The House That Ivy Built Encyclopedia

Timeline: Book 2

Friday, September 25


Chapter 1

The book opens with Ivy playing basketball with Bill, including some expository material. Bill and Ivy make plans to roller-blade together. Ivy picks Nina up from school and takes her home. It is Nina’s birthday. Ivy goes home and is teased by Bailey, then frees Weaver from one of Bailey’s traps. In the kitchen, Ivy grabs a snack and gets good news from Perry and Keenan about label consideration and book copies (respectively), and then Cecily helps Ivy and Bailey plan the rules of their upcoming “prank war.” Ivy plays chess with Zeke and ends up in a wrestling match with him, and afterwards they go out for ice cream.

Saturday, September 26

Chapter 2

Ivy is told by Adele that she will no longer have to run missions, which makes Ivy try to think of something else to occupy her time. Adele also tells her that Alix has a girlfriend. Ivy goes to North Carolina and roller-blades with Bill. Then she comes back and does the supermarket prank with Bailey, which she wins. While she’s describing her exploits to Cecily, Zeke comes in with Neptune and conversation leads them to do a math experiment to demonstrate Neptune’s abilities, and lack thereof. Ivy is confronted by several people about her inability to do even simple math and her practice of moving her lips when she reads, and they suggest she go to school. She scoffs at them. Bailey returns to the kitchen and announces that there are men out behind the house who want to talk to the person in charge. It’s about the water lines. So much for the stable money situation.

Chapter 3

There is an explanation of how the water pipe situation is handled, told to Weaver by Ivy. It is revealed that money is needed to pay the astronomical bill, and Adele has said she will ponder the problem. Ivy sees that Nina has painted her nails, which reminds her of Shelly. She decides to go visit her. The two discuss the possibility of Ivy’s attending school, and Shelly suggests she take a music course. When she gets home and finds herself bored, she thinks maybe school is a better idea than she’d originally thought. Adele suggests she make a pros and cons list, which she does, and therefore decides to go to school. Zeke teaches her a few basic concepts, then helps her with her “disguise.” Peyton makes her announcement that her parents are coming to visit. Ivy makes arrangements to go to Zoe’s high school, and makes arrangements to prank with Bailey at the fair. Nina does Ivy’s fairgrounds divination, and Ivy gives her her birthday present. Finally, Ivy does her laundry at the lake, gets caught skinny-dipping by Zeke, and flies home to bed.

Sunday, September 27

Chapter 4

Bailey wakes Ivy up and they go to the fair. There is some background information on why Tab, Bailey, and Nina fight a lot, and some information on Bailey. After Bailey figures out where on the “map” she is again, the two get into the fair without paying and look for pranks to play. Ivy does the helium tank prank and the Gravitron prank. She and Bailey have a fight. Bailey does a prank on the Ferris wheel. They ride a roller coaster. They go home, and Ivy goes school-supply shopping and out to Chinese food with Zoe. She comes home and organizes her supplies, then talks to Cecily and Bailey about the prank. Ivy wins again. Nina gives Ivy a birthday present: A beanie hat with a propeller. Then Ivy goes to bed. She feels a little nervous but she tries to dismiss her fears.

Monday, September 28

Chapter 5

Ivy’s first day of school. She meets Mandy, Nicky, and Andrea at lunch and goes through all of her classes, then goes home and falls asleep.

Chapter 6

Ivy wakes up from her nap, does her homework, and sees Alix looking happy in the pool.

Tuesday, September 29

Chapter 7

Ivy’s second day of school. She checks her math homework and exchanges notes with Andy (the guy next to her), and in piano class she practices her scales. At lunch, her friends talk about boys and they have a little discussion, and then Andrea catches Ivy using her energy without meaning to, but she manages to convince Andrea that she was just seeing things. In gym class, Ivy challenges Thomas and gets asked to join the basketball team by the coach, which she refuses to do. Then Ivy goes to the diner with Mandy, Nicky, and Andrea. Andrea sees Ivy using her energy again and is convinced that something is “going on,” and Ivy promises to explain to her as soon as she can think of how to say it. She swears her to secrecy. Ivy goes home and does a prank with Bailey and Cecily on a New York building. Cecily awards them both one point. Ivy wanders around NYC looking for a hot dog stand and ends up encountering Miss Margaret, her long-lost “mother” from long ago. She stays and has a chat with her and acquires some photos of herself as a young child. She goes and sets right what she’d done wrong in her prank and then goes back home.

Chapter 8

Ivy goes to her basketball game. She gets “hit on” by Thomas and makes the other girls around her jealous. She shows Mandy and the others how she can touch the basket, at their insistence. Then she goes home and flies with Weaver, at his insistence, then writes in her journal and goes to sleep.

Wednesday, September 30

Chapter 9

Ivy rushes to school thinking she is late, then finds she has plenty of time and ends up watching the boys play Frisbee. She saves a boy named Jason from falling off the roof, but makes it look as if he caught himself. Ivy shows Andy from math class how she can do gymnastics. Then Thomas gets on her case and demands a rematch, which she refuses. She goes to piano class and helps Janie with her material. Then she gets tested on her piano skills, and in the singing exam Mrs. Parks convinces her she’d be a better singer than a pianist. Then Ivy tells Laura she’ll set up a concert date with Perry. It is announced at lunch that there will be a sleepover at Nicky’s. When Ivy gets home she does a prank with Bailey and ends up wrecking part of the mall by accident. She comes home and Weaver is watching his cheerleaders. Then she changes her clothes and goes to the library, where she finally tells Andrea all about herself. She does her research report (with help typing from Andrea) and writes her journal entry, then goes to bed.

Thursday, October 1

Chapter 10

Chapter opens at the lunch table, giving Ivy instructions on how the sleepover will work. Andrea brings a new girl (Carrie) to the table and story is told that Nicky became part of their group through Andrea’s “adoption” tendencies. Ivy has her first day of chorus class. After school she plays basketball with Bill and gets rained out. Ivy takes Nina home and gets her into her locked house, then Francis comes home and Ivy leaves. She does the hotel prank with Bailey . . . Bailey’s first point. Cecily is concerned about Ivy because of her lack of imagination in the pranks, and she starts saying disgusting things which make Ivy leave the room and do her homework with Zeke. They have a nice chat. Then Ivy goes to bed and is awoken by Bailey, who causes her to break a glass, which in turn causes Ivy to give Bailey a lecture on how dangerous it is to bother her when she is sleeping.

Friday, October 2

Chapter 11

Ivy is almost late to school again. She talks to Laura in economics and shares her music with Andrea at lunch. Then she gets on Nicky’s bus. They stop at the store and have a discussion about their weights, and they buy munchies and watch TV. Then Andrea and Ivy play cards in Nicky’s room while Nicky and Mandy call boys. A movie is watched, and Nicky’s dad comes home with pizza. After the movie, the girls put Nicky’s sisters to bed and retire to Nicky’s room to hang out. Mandy suggests giving Andrea and Ivy makeovers since they don’t wear makeup, and they agree reluctantly. After they finish doing that, they play with the Ouija board, and to get Nicky back for an earlier insult, she plays a prank with the board, making it say that Nicky is a lesbian. Their loudness wakes the twins up, so they have to put them to bed again. As Nicky and Mandy do that, Andrea and Ivy get ready for bed and go to sleep.

Saturday, October 3

Chapter 12

Ivy wakes up with Mandy in the room, unintentionally revealing yet another “secret.” She makes Mandy promise not to tell anyone, and then the four girls eat breakfast and go to the mall. Ivy buys shoes, sunglasses, and a little backpack. She leaves from the mall and goes home, and finds Nina and Tab play-wrestling on the floor, which surprises her. She goes to North Carolina to bike with Bill. After a discouraging adventure with biking, she returns home to rest and makes plans to take Thursday out into the real world for the first time. The chapter ends with Peyton coming in to vacuum the rug.

Sunday, October 4

Chapter 13

Ivy takes Thursday to the mall and they see a movie. Thursday meets a little girl named Katie. Then Ivy comes home and lets Thursday nap on her pillow, and then has a little scuffle with Bailey and ends up unintentionally freaking out Peyton’s parents. Ivy apologizes for that and takes a bath (to get rid of the mud in her hair), and she and Bailey have a chat that settles their argument. They all have dinner, and Ivy ends up having to explain the house situation to Peyton’s parents because Peyton never had the courage to do it herself. Perry comes home that night and signs Doug’s autograph book for Ivy, and he gives her a concert date itinerary. Then Ivy goes to bed.

Monday, October 5

Chapter 14

Zeke returns home from his time in Atlantic City with Neptune and tells Ivy the details over breakfast. Ivy convinces Zeke to let her borrow his tape recorder for school. She is bored by school and just records her lessons, and then in chorus she finds out someone has stolen the chorus room stereo. She goes home to do a prank with Bailey. Ivy screws with the electronics, and Bailey crawls around in a ventilation duct. They explore a clock shop, where Ivy tells Bailey about the clock tower at her school. Bailey talks Ivy into doing a prank in it, but Ivy says she will only do it if Bailey agrees to try school. They make their agreements and go get Bailey a bunch of school stuff, and when they get home the idea of Bailey getting to go to school upsets Tab. They have to calm her down.

Tuesday, October 6

Chapter 15

Ivy gets Bailey registered at school, then goes to her own classes. More of the usual. Ivy gives Doug his autograph book and decides on a concert date with Laura. Then the four girls discuss going to the talent show auditions to watch, which leads into the actual watching. Ivy becomes interested in a magician act and talks to the guy, thinking maybe he has her powers because his levitating act is so good. She accidentally shares her “secret” with him, and he promises to keep it. He says he has a friend named Adam who can bend metal just by thinking about it, which interests Ivy, so the magician gives her his friend’s number. She calls him and asks if she can come over, and then she goes there and the two of them show each other their stuff. Ivy goes home for some food.

Wednesday, October 7

Chapter 16

Bailey and Ivy prank in a New York café. Then Ivy takes a flight over New York and ends up on a building, where she meets Jared. They have a little chat.

Thursday, October 8

Chapter 17

The chapter begins with Ivy sitting in the basketball hoop thinking about her rotten day. She’d been teased by her friends because they think she likes the magician dude Jerry, who Adam had called to talk about her power. She’d also checked out the bell tower in preparation for her prank, and it had made her nervous. She is also pissed because she has lots of homework. Ivy plays basketball with Bill and his friends.

Friday, October 9

Chapter 17 continues with Ivy going to the skating rink with her friends, carrying Thursday in her backpack. Nicky informs Ivy that she has found out that she has no records, since she works in the student services area and routinely snoops. Now each of the girls has a secret about her.

Saturday, October 10

Chapter 17 continues with Ivy at Perry’s concert with Laura.

Sunday, October 11

Chapter 17 continues with Ivy scrambling to do all her homework. She tries unsuccessfully to do her homework without touching the pencil. Cecily buys Ivy an alarm clock.

Monday, October 12

Chapter 17 continues with Ivy breaking her alarm clock when she wakes up temporarily. She is late to school anyway. She is dazed while she’s in school, and she accidentally picks up a pencil without touching it in her classroom. No one sees it but she gets very angry at herself, and somehow figures out the way to block her energy, like tying it in a knot. She tests it in several situations and finds that the block holds no matter what happens, and promptly realizes that she has been using her energy much more than she thought. Thomas’s friend Jack hits on her at her locker, and she tells him off. She starts to feel accepted for the first time ever. Bailey seems to be having social success at school, and this annoys Tab, who has her share of temper tantrums in response to Bailey’s bragging. Nina brings her friend Darlene to the house to play with her and Tab. Ivy meets Darlene while she’s flying outside to go make a storm.

Tuesday, October 13

Chapter 18

Ivy comes home from school sick.

Wednesday, October 14

Chapter 18 continues with Weaver and some others entertaining her and bring her tissues and drinks, since she is still sick.

Thursday, October 15

Chapter 18 continues, and Ivy is still too sick to go to school. Ivy realizes how lucky she is to be telekinetic, since it helps her out a lot while she’s sick. Adele keeps encouraging her to eat since she does not want her to lose weight since she’s already so skinny. She gets a visit from Bailey and Nina and is curious as to why they seem to be getting along. Bailey explains how she and Nina have been cooperating, Nina exercising her new ability to give other people her thoughts, and Bailey learning new places to teleport to.

Friday, October 16

Chapter 18 continues, and Ivy is finally well enough to return to school. She feels extraordinarily muffled because her energy block is on again and she has a stuffed up nose, but she manages. She answers all the questions about where she’s been and completes her school day, then goes home and makes a storm on the ocean. She feels better after that and goes to play basketball with Bill. She locks her energy up for the game and does very well, but hates doing it. She insists on stopping the game and spins around for a while, then talks to Bill about it. Then she flies home in the rain and thinks about how cool it would be to be able to fly between the raindrops, like a sorceress. Ivy thinks having magical powers would be neat.

Saturday, October 17

Chapter 19

Ivy’s weekend is eventful. She and Bailey do a prank at a zoo, which Ivy wins but that is not specified. Then Ivy takes Thursday to the playground and he gets to play with some other kids. Then Ivy gets together with Mandy, Nicky, and Andrea to plan their Halloween costumes. Ivy decides to be an angel because Mandy is being a devil, and to fit into the scheme, Nicky and Andrea decide to incorporate pieces of each costume into their own.

Sunday, October 18

Chapter 19 continues when Ivy goes to Laura’s house.

Monday, October 19 thru Thursday, October 22

Chapter 19 continues . . . this chapter is all about how Ivy spends what little free time she has: With Shelly, with Miss Margaret, and with Adam and Jared. It discusses how Ivy tries to find releases for her energy inside the classroom, which she decides eventually is a rather bad idea, and she learns as a result that there is an art to making wind and waves over her ocean. She realizes during this week that she feels like she has been accepted as a normal person, and this pleases her in a way but disturbs her in many other ways.

Friday, October 23

Chapter 20

Ivy and her friends go to the seashore on a teacher workday. Ivy gets frustrated because it is such a nice day and because of the company of her friends she cannot go flying in the beautiful sky. She tries to forget about it. When they get to the shore they go swimming—Ivy fakes it—and make sandcastles. After the sun goes down, the girls hole up in the biggest bedroom at the beach house, and during their conversation it is revealed that all the other girls have shared what they know about Ivy with each other, even though she’d asked them not to. Basically, this is the chapter where the whole truth comes out, and Ivy finds that her friends are better friends than she thought.

Monday, October 26 thru Friday, October 30

Chapter 21

This is a general chapter covering mostly Ivy’s “new” relationship with her friends, where she is able to be more open, yet they don’t treat her any differently. To celebrate a good grade on an English test, the four go out to a swanky restaurant and get dessert. Also in this chapter, it is revealed that Adele wants Ivy to stay away from Jack and Thomas, for unknown reasons.

Saturday, October 31

Chapter 22

It’s Halloween! Ivy takes Bailey, Nina, and Tab out trick-or-treating with Nicky’s little sisters (Stephanie and Diane) and Mandy’s little sister (Kelly). Ivy ends up foiling a group of boys’ scheme to get her little friends’ bags of candy, but she has to use her energy, which flips them out a little. Finally, when the trick-or-treating is over, Ivy takes her brood home and talks to Tab about what she thought of Halloween.

Monday, November 2

Chapter 23

Ivy does the bell tower prank with Bailey and ends up getting caught.

Chapter 24

The principal and the other administrators believe that Ivy was the one who stole the chorus room stereo, because they think she must have had the keys in order to get into the bell tower. Ivy realizes that Adele’s earlier advice points to Thomas and his friend Jack being the culprits of the stereo theft, and leaves the office to collect evidence on Thomas. She records him admitting his criminal activities and locates the stereo in Jack’s car’s trunk. Thomas spots her tape as she is about to return to the office and tries to destroy it, but Ivy is able to use her energy to prevent the destruction of her evidence. When Ivy plays the tape Thomas is called into the office, but then she realizes she is still in trouble. Thomas knows about her abilities and the administration still has no explanation for how Ivy got into the tower. She ends up having to explain to them, and then she realizes she has no explanation for why she knew Thomas was to blame, why she’d been up there in the first place, et cetera. She decides the situation is beyond help and ends up having an emotional breakdown that accidentally breaks the office window. She flies out of it and goes home.

Chapter 25

Ivy flips out and flies away.

Chapter 26

Ivy decides she can’t go home without figuring out who she is. She accidentally falls into the path of a moving car and ends up stopping the accident she would have caused, and then she retreats as quickly as possible.

Chapter 27

Ivy does some thinking about her situation and becomes angry when she realizes how much she had to “hide” when she was at school. She learns how to calm herself down when she becomes explosively angry, which pleases her, and then she has the good luck to find a broken-down car to sleep in.

Tuesday, November 3

Chapter 28

Ivy wakes up in the car, and the storm is over. She flies over a body of water and gets tangled in a kite, then goes off to eat some apples. Then she finds a barn, where she sings some tunes to herself and explores. Two little girls come running in and get scared by Ivy, and since she feels bad about that Ivy attempts to explain to them that she is not “haunting” their place. She rewards them for their attention with a flight around the barn, at their request. Then Ivy goes off on her own again.

Chapter 29

Ivy goes back to the highway and follows it for a while, eventually coming to a rest-stop kind of town. She gets a glass of water and does some thinking. Someone gives her a bit of money. Ivy goes to a restaurant and gets some hot chocolate, and she does some more thinking.

Wednesday, November 4

Chapter 30

Ivy sits at the side of a pond, pondering the decisions she’s made over the last day or so. She ended up sleeping at the bar of the restaurant and then leaving. She has made several decisions: That she won’t go to school, that she’ll stop bending herself to accommodate others’ expectations, and that she doesn’t need other people to be happy. Nina comes out of the lake, having found her in her searching. She and Ivy talk about Ivy’s decisions and Nina’s acquisition of a new ability, and then Ivy goes home and chats to Nina and Adele about school. Adele says they need a new person at the house, and Ivy decides to go back to school the next day to return her books and say her goodbyes.

Thursday, November 5

Chapter 31

Ivy starts off the day with a conversation with Zeke. He is offended that she wants him to tutor her instead of going to school, and they have a heated argument, where he makes fun of her mercilessly. She tries to ignore it and goes to the school to return her books.

Chapter 32

At school, Ivy returns her books in her first three classes, and she finds out Laura from her economics class has heard weird rumors about her. She tells Laura that they’re true, and then goes about her business. She goes to the chorus room to return her folder and is asked by Mrs. Parks if she will sing in the concert and go to the rehearsals, because the soprano section needs her. She accepts, surprised, and then goes to visit her friends at lunch. She tells them she’s quitting school, and they seem dismayed, but she promises she will visit. Then she leaves the school.

Chapter 33

Ivy goes on her mission to get Miki. She agrees to have a trial visit with Ivy and her “family.”

Chapter 34

Ivy has her late-night chorus rehearsal. She gets annoyed at James, who thinks that it is her fault Thomas was suspended. He threatens her and then later catches her in the woods, at which point she confuses him by telling him she is a goddess of the Earth and teasing him with wind pranks before she flies away.

Chapter 35

It’s Thursday night and Ivy and Weaver are playing over the ocean. They take turns doing tricks and then they have a really great conversation about Ivy’s situations and why she should be thankful for what she’s got.

Friday, November 6

Chapter 36

This chapter opens with Ivy talking to Miki and taking her back to her place. Miki gets acquainted with the crew. Then Ivy goes to North Carolina to talk to Shelly. She meets Justine, her future voice teacher. Then Ivy goes to New York to visit Jared. She decides to bring him home to be their twentieth roommate. Then she gets ready for the chorus concert, with Bailey’s help. She sings in the concert and is amazed by how much she loves it, and she hears funny overtones in the last song. Then she dances to the music of the other class. James gets on her case, trying to prove that the night before she had said she was a goddess. She won’t admit it, and so he threatens another girl, to which Ivy responds by breaking it up. She feels very alienated after that and leaves the wings, ending up in the hall talking to Sarah. She refuses to go back inside with Sarah and ends up telling her about herself. Sarah doesn’t seem to mind and the two have a good chat backstage. Then Ivy finds that many of her housemates have come to see her in the concert. So have Mandy, Nicky, and Andrea. They all go out to ice cream, and then the book ends with Ivy’s journal entry about how to make vanilla ice cream interesting.

Book 1 Timeline Book 2 Timeline Book 3 Timeline Book 4 Timeline

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