread. Home made bread at Miss Margrets Bakery. Miss Margret is this lady who fed me and gave me a place to stay when I was little. i dont know where I was when i was not in their. she let me live their as much as I wanted becasue she is a nice lady and she told me later she thought I was a fairy or something. I played with her daughter and they were my first friends.

Then came Adele and she is really like the closest thing i have to a mom! she found me in New York City 1 day and she took me home with her and that was my home and really still is. She took me because I was home less and she just knew i should come with her because she could take me to a place where everyone was diffrent. And she did.

And so for years and years and years i lived on a beach kind of in this cave rock thing. See Adele and me lived with Dax and Weaver and Alix. Before Adele got their they had kind of formed a partner ship and learned to live in the wild and Adele just kind of joined up to the group and brought me along later. Their is another lady we call Neptune but she was hardly ever their. but she was still sort of like part of the family and later when we got a house she got a room in it but that is later.

Alix kind of acted like the boss but Adele was the one that knew everything so if she talked we listened. Dax and Weaver always joked about him being an ass behind his back. They use to be best friends but after a while me and Weaver got really close. that was mostly because of a really weird thing, we like to fly together, and we never had anyone else to do it with before then so it was kind of like a bonding expireince. I am not going to explain about the flying thing here because I did it already when I wrote the biggest weirdest thing about me. Oh but Weaver is not like me he flies with his wings and I call him bat boy to piss him off. But he will bite me in my sleep if I really make him mad. Anyway.

Um I lived on the beach for a long long long time and even though I was only a little girl I had a job. Mostly it was helping Alix catch fish, I could have done it myself really really easy but Alix had his pride thing and he acted like he was master blaster of the ocean or something, so I let him have his thing unless he totally could not get any fish. Sometimes I would help him with out him knowing it. OH and also my job was to gather some of the tree fruits and far away things, and ofcourse getting water. All I had to do is help and they took care of me. and you know it was hard but it was kind of nice and I played in trees and forests all day and slept on the beach with sand in my hair. Oh yeah and Adele would also teach me stuff and read to me and teach me arts and crafts. And other then surviveing and learning i would just play mostly flying.

Then we got kids. Found a lot younger then the age I was found at. In the same week! Adele was in NYC again and on the way back she found this 2 year old girl in the forest near the high way, and we found a little tiny boy in our forest by the beach. We named the girl Tab and the boy Thursday. The boy was like a little tiny fairy and he fit in the palm of your hand! And Tab was like a wild girl and she liked to eat like sand and leaves and stuff that made her spit up later. We had to tame her. I helped and I was a good baby sitter. I was maybe 12 then.

Alix and Adele wanted to get sivilized for some reason and so they decided we needed a house. They put together a mission for me to find this guy Robert that Adele knew about and get him to make us house plans and help us. That was my first mission ever. I got him to do that and he paid for our house too because he liked us and he thought we were something special. OH and I helped Robert make a weaving for his wife that he liked. so that is how I helped. Oh Robert told me how to build the house and I did all the work myself. It took 2 days. ALL day both days!

So we had this big house and it had all these bedrooms and to fill it up with stuff and get regular food we didn't have to hunt for we had to get money. So we started more missions to find people to live with us that had jobs and would give us money to live their. So we got Robin to be our housekeeper and then Zeke to be like our handyman and then this girl Peyton helped us fix it up nice. And after that the people who joined were Bradleigh, Cecily, Keenan, and Perry. And they all had their jobs and came to live with us. Oh and I did all the missions to get them their. I spent a loonnnnggg time of my life just going out and finding these people and telling them the situation and letting them visit and try it out and get use to us bunch of weirdos. Oh and then Zoe joined and she sort of started dating Dax. And that was weird too. So my job changed from getting food and water to doing missions and getting people and then taking their money to the grossry store to get food and other stores to get other things we needed. I became like oficial errand girl but I was use to that. I mean i am a very very usefull person and I didn't have anything better to do exept help.

Stuff really started to change for me when I met Nina. she is a really special girl and I love her very much. See she started as just another mission to me and I didnt like it because she was just a kid and I didn't understand why we would want a KID to be like part of our little elete group thing. I mean she didn't have any money. But I made friends with her and had to tell her mom and dad about us and stuff. oh my god her dad hated me. He was one of those kinds of people that just cant get over me being so wierd and like stays afraid of me. I did not really know better then to tell people about me then, I always felt like I had to because It really isn't an option to pretend i'm normal. or it wasnt then anyway I have got better at it now.

I really got in trouble because of Nina. I didnt know better then to keep coming to her school to visit her and her principle got cops to chase me! And when I got mad and attacked them I ended up getting drugged and taken to a jail place. I never want to do that again. The jail I mean, not attacking people who are messing with me. I mean I was only their for like an hour but I really kind of freaked the officer guys out and made them let me go. And every thing was ok. Exept then because of the whole mess Nina figured out she actualy kinda had a "special power" (like she called it) and Adele is the same as her so they kind of became best friends and really I never got over it. I mean it's like I was Adele's daughter almost and then she just adopts someone new when I mean I was trying to be her friend first. But i cant do anything about that. Anyway Nina learned how to do like these prediction things like Adele does and it was really cool and she works on it alot now.

Hmm so then I met Bailey. Anyway we met and we got to be friends and she is kind of like my little sister which really helped me deal with Nina drifting away from me. Bailey came to live with me (she had been home less in New York) and we got to know each other for a while and found out we both like pranks. And we kind of got into a war. It became this huge game and our roomate Cecily was the judge of it all and gave us points. I am SO much better at pranks then she is! I think she would even admit that now cause I kicked her butt.

At the same time this prank thing was hapening I was doign something I never did before: going to real school. I got my roomate Zoe to help me register at her old highschool kind of unoficialy and so I could learn. and I made some friends. but it was REALLY REALLY weird because i totally am not normal as you know. and it was REALLY REALLY hard to pretend to be. You can not understand unless youve been their, i mean you can not imagine it. some good things came out of it, I made some friends andrea and Mandy and Nicky, and i learned that I really like to sing and am pretty good at it and I learned really fast how to read music. but the truth is over all the whole thing was a disaster and i made mistakes and ended up haveing to quit and hope eventally the roomers about me would go away and things would settle down again. Oh and I met a kid Jared who lived with us for a while, and we got another person named Miki and she was the first mission in a long time. Oh and I got Bailey to start school again and she stayed after I quit.

So I was kind of sad about quitting school and a big part of it was I missed singing in a chorus. So i started taking voice lessons with this friend of a friend. (the friend's name is Shelly and the friend of the friend later my voice teacher is Justine.) She tried to teach me to sing and I met a girl named Ami who was in the same voice studio. We got to be freinds. She could not walk when I first met her because she was in an accident. Sometimes I helped her. But then she got better. We sorta wrote a song together but nothing really came out of it. Oh yeah and her parents are religious christians and that kind of got me thinking what does religion mean to me.

Also Zeke wanted to take me to a christmas party so we talked about religions. I don't have one still. But I know about religions more now. Oh yeah Zeke has a BIG CRUSH on me. THAT is so weird because you know I am not attractive. I am funny looking and skinny and I told him that, I am not even an actual woman just more like a tall (VERY tall) 6 year old. He laughs and says doesn't care about that. But their are just people out their who think i am pretty or glamoriss or something because I am "exotic" (THAT is annoying to hear) and Zeke is one of those people. So he was chasing me a lot. whatever!!!!!

I have never never never been intrested in boys or anything. I don't care! if I never grow up that is fine with me! But Zeke did all these nice things for me trying to get me to be his girlfriend. He even got me to kiss him like more then 1 time. But I didn't like it. But I didn't really beat his ass for it either. And he took me to a picnic and later finally he took me to the christmas party at his parents house and that was the huge disaster because well I had shampain. and it is hard enough to act normal when i am sober. something i call "the shampain insident" happened and my brain temporarly fell apart. I talk about that in 1 of the questions on the biggest weirdest thing about me page if you want to know what hapens to me when i drink alcohol. but anyway Zeke was trying to ask me to be his girlfriend when I was drunk and I exploded and then everything went to shit. so we had a fight but later we made up and he is ok with me not being his girlfriend.

I left home with adele and miss margret's help one day. I was feeling all mish mashy after the shampain thing and I stayed over miss margret's one night and robbers picked that night to strike. I am a good weapon and I stopped it. so miss margret rewarded me with some money even though I tried not to take it, and she said the whole thing had made her think I was wasting my "talents" and i should find a place in the world to use it. she meant of course my energy thing and I was like are you crazy but she was really convincing. And weirdly enough I found Ruben.

Ruben is this kind of really nice slightly insane creative guy. to make a long story short I ended up doing special effects for a play for him. and he is one of the most accepting, easy going, sweet people i have ever ever met. and I would do almost anything for him. I once thought that kind of feeling meant I should be "attracted" to him the way regular people are always doing with each other, but it wasn't that way, i tried kissing him and for a while I really was upset that I didn't feel anything towards him but now i'm more comfterble with it. he is too. but he's always at home everywhere he is, i mean he's a theater type guy and everythings always cool with him. i wish I was that way and not always feeling so selfcontious and akward. but sometimes i cant help feeling embarassed to be me. it's an insane life.

after the play thing I kind of moved in with Ruben. Some of the people at the beach house really got mad over that especially Weaver but they forgave me. We had fun but then Ruben lost his job after graduation and we started running out of money and Ruben got all psycho on me and started seeing a shrink. i started feeling guilty that I was living with him but not paying money so I got a job too unloading furnature trucks. but it wasnt enough. and I cleaned his house all the time and it kind of bothered him that I was so good to him but I felt like i owed it to him because he helped me so much. Then Ruben got this idea that he wanted to start a bisness and got all depressed that he didn't have money to do it. So this is where things get really weird.

I told you I have a really rare energy called telekinesis. Ruben found out some dude would pay me a million dollars just to prove it! Well not just me, the dude just wanted proof of ESP or something just for his own curiosity or something. and i really didn't like identifying myself as part of that spooky seen I mean I am normal to myself and I really kind of didn't like being such a big deal that I was worth a million dollars. but I decided to do it for ruben. and I did. We moved to California and I followed the rules and won the money! But it had consaquences.

Well first of all this guy Tony was intrested in me. Well not me, just intrested in my powers and stuff. annoying. but he was a scientest and he was with Grant, the guy who was suposed to give me a million dollars, and before that test he asked if he could give me his own tests just to see if he could make any discoveries. and he bought me dinner and weaselled a lot. and so I just let him. i hated it! It was going to be like 2 hours of tests he wanted to give me, and I did most of them but then he scared the crap out of me with one of them and I got out of their. I was SO mad at him i like can't even explain it. it's like when your vision turns red, you know? but anyway after that I did the real test for the head honcho guy and got my money. Some weird tabloid newspaper people heard the story about the "challenge" and they tried to take my picture and the guy's picture who gave me the money. they were freaky. anyway I had my money, and ruben and I got our own house in California and started the business. and so he was all busy and stuff and I was kinda useless.

Oh yeah. when I was at Grant I met Drew, a janitor their. He pretends to be stupid but he is really smart! he only pretends he's really slow so people will trust him not to poke into their secrets, so that he can. anyway he told me that in the records for other people trying to win money in the same little contest I was doing, their was another guy who claimed to have an ability like mine. i was sooooo exited by that because you know, i had never heard of a person like me! but he said he couldn't really use it when he wanted, it just hapened randomly sometimes mostly when he was asleep. Drew got me his address and I found out his phone number from that and I called him!

His name is Max but he says I can't say anything else about him that would help identify him. anyway I came to visit him in New York and he liked meeting me. I gave him some pointers and after only a couple days i came up with something that made him realize how to do it whenever he wanted to and now he can. and their really is someone else like me in the world. i still feel weird about that. i am really not use to it. and it is an eye opener to have someone else around that moves things without touching them because now i can see how freaky it can be just to not expect something to move and then it does. specially when he does that on purpose, the bastard. but his energy is not strong, it has a low limit and he cant even fly. but he can still have fun with it.

you know though he did not adjust well to it, he had some trouble. it freaked him out a lot. i had to counsil him all the time. and around the time I taught him how to control it I went back to the beach house for a visit and everything had kinda changed and people just werent home the way they use to be. I also visited Nina and met her new baby brother Erik. when I came back Max was kind of a mess. so I had to counsil him more. I even took him to a shrink once but it didn't work because SHE freaked out when he showed her what he was trying to come to terms with. grr. ohwell I tried.

then THE WEIRDEST THING TO EVER HAPEN TO ME hapened. At ruben's place their came a letter for me and it was from someone saying she was my MOM. I mean I did not have a mom. exept Adele. she saw me in a tabloid magazine and the story about me and the picture made her think I was her daughter that was lost years and years ago. The story couldn't belong to many people and also theirs a few things about me that make me easy to recognize in a photo. So I thought she might not be bullshitting. It was hard to come to terms with being like outed in a trashy magazine AND finding out some lady says she's my mom, but after I freaked out for like a few days I started talking to Adele about what to do about it. Ugh.

Well eventally I called the number on the letter and I got my brother. I mean I called and I didn't even know I had a brother and this kid Ben ansers and I find out he is. He invited me over for dinner and I came and met my family! First my brother, then my mom, then later my dad. oh my god it was the freakiest thing ever. I saw baby pictures of myself, like, alien-baby, like I knew it was me because how many people have my ears and eyes and are born with no pinkys right. oh and Ben looks totally normal which sucks and nobody in my family has the tk thing and I was soooo disapointed. because like on top of not having anyone in the family to have inherited it from i am also a freak to my family.

Mom said I got lost by flying out the window like a week before I was 2. I was like 4 when Miss Margret found me so I dont know where I was for like 2 years. Oh and her and my dad were trying to figure out what the hell was with me the freak baby. but it is good to know they still loved me and they were trying to teach me how not to do everything with tk because they were afraid someone would take me away. oh and my mom at first thought my crib was possessed, isn't that funny? I thought it was. anyway aparently I was born being able to do this stuff and it has always been a LOT easier then using my hands is so i mean as a baby i pretty much was always using it. anyway they stopped having to worry about it when I flew out the window.

So my mom once saw this picture on a tabloid cover about a mysterious flying kid and thought it was me so she kept up on tabloid news for ya know years and years and that is how she found me, thinking one day I would at least do something that would show up in those stupid newspapers. and she was right. and I got my family back.

But it was weird at first because Dad wanted me to like come back and take up all my family numbers and names and stuff again and totally adopt me back, and I wasn't intersted. i wanted them to be my family but i wasnt like really the same person they remembered. dad was intersted in getting me in school and I was like no been their done that COULDN'T do that and I embarrased the shit out of myself trying to explain why. he thought I was too distracted by boys! whatever!!!!

But now my dad says it's okay if I don't do anything and he just wants me to come over so he can teach me stuff that fasinates him once in awhile. i said ok.

This whole finding my family thing got me thinking abuot conections with my friends i'd made ever since i started doing missions and going out in the world. i wanted to keep contact up. So I started colecting adresses to mail and even email stuff and got my own email with max's help. So I went on some adress colecting missions and their was this one I got stuck on.

Holly and Cindy jane. I met these 2 little girls by axident. That was after I made an ass of myself at school the day I quit and I flew away for a couple days all freaked out. I found this little barn and they were in it and I met them. Well now I wanted to be in contact with them because even though i met them only once I wanted them to be sure I was realy real and stuff. So I went looking for them kind of on a wild goosechase.

And I found someone else instead. Nicholas. He is special because he can make wind hapen by thinking about it. you see I can do that too and it is part of an art I thought I was the only one that could do. so I mean i guess he has tk like me and max in a way. but he only uses it for wind it is like he can't make it do other things like us. oh and max cant make wind either. so jeez. anyway he is this kind of old guy whos been a hermit type most of his life and he always travells and stuff. and he beleives in all this "natural magic" stuff he talks about, i mean it's astrolagy and crystals and all this crapola. he told me I was a Leo and I didn't know what that meant. he told me. more then I ever ever wanted to know I think.

But it was important because he knew my special art. oh wow that was so amazing, the day we met I took us over the ocean (he cant fly by himself) and we made this wind TOGETHER. I know I did most of it because their was water in it and water does not curl up for him the way it does for me if I want. but I could feel the parts he did and i really think it was one of the most amazing things that ever ever ever ever hapened. Later i remembered it and i mean it really was so personal that i kind of felt embarassed. but i kinda got over it.

I took him back to my house. He visited and met adele and he hit it off with her. I got kinda mad at him AND Adele because i mean everyone I bring home SHE seems to bond with. I should get used to that.

I went to my brother's birthday party right after I brought Nicholas to the house. He was turning 15. I felt REALLY akward at the party. Here is why, and this is embarassing kind of. See we had spagetti. and they could all do this twirling thing! I was trying to copy them but i am so clumsy and I had to use my energy to help and i mean they couldn't tell but I felt so stupid. And then while I was concentrating on that someone asked me to pass the butter and just like when I'm at home I tried to pass it without touching it! i mean they all knew i could do it so it wasn't any big deal but Idon't know I felt so out of place when I did that. and I couldn't take it. so I pretended I was getting a claustrophobia attack (I really do get those but only bad if I can't get out, which was only 1 time on an airplane) and said I had to go outside, and Ben my brother kinda chased me and guilted me into flying with me. We had a good talk. and he convinced me to try to feel more comfterble with mom and dad and my whole energy thing.

When I came back they had been talking about me and they realized I'm not comfterble if I can't use it so they said I really should so we could all get use to it and so I washed the dishes from dinner in front of them and it was embarassing because they were all so trying not to make a big deal but i know it was wierd to them. and then we got dessert.

OK so by this time I was kind of dealing with 4 other people who had some kind of unusual ability and trying to get comfterble with it in society. I mean plus me that is 5. And Ruben's bisiness is like a craft workshop to teach about art, so I had this dream that I was the leader of something like Ruben's bisness exept for people with the same ability I have. And when I woke up i realized i really should do that and try to help Max and Nicholas and Nina and Bailey. We could have a little group thing.

Adele told me groups like ours are prone to acting like superheros. I can not explain in typing how ANNOYING that idea is. I mean, it is one of the things that bothers me most in the intire UNIVERSE. I am not a comic book ok!!! and niether are my friends! So I was like no way are we going to be a group for THAT kind of STUPID STUPID thing. We will just have a place to talk and try to help eachother out.

So I built us a clubhouse and now we are getting started. I call it Handprints because um well I think this has a big explination. ok.

Like I was counting familys one day. I came up with the idea that I had 8 familys, which is miss margret, my original forest-living group, my birth parents and brother, bailey because she's like my sister, nina because i'm kind of an unoficial part of the family, nicholas because he calls me his "sister in the name of the wind" (he kind of talks funny), ruben because we lived together so long and he says I'm his best friend, and max because we are the only 2 people I have ever found with our energy thingy. And you know I do not have any pinky fingers so when I counted that out on my hands I had just enough and it was like two "handprints" of familys. and that is how I came up with the name. our clubhouse has all our handprints in diffrent color paint on the door and our names on it. it is funny because we all know it's cheezy but we dont mind because it just feels too good to really belong somewhere.

I am young so you know my life story is still develaping. And huge things are always happening in my life so maybe this will update soon. But for now that is all, I am just working on Handprints and keeping in touch with my familys and friends.

Ivy's Survey Question Answers Ivy's Autobiography Ivy's "The Biggest Weirdest Thing About Me" FAQ

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