Conversation with Carla

Categories: Authoritative Condescension * Religious Ignorance

[So I got this e-mail and check out the subject line. Not at all arrogant, eh? I didn't know it at the time until later in this exchange, but this girl was responding to A SHORT STORY I WROTE, assuming the fictional character in the story who tries to bargain with God was the person she was writing to.]

To: Ivy
From: Carla
Subject: consider this a act from God

I was here at my computer and typed in my computer “ I need you God’ and I was drawn to your page. I must admit I was taken by what you wrote. Being one of God’s children and all. I first want to tell you that God loves you in spite of yourself. After reading your letter I must tell you it is dangerous to tempt God. God does listen to all of us and one day when you are a bit maturer he will approach you and bring to your remembrance this letter.

Trust me you are a lot immature and one day when all this makes sense to you, you are going to have to repent and ask God for forgivness. Having said all this I will tell you I use to be as frustrated when I was in highschool just as you and guess what one day I grew up and found out for myself who God really was. One thing you could do to get to know him is have a personal relationship with him that you are building up over time. When God listens this does not mean he will respond right away, sometimes he listens, just listens.

He is getting to really know us as we are getting to know us, like really know us. I can tell you this….. God has a plan for your life. And if you surrender yourself to him and build this relationship with him , how do you do that? By first admitting to God that you are a sinner, and then believing that his son Jesus came here and was crucified, died and was raised from the dead and still lives today, then acknowledge that you need him, repent and ask him to come into your life and you will make him your Lord and savior. Once you do this you are born again…… read in the bible John 10:10 ; John 14:6. These will be helpful to you. Now that you have done these things, start an active prayer life, not about praying for stuff and things but honestly praying about your concerns, problems, and thanking him for all that he has done, he did wake you up this morning you know ( smile).

Now that you have done all that , next find you a bible believing church where you can go and worship. The bible states not to forget to assemble ourselves one to another in fellowship. It sounds like you may be a great candidate for a special kind of church. There is a new movement of the way we do church on this planet that I think will be so helpful to you in your new walk. It is called the “ Purpose Driven” movement. It is all about God just the way the church worship and structure is is somewhat different. ( you can wear jeans and all) whew!

I think this will be great for you check out their website : If you contact them they can give you the name of a purpose driven church in your area. Oh! Don’t forget to share your faith with your parents and friends it will be rewarding for you and them!

I wanted to send you this e-mail on behalf of God, and tell you that he still is on the throne, he loves you deeply, he gave up his only son for you and I so we may one day join him again in eternity!

Brother, get to know God, I have and I know without doubt he is real.

Don’t temp God, by saying stuff like make it lighten or so forth, just believe and build ( relation) and let God reveal himself to you in his awesome way.

God Bless you, and take care

Carla [last name redacted]

To: Carla
From: Ivy

I was here at my computer and typed in my computer “ I need you God’ and I was drawn to your page. I must admit I was taken by what you wrote. Being one of God’s children and all.

I have written a lot, so it'd be nice if you told me what it was you read. You seem to be responding to something, and for all I know it's something fictional I wrote.

I first want to tell you that God loves you in spite of yourself.

How kind of you to speak for God.

God does listen to all of us and one day when you are a bit maturer he will approach you and bring to your remembrance this letter.

When I'm "a bit maturer"? I suppose I need to be in agreement with you on religion before I can be thought mature by you? No thanks, I don't need that kind of judgment.

Trust me you are a lot immature and one day when all this makes sense to you, you are going to have to repent and ask God for forgivness. Having said all this I will tell you I use to be as frustrated when I was in highschool just as you

I'm not in high school. I'm twenty-seven years old. I really don't know what in the world you think you know about me, but obviously it's not much.

guess what one day I grew up and found out for myself who God really was. One thing you could do to get to know him is have a personal relationship with him that you are building up over time. When God listens this does not mean he will respond right away, sometimes he listens, just listens.

I have plenty of understanding of the nature of God, but I'll keep that to myself instead of telling everyone else what I think they need to believe. I don't mind sharing my beliefs, but I don't do it unsolicited and I certainly don't try to act like my opinion is some kind of wake-up call. I find it offensive that you just assume I don't know anything about my own relationship with God and you're the one to correct my path . . . sorry, but obviously you don't even know who you're talking to, so how can I expect you to give me any applicable advice?

God has a plan for your life. And if you surrender yourself to him and build this relationship with him , how do you do that? By first admitting to God that you are a sinner

I wonder if you think you're the first person to tell me all this stuff? I've heard your schtick before and I've thought about it along with every other legitimate and whackjob take on religion. And I've come to my own conclusions that don't have anything to do with your snap judgments and premature assumptions--I'm able to take what wisdom there is in your religion and apply it to my life in whatever capacity I can without you condescending and trying to explain life to me. I'm doing fine, so thank you but no thank you.

I don't appreciate your unsolicited e-mail telling me what I need to do with my life. I don't need an outline for how to live any more than you probably would like me to give you a spellcasting manual or some other religion's bible or something. If you have no idea how it comes across, maybe it'd be nice if you knew this: It comes across as a snotty, holier-than-thou correction letter from someone who thinks they're superior, and I have to say I don't much appreciate it. I'm not going to consider your hokey, run-of-the-mill letter an "act of God," thank you very much, and in your future dealings with people who believe differently than you I highly recommend that you learn some freakin' manners.


To: Ivy
From: Carla
Subject: sorry that you received my e-mail as negative

I recieved your e-mail and if I was a part of this world I might find it offensive. BUT I am not apart of this world I just live here. If you find my letter to you offensive PLEASE forgive me. I only responded to a letter I came across and thought it was a student of some sort confused. why? because it read something about " will God help me win some football games, and help me with courage to ask some girl to the school dance.

With this in mind I thought it will be helpful, if I only guide someone that SEEMS obviously lost to some kind of PEACE. whether you believe in what I believe is irrevelent! I only ask you that when the day come when you meet God face to face what will you say? I DID not and AM not standing in judgment of you at all about anything you believe or don't believe.

Why? because I use to feel sort of the same way, until my encounter with { HIM }

I thank you for your advice about really keeping my opinion to myself but no thanks! When God has done what he has done in my life I can't keep my mouth close! no matter how hard I try.

I am glad to hear you are of mature age, and is glad that you responded to my e-mail. I am sorry that you received it in any other way than it was written " In Love". I wont bother you again with my e-mails but I just wanted you to know my position on things and what I thought when I wrote it. I think you mentioned something as to my race that may not have been so nice, but I wanted you to know that is irrevelent, we all are God's children, whether you believe it or not. { nice book to read: The Purpose Driven Life, By Rick Warren} or better yet { Conversations with God, By Neal Donald walsch Book 1 }

I know you probably heard all this stuff before as you mentioned, and I am sure you have your reasons for what you believe and what you accept as we ALL do...........I respect that....
I dont have to agree with it, but I respect it....

Again, I apologize for the e-mail and I pray that peace will prevail in all of our lives.......

Be Blessed

[Yeah, I'm as shocked as you presumably are, reader, at the suggestion that I SAID NOT-NICE THINGS ABOUT WHATEVER RACE SHE IS.]

To: Carla
From: Ivy

If you find my letter to you offensive PLEASE forgive me.

I forgive you. I understand that you feel you were trying to help me, and that you know you wrote it "in love." I understand your point of view. But what you probably need to understand is that how you mean your words and how they come across are two different things.

I got from you an e-mail that gave me a lecture about "tempting God" and then a detailed explanation of what I need to do in what order so that I can lead a good life. I guess you don't understand how that looks to someone who doesn't believe as you do.

Here is how your e-mail came across to me, paraphrased: "I read your page. Look, you are obviously immature. When you're ready, you'll see THIS is the way. And when you see that I am right about you (even though I've never met you), you need to read this Bible verse, go to this particular type of religious service, and then be sure and tell all your friends and family. Congratulations on your new way of life!" Can you understand why that looks really offensive? When someone you don't know sends you an e-mail informing you that your ways are wrong and gives you instructions on how and in what order to change? Wouldn't you think that person was being a bit cheeky, going just a tad over the line?

I only responded to a letter I came across and thought it was a student of some sort confused. why? because it read something about " will God help me win some football games, and help me with courage to ask some girl to the school dance.

I'm a writer and that was a work of fiction. And it sounds like you didn't even read the whole thing before you commented on it assuming that it summed up my beliefs--I could be wrong, but the conclusion of it shows what the character Jamie has realized about God and I don't think it's something you'd disagree with.

With this in mind I thought it will be helpful, if I only guide someone that SEEMS obviously lost to some kind of PEACE.

So you thought Jamie in the story was me, and decided to send me a letter you believed would help me. I understand your confusion, but I still don't understand why you were so quick to respond that you didn't notice it was a story. The "Mail Me" link is under stuff like "read reviews for this story" and "back to the short story page" and stuff. I don't necessarily expect everyone to notice these things, but I would expect it of someone who thought it was a good idea to e-mail me about how to change my life.

whether you believe in what I believe is irrevelent! I only ask you that when the day come when you meet God face to face what will you say?

We all have different interpretations of what God's role is in our lives, and I believe I'm face to face with God every day--not in judgment that will end in a sentence to paradise or eternal torture, but in a rather unique relationship of love that all life has for itself. From this point of view I find it difficult to fear meeting God face to face with no answer for supposed sins.

I thank you for your advice about really keeping my opinion to myself but no thanks! When God has done what he has done in my life I can't keep my mouth close! no matter how hard I try.

It's nice that you want to share the good that has happened to you. It's only natural if you're a good person to want others to be happy, and I share that with you. But I think it'd be a really good idea if you figured out how to share your faith and your personal path to peace without royally pissing off the person you're talking to. Your message doesn't get through if you make your subject dislike you because of your approach before they even hear your message. So it'd be a good idea not to send e-mails that point out another person's spiritual immaturity as an obvious sign that they need God in *this* package, and proceeding to arrange ordering and delivery of the box before the subject reads the catalog if you know what I mean. (If you don't, I can try to be more specific.)

I think you mentioned something as to my race that may not have been so nice, but I wanted you to know that is irrevelent, we all are God's children, whether you believe it or not.

This I TOTALLY do not understand. How would I know what race you are when we are e-mailing? And where in my e-mail did you get the impression that I said anything about race? I'd really like to know that because that's really the only part of this e-mail that made me go "Um, WHAT???" I doubt you know what "race" I am either, except for human. . . .

nice book to read: The Purpose Driven Life, By Rick Warren} or better yet { Conversations with God, By Neal Donald walsch Book 1

I've read Conversations with God. It was a good, non-judgmental read and I think he did a good job sharing his idea of God with all of us. I have not read The Purpose-Driven Life. I have on occasion read Christian literature because I am not close-minded and I like to know what people believe in their own words, but though I am willing to listen to anyone who approaches me politely I have never been part of the Christian faith.

I hope this e-mail can help you in future dealings with the folks with whom you'd like to share your ideas. I don't know how long you've been trying to share your faith but it can be very difficult at times if you encounter people who don't like your attitude. As I said before, the delivery can really color the message, and you're going to have to be careful of not wrapping your gift of love under tissue paper of dogma and inside a box of self-righteousness. No heart will open to that.


To: Ivy
From: Carla

Thank you for forgiving me for the first e-mail. you had a lot of valid points, your right, maybe it is not the gift but the wrapping of the package that makes the difference. either way I felt lead to e-mail you. I read the entire ( story) that you published online, and I felt lead to respond. why? I have no idea YET. All I know is......I read what appeared to be a young man suffering out of the realm of peace, and what you percieved as " righteousness dogma" or judgment & condemnation" in my mind was and is according to the bible as " the pathway to salvation" the scriptures support what I said and shared.

I am glad you told me how you percieved it, so next time I will pray first and take another approach, not changing the message, but the method! thank you for sharing that!!!! I also wrote in my last e-mail something about race because I'm not sure it was a flip of the wrong key on your keyboard but it ended with some thing to the nature of " honkey". This is why I brought it up in the last e-mail.

If you percieved it in a negative way, I apologize. when I read your first e-mail you seemed really " Hot". I can see why now.... I thought this was a " child" I was talking too, and being an adult I approached it as an adult talking to a child?!? that is what I meant when I said " when you get maturer" I'm talking abour all grown up....

I'm glad you read conversations with God, AWESOME book, it helped me get a better perception and idea about God. As for " The Purpose Driven Life" this book changed my life this is why I brought it up.... it has sold over 8 million copies, Rick Warren the Author is awesome in letting God use him for such a work. I know the author ...he is a friend...

I guess I just wanted you to know I'm not this monster you thought I was. also, when I first e-mailed you I told you I came across your story by Typing "God I need you" in my search engine. This is when I came across your letter. I don't know what I was thinking would happen but your letter appeared...... was it by accident I don't know? but I do know that some of the stuff that was in it to be honest was me when I was about sixteen or so! for example I use to talk to God and say things like " God if you were here make something move around me" and so forth! I didn't curse, but the letter reminded me of how I use to tempt God. that was a big reason too why I responded!!!! it brought something up about my childhood, and I honestly thought I was helping..

When I typed " God I need you" I was going through a trying time. I had not planned to tell you but I will...... I am a 32 year old Pastor! Pretty funny huh?! ( smile Please!) My ministy is in the middle of a 4.9 million dollar building project, and things are not going good right now.... my heart was heavy when I came across your letter.....

I guess God was showing me in your responses that I need to go back to the basic when talking to people about my faith. I guess he was showing me through your e-mail I have gotten so wrapped up in the project I have forgotten how to approach people to share my faith for the very project that I am believing him for!( winning souls and populating heaven) our meeting was no accident!!!!

I will tell you this..... from the depth of my heart THANK YOU, instead of me helping this child I thought I was helping , you REALLY HELPED ME!!! God has a funny way of doing things you know.?

Your emails have taught me so much! again,thank you and BE BLESSED!

To: Carla
From: Ivy

your right, maybe it is not the gift but the wrapping of the package that makes the difference.

Yes, it's definitely true that initial perceptions are important. Like in one of your earlier e-mails, you mentioned that the church you like allows you to wear jeans. Maybe that is attractive to some people who would otherwise think "I can't go to church, it's too formal." So even though church is not about jeans, letting people wear what they want is part of the attractive packaging. It's important when you're trying to get a message across to a certain audience.

You said this:

I read what appeared to be a young man suffering out of the realm of peace, and what you percieved as " righteousness dogma" or judgment & condemnation" in my mind was and is according to the bible as " the pathway to salvation" the scriptures support what I said and shared.

I think what made it sound like dogma and judgment was that parts of it read like a form letter. Here I was opening a mail that told me how I am supposed to worship God, and then it went on from there to say "now that you have done that," as if I would have immediately taken the advice without question or comment.

It went from telling me I was immature and in need of spiritual guidance to giving me the guidance in suggested Bible verses, followed by "now that you've done that, start going to church" and "now that you've done THAT, tell all your friends and family!" That looks pretty judgmental from the outside, and very dogmatic from the point of view of someone who doesn't believe the way you do.

I am glad you told me how you percieved it, so next time I will pray first and take another approach, not changing the message, but the method! thank you for sharing that!!!!

I am glad. That is exactly what I wanted to get across to you.

also wrote in my last e-mail something about race because I'm not sure it was a flip of the wrong key on your keyboard but it ended with some thing to the nature of " honkey".

I'm not trying to be rude but I think in the future it's important you read more carefully. I never said "honkey." The word I used is "hokey," which if you don't know has nothing to do with anyone's race. It means "corny" or something close to it--that's how I perceived the canned suggestions that your first e-mail was full of.

Because of your misreading that one word, I got a short lecture from you about how I shouldn't judge people based on race when we're all God's children, so imagine my confusion when I certainly knew there was no prejudice of any kind in my heart. . . . Okay, not to mention that we can't tell what race anyone is on the computer. . . .

Maybe context and reading comprehension aren't your strong suits, but now that's the second time a misunderstanding has arisen from a misinterpretation of my words (the first time being my "Dear God" story not being read as a story even though it said it was a story on the same page). These sorts of things are very easily avoided with just a little extra time and effort, but that's not really my business to lecture you--I just wanted to show you how it got us into trouble twice already, so it must be important.

when I read your first e-mail you seemed really " Hot". I can see why now.... I thought this was a " child" I was talking too, and being an adult I approached it as an adult talking to a child?!?

Yes, that's about right--I was pretty annoyed that someone was trying to tell me what to do when I've certainly heard enough of this in my life to have chosen my own path, on which I continue to walk and grow. . . .

As for " The Purpose Driven Life" this book changed my life this is why I brought it up.... it has sold over 8 million copies, Rick Warren the Author

Don't worry, I'm familiar with it. I work in a bookstore and it's very popular.

I do know that some of the stuff that was in it to be honest was me when I was about sixteen or so! for example I use to talk to God and say things like " God if you were here make something move around me" and so forth!

That's interesting. I have written many stories that are not at all autobiographical, but some people have thought they were based on my life. I love to write about characters and try to make them seem real, even if I have not had their real experiences. It's nice to know there are people who resonate with the characters enough to feel they are real people. I must be doing something right.

I am a 32 year old Pastor! Pretty funny huh?! ( smile Please!) My ministy is in the middle of a 4.9 million dollar building project, and things are not going good right now....

Sorry to hear you're going through tough times--good luck.

I guess God was showing me in your responses that I need to go back to the basic when talking to people about my faith. I guess he was showing me through your e-mail I have gotten so wrapped up in the project I have forgotten how to approach people to share my faith for the very project that I am believing him for!

Some people believe there are no accidents or coincidences, so see this however you choose. I might offer you this advice in matters of discussing faith, though. First off, people you talk to outside of church settings--people who might have no beliefs or conflicting beliefs--are very different in their mindsets from people who come to church at least partially open-minded for your concepts. People who come to a church already believe somewhat that yours is the path they want, maybe because their families or friends believe. But someone like me, or someone off the street--they hear you telling them to read a Bible verse and they don't think "oh, this will soothe my spirit." They think "Oh, it's a religious nut! Run away!" It's not right for people to think like that, but if you want to approach them and get through to them, you have to understand that "it's in the Bible" is not a good enough reason for people to believe if they don't already believe that the words in the Bible are automatically true.

You'll have to show them by relating their issues with solutions you believe will be found in understanding God your way--and sure, back it up with whatever you want after they've got their attention, but please understand that if someone perceives that nothing they say will be accepted by you, they won't want to listen to you either.

"Two people cannot have a discussion if each closes their ears when the other's mouth opens."


"Humans assume God is as judgmental as they are."

You don't want people to see you like that, I'm sure.

I wish you luck with your future purpose and with your building project.


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