This poem is a collective work, created by me and my sister Patricia, Mia, Molly, and Alex.

*my verse*
The dark, yet enlightened alleyway.
Disciples of Evie surround me.
Evie says to me: "What are you?"
I do not feel that this deserves an answer.
Evie's loyal minions ask if I am Christian
Or if I am Satanic, Jewish, Hindu...
How can I explain that I am simply

I am at school.
I look down at my feet.
A candy wrapper is beside my right foot.
I am made of cheese.
A very cross Mr. Flibble catches my eye.
I am wearing blue earmuffs.
I am made of cheese.

*Molly's verse*
My stupid landlord
he be dead
I shot him in he head.
His blood was green and slimy.
Can I say jizz?

*Mia's verse*
I got a rat
he be so fat
I keep him away from my cat
he bit mah landlord on he butt
cuz mah landlord call me a slut
The landlord dead
I bite he head

*my verse*
Pudgy bunny at 4 a.m.
"Daughter," said Kennedy. "I'm proud of you."
Would you like some pasta?

*Alex's verse*
I got a rat with big nuts
If you let him he crawls on butts.
He eats lots of food and gets real fat
If he had wings he might be a fat bat.
He sleeps all day and pees on my bed.
He likes to be scratched on his head.
I like him a lot, and he is real cool.
and he has big nuts, they aren't hemmorroids.

*Patricia's verse*
Mah landlord make me pay mah rent
Ah tell him ah don't have a cent
Ah will kill mah landlord
and move to Compton.
Can I say muff?

*Molly's verse*
I'm not wearing pants.
I go to work to get some dough
My manager ain't got no fro
So I put him in the meat locker.
The trailer park glitters like so many gold lamé jumpsuits through the smoky night air.

*Alex's verse*
I went to a store to buy a pair of shiny red leather pants studded with sparkling gold lightning bolts and blinking lights on the butt. And they kicked my ass out of there.
