Double Vision

Excerpt 1

[The setup: Cristabel and Ben spent Chapter 1 being driven to Miami and wondering what was going on. All they know now is that their mom is delighted to be sending them to boarding school and they have to pack.]

       O.K. I am very confused now. First my mom pops us into a car, then we show up at a research center, then our mother signs us up for school there. Either we're going to learn to be scientests or else they're going to study us.

       What's wierd is, there is nothing abnormal about me or Ben, unless you count that he's a walking scumbag. But I guess all brothers are scumbags, especially at the age of thirteen.

       So what's to study? Maybe we are going to the looney bin after all!

       She says it'll be like college, because we'll have a dorm. They have lots of dorms there, but Ben and I have to share one. I hope it has twin beds and a brick wall down the middle of the room.

       I'm just kidding, though. I'm glad I'll have someone to share with in a strange new place.

       I now must decide what to pack. It's a big deal, you know? It's not like I'm spending the night at a friend's house or anything. To tell you the truth, niether of us know how long we'll be there, and if Mom knows, she won't tell us.

       I am packing some hair supplies, makeup, some CD's, my CD player (portable, of course), Some romance and mystery novels, the Monopoly game, and a drawing pad with charcoals and colored pencils.

       My mom is handling the clothes and "necessities".

       I'm going to see what Ben packed. Ha! He did pack his Playboys! I knew it.

       Now I'm going to call my friends and tell them.

       Brrring . . . . Brrrring . . . . Brr . . . "Hello?"

       "Hi is Jessie there?"


       "Could you tell her to call me?"


       "It's . . . . " CLICK. Great. Jessie's brother hung up without asking even who it was! I called my friends and they all thought it was a drag. They all wanted to know when we'd be back. We didn't know, of course. No one tells us anything.

[Notes on this: 1. Why does Cristabel talk to the audience so much? 2. When I wrote "She says it'll be like college," I meant their mom. 3. I'm aware that "scientest," "wierd," and "niether" are misspellings.]

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