swankivy: ::applause:: Well said! We're obviously idiots!
Sardonyx: NUD....how can anyone possibly take you seriously when you can't even spell "realize", "written", or "here"? And I suppose you thought you were being intimidating by typing all in capitals. OMGRUNAWAY ITS THE BIG SCARY TABLOiDWORDS AHHHHHHH!!!!1111 Pitiful. As for Eragon being the "BEST BOOK EVER WRITEN"....once you've read every book in the world, and I mean every one, then you can judge which one is the best ever. There's no original ideas left? Is it just that you're too narrow to think of any or have only read ten books in your life? The Age of Copying is to begin....the Apocalypse is among us....the Chosen One will rise up and obtain the mystic ring of Ardwen, wielding the sword of Shanana, and bring the goodies back to power....repetition....reptition....death by boredom....eugggh.
Lee: This was very nicely done but the book isnt that bad. It is just a cut and past of many other novels which does make it a bit predictable. In my opinion I found it a good read becasue of the attention to detail in the explinations of the settings. I dont care if that seems weird i like to belive the settings not just read them.
AzzaDee98: FARK ME THATS LONG. nice going
Amy: vI actually love the Eragon book, but I guess i agree with you...
margogo!*$!~: haha amanda. not funny. o and by da way, It iS wAY ToO LOnG!!!
swankivy: Let it be known that I have no idea what this all means.
sook: Although i just finished reading the book a few days ago, I do agree with what ivy had to say regarding some of the things that I did observe myself, for instance, the lack of surprise (you can practically see through it, and see where the damsel in distress comes into play just so that eragon has something better to do with his time)
Also, another thing that strikes me as strange is the very..perfect timing of the appearance of characters, just JUST when eragon is in distress/trouble.
First case: the timely death of Garrow and the oh-so-nice timing of Brom suddenly taking his hand and leading him away just so that he knows what's happening. In ordinary circumstances, the likelihood of this happening is practically nil. He should be left to suffer properly in abit (pardon the brutality) but if you're going to mature in thinking, this method is rather...safe, in my opinion, since he's already guarded and guided by Brom.
Second case: I also refer to the death of Brom, and the nearly immediate appearance of Murtagh. The timing was just so coincidental, I would have thought that eragon would be given more time to dwell over it, or whatever you want to think might have happened. At least some breathing space from an informative authority, always directing him where to go and what to do. Give the boy some space, dude! XP
Despite this though, I still like the book because it doesn't make me think and still allows me to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I like books that make me think, but I believe in having a mix. No good in having all thinking books if I need some time off from brainwork now is there XP
LoTR was in a different league from this one, since it had more rich details that were useful and that didn't come in at the wrong time. Ah, here's where I agree with Ivy's 'he's describing the dressing table and stuff which doesn't even matter while he's putting on his shoes' or something to that extent =P I've had opinions saying LoTR was childish and stuff, but hey, I don't want to stray from the focus of the topic.
Oh, and I think the "True Name" idea comes from Ursula Leguin's 'A Wizard of Earthsea', which in my opinion is of higher standing than this, since there is proper character development. XP And definitely a more matured youngster.
Question: When do you ever see matured teenage guys? Oh, there sure are, but they are a minority. I'm guessing eragon isn't one of them.
Just my two cents. ^__^
bill kong: i hate you you evil poopoo head!!!!!
swankivy: Ooh, scathing. I'm almost tempted to try to mail ol' bill at his "poop.com" and tell him how great a defense of the book he proposed! His opinion is obviously well-thought-out and mature. Nice fans, Chris.
Eva: I personally have never watched star wars and am not familiar with it, but my friend just finished reading Eragon and this is exactly what she said... "OMG, you were right, Paolini did steal almost every concept from LOTR and Star Wars! [she explains using book references] I am willing to bet every penny that Morzan is Eragon's father also. By this rate i will know everything that happens in the third book!" is she right, or is she right? also, anyone that wants to e-mail me can, because i would really like a second veiw on my novel! thanks!
Seratha: Wow, your an ass. You don't like the book so this is what you say "omfgthisbooksuxkkthxbye" What is your problem? I thought this was an excellent book, and if you don't like it fine, I won't try and change your mind; However, you go to this and make an essay on how much you despise the book. That's just low and stupid. AND! You make a Hatepage...you have some serious problems. But back to the topic. This is a fantsy novel, I have no idea why your making such a big deal over it. I'm just sending this comment to just show what a complete ass you are. Hey, how about next, you do this for Harry Potter! Yeah, makes thousands of people hate you just because YOU suck at writing so YOU have to critize others writing and so YOU can look like a complete ass to the entire world. You stupidity in making this site is only exceeded by your crappy comments and most likely, crappy writing. Thank you, and have a nice day.
[You know you want to read my response here.]