The House That Ivy Built Book 2

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Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3

Advisory: Some excerpts contain foul language. Violence-wise and sexual-content-wise, it's clean.

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Note: Because this is a sequel, a lot has happened with these characters by the time this book starts. In the name of not having to explain a whole lot of Book 1 plot points in order for the first three chapters to make the most sense (and to avoid the vast majority of spoilers!), I've instead chosen three excerpts that are less connected with the story continuity.

History: The House That Ivy Built: Book 2 was written during my first year of college. At first I resisted writing it because I thought having a novel in progress would be too distracting while I was trying to pass my classes, but it wouldn't leave me alone. This book is very long and was the first novel for which I composed some of its first draft while typing instead of writing longhand.

About THTIB 2: The second book in my series continues the life of my main character Ivy. This book continues to build on her relationship with Nina from the first book and a new girl named Bailey, also from the first book. Bailey and Ivy both appreciate the same things, including playing pranks, and each imagines herself to be superior in the "art," so they begin to have a "Prank War" to determine the victor. Ivy's playful, mischievous nature contrasts with her new desire to be accepted in the outside world, where she has begun to attend school. This book is filled with Ivy's many issues about who she is, since she has to lie all the time to avoid attention at school. She makes some good friends and sees what it's like to be "one of the girls," and entrusts some of her friends with some very big secrets. Finally, Ivy has to make a decision about who she really is, and act on it.

More to see:

The complete THTIB page
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Acknowledgments: The credits for folks who have contributed editing and advice
Character Sketches
Fan Art
Negative One: The webcomic (distant history of THTIB)

If you enjoyed this and want to see more of the Ivy stuff I wrote in college, be sure and check out the "college years" section of my writing page.

If you're curious about my current skills in the long fiction department, check out the novels in my "current projects" section.