Unfortunately, I have to deal with a lot of assholes. I like to think that under the circumstances, I'm pretty calm and I deal well with them. But what boggles my mind the most is that when I reject a stupid guy online and tell him to get lost, his most common response is "Fine, you're probably an ugly, fat bitch anyway." Um . . . how much sense does this make, folks? I mean, sure, I might be ugly, fat, a bitch, or all three, but why is it that this is what people think of me after I reject them, especially since they were the ones pursuing me? Do they think that the only people who could possibly reject them are people who are fat, ugly, or bitchy? I'm not sure I understand. It makes more sense to me that very pretty, slim, coveted women would reject more guys, seeing as how they would get more offers. This logic makes no sense to the guys. I have a conversation to illustrate.
After a somewhat inane string of chatter, this guy decided to make sure I was hot enough to talk to.
JC: r u cute
JC: i could be wasting my time
SwankiVY2: Ugh, don't ask me that, I'm not into it.
SwankiVY2: Oh my god, that's so rude!
SwankiVY2: You're wasting your time if I don't turn out to be cute?
JC: no its not its a fact of human nature
SwankiVY2: You're wrong about that.
SwankiVY2: So you're basically just looking for chicks to hit on?
JC: not soley
JC: but it does play a part
SwankiVY2: Well, it doesn't matter whether I'm cute or not, because I wouldn't date or mate with you anyway.
SwankiVY2: Regardless of YOUR looks.
JC: you cant say that
SwankiVY2: Because your personality has repulsed me. :)
JC: k
SwankiVY2: Yer really helping your gender get a bad name here fella. . . .
JC: i cant p[lease everyone
SwankiVY2: "It's a fact of human nature, I can't help it if I'm shallow and a total degenerate." Word to the wise: don't try to meet people when yer drunk, kay?
JC: k
JC: later
SwankiVY2: probably NOT later, or ever . . . adios.
Then he sent me an e-mail, after I turned my Instant Messages off to just him.
Subj: the guy you "tried" to dis last night
ive had more girls than youve had breakfast's . (and they are girls that ---im sure-- are 3 times as good as you) i know your ugly as hell anyways. so dont try to make yourself look better than you are because i have seen girls like you before. and 9 times out of ten they are fat chicks who are mad at the world because they cant lose weight so they try to dis as many guys as they can. so dont bother joining the gym because youll still be ugly. ps you are a chicken shit ass because you have to get off line when you meet a person you dont like. you cant handle it, which means your not going to be able to handle it when you get into a relationship, which probably wont happen anyways because your a fat peice of shit who can't get a date. take care and dont forget jenny craig---------------ps your taking up too much space. pss. dont bother reporting me to aol because my 100 free hours are up and i dont plan on renewing. later fat bitch.
Here's my reply e-mail.
ive had more girls than youve had breakfast's .
Relevant? I think not. I don't care how many girls you've had, you were still a jerk to me.
and they are girls that ---im sure-- are 3 times as good as you
You can't say that, considering you don't even know me.
i know your ugly as hell anyways.
You don't know that, partly because you've never seen my picture and partly because it isn't true.
so dont try to make yourself look better than you are
I advise you to take your own advice. You acted like a complete moron, and now you are trying to make yourself feel like you didn't lose anything by comforting yourself into believe I'm ugly and therefore worthless.
i have seen girls like you before. and 9 times out of ten they are fat chicks who are mad at the world because they cant lose weight so they try to dis as many guys as they can.
What does that have to do with me? I don't dis "guys" in general, I only treat people the way they ask to be treated. You treated me with total disrespect, acting as if I was not worth anything unless I was easy on the eyes. Despite the fact that I'm not ugly, this still bothers me because I have a brain.
As an aside, my weight has nothing to do with anything, and you'd be pretty surprised if you saw my picture at this point.
so dont bother joining the gym because youll still be ugly.
Uh-huh. Get over yourself. You really should stop blaming other people and assigning them imaginary faults to make yourself feel better. I treated you like a loser because you acted like a moron. I realized that you probably are acting dumber than usual because you're drunk, which was why in the IM I advised you to not try to meet people when you're drinking, as they'll probably have a bad impression of you.
you are a chicken shit ass because you have to get off line when you meet a person you dont like.
I didn't get offline. I blocked my IMs from you because I didn't want to hear any more of your blathering. I'm online right now, talking to one of my friends who treated me like I was worth something *before* he saw my picture.
you cant handle it, which means your not going to be able to handle it when you get into a relationship, which probably wont happen anyways because your a fat peice of shit who can't get a date.
Here you go again, trying to comfort yourself into thinking that if you put me down, it'll make me "lower" than you are and therefore you come out on top. My relationships are none of your business, nor should you pretend that you have any knowledge of them.
pss. dont bother reporting me to aol because my 100 free hours are up and i dont plan on renewing. later fat bitch.
I wasn't planning on reporting you. I'm not interested in getting you in trouble. I'm more interested in trying to teach you to act like a civilized person.
Cute eh? A few of my Cyber-Scrounging buddies have given me this line as well, most notably Mr. TREX, whose cybersex attempt you can read here. I'd like to note that I was only throwing in any "defenses" about me not being fat because it seemed like he put so much emphasis on my self-worth based on how fat I am, and I thought maybe it would screw up his theory if he realized he wasn't talking to a "fat chick" anyway. In any case, to wrap up, I'd like to say it just amazes me that when THEY get rejected, they see ME as the worthless one. You'd think maybe they'd think, hmm, maybe it's something I did. But instead, what occurs to them is, "DAMN, MUST BE A FAT UGLY BITCH WHO'S MAD AT THE WORLD SINCE SHE NEVER GETS LAID." Oh damn. There's a little flaw there . . . since these guys don't get laid either. Funny how being able to get a date or sex if you want it seems to be this guy's sole measure of my worth. Odd. Oh, well. That's about all I have to say about that.
But if you want to see how much of a loser fat chick I am, feel free to go to my pictures page and send me insulting mails about my appearance.
From: JC
To: Ivy
Comments from others:
zarina: That guy is so gross, I've been through the same thing many times, it really makes chatting a bummer. It's almost tempting to pretend you are a man to avoid being asked your age and weight by 5000 people every 15 seconds.
Candice: This guy's a complete jerk; he's lucky he didn't come across *my* IM screen; I wouldn't have been so nice haha I've had to deal with the same types of guys online. They think that they're God's gift to women, so only fat women would turn down such a great offer *rolls eyes*. I'm with you on this one; nice to see you can keep your composure and still put him in his place haha
Johan BELGIUM: Girl ! I think you're cute !! :-)
Greetings from Brussels (Belgium)
Paul: Hilarious story! Your response is a credit to your personality. Anyone else see the irony in Dianas comment though?
luvyourenemies: well i think that guy was stupid..... almost any guys a gurl meets online only wants to see boobs or ur front butt loOl!!! and i think a guys shud just try and be friends w/out cussing and have some respect 4 gurls!!! JC... he is bad but dont get all mad back at him... wat u said on da e-mail was good and u didnt cuss back or blow up. so ya... LOVE YOUR ENEMIES GUYS!!! and JESUS LOVES YOU ALL!!! no matter HOW bad u are... =) loOl
Dante: I was bored and wandered so to speak until i came to thiw website, i read the convo's and thought it was funny how you were so direct to the drunk weirdos.
It seems they got a lor more than they bargained for and not in they way they were hoping for! it was funny but what i cant understand is why people are giving negative responses.... is it because these people have been humiliated in a similar way??? i don't know but all they are doing in my eyes is proving themselves to be a**holes
Marintha: The really sad thing here... I'm still in high school and this is how the average 16-18 year old guy acts nowadays. I'm not sure if they hit a sudden 'intelligence trip' when they turn 19, but you never know. Don't destroy my hopes, I can pretend. WHY ARE THEY ALL IDIOTS? x.x
D.: SwankiVY2: Yer really helping your gender get a bad name here fella. . . .
How unfortunate that this is true. It's sad to say that people have refused to talk to me on the grounds that I am male because of people like him.