Categories: Religious Ignorance * Sexism
Name: des
I "found" you through your alt-codes page. Thanks for that!
I was fascinated by your page. Veddy eenteresting! I couldn't stop. You unique approach to life is quite jarring.
Nice job on the site. Very well done.
I did find it curious that your fear was being lost.
Did you know that Jesus said to His diciples, in Matthew 10: 5 & 6, to "go to the lost?"
You know the old chorus, "Amazing Grace." The last line is, "I once was lost, but now I'm found."
I've been lost and I've been found -- and FOUND is better!
Thanks for the great entertainment on your page. I'll be back!
[Deciding to be diplomatic, I answered him rather kindly.]
I "found" you through your alt-codes page. Thanks for that!
You're welcome!
I was fascinated by your page. Veddy eenteresting! I couldn't stop. You unique approach to life is quite jarring.
Jarring? sounds like it could be good or bad.
I did find it curious that your fear was being lost.
I have a bad sense for directions, mostly because I don't drive, so I have not developed a good sense of where things are even in towns where I've lived for more than four years. I still wouldn't really be able to get from my current hometown to my parents' house and it's been five years.
Did you know that Jesus said to His diciples, in Matthew 10: 5 & 6, to "go to the lost?"
I'm sure that's one of the many things in that particular religious book that I don't have memorized.
There's probably plenty of other key words on my page that people could pick out and slap with verses from many different philosophies and religions. Large websites and religious books have such things in their natures.
I've been lost and I've been found -- and FOUND is better!
I got lost on the beach when I was six, with my sister. It was nice when Mommy found us.
[Des was actually rather friendly in response to this, but there was plenty of fun condescension involved until I gave up. He noticed I was using an AOL address and told me to "step up to a REAL browser" (wait, AOL is a "browser"?), and he tried to "compliment" me with "You definitely ARE one independent lady. But I like you, anyway." 'Kay.]
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