Inheritance Cycle Essay Comments 171 through 180

Dave the Gnome: Worse book I didn't read since Rich Dad Poor Dad. The essay is very funny and true. That whole Elven Princess thing, smells of juvenile infatuation.

Tenchu: I might just be a little paranoid here, but it seems that Eragon "borrows" from other works of fiction as well.

1) Islanzadi: Imzadi? from Star Trek?

2) Islanzadi, is also the Widow of an Elf King named Evandar?

Closely similar to another Elf Widow Queen from Raymond E. Feist, who rules an Elf Forest called Elvandar, this much more interesting author also has a race of beings called the "Dragon Lords" who of course wield magic and fly around on top of talking Dragons. In a book called Silverthorn, there is a case of a Princess being poisoned, and the hero must of course go on a quest to find the antidote.

David Adams: I totally agree with everything you say. But I do find Eragon to only be somewhat entertaining. I think his writing is improving just a bit. But seriously, I hope he learns from these novels, and tries to improve. Everyone needs room for improvement. Paolini does and so do I as a writer. I believe he should of waited to get his books published then rush it out because the popularity of his books is telling children that they too can write books too, if they write something non creative. I hope Eragon does the opposite and tell children to not write for the money, but for the enjoyment of creating art. I really liked your essay, I too felt like going though and fixing all Paolini's atrocious grammar. But I am human, and am hoping that Paolini learns from his mistakes and continues to improve his craft, for I believe he can write, but that he needs more creative ideas and should have waited till he has mastered the art more.

Wallace Ethan Smith: Thank you for writing an essay that finally makes sense. I have read the first two books and was cringing all the way through them. I'm glad I found someone who agrees with my negative opinion of the Inheritance Trilogy

Stephen: I find your view about the beauty of language almost offensive as one of the few people who loves to write prose but not poetry. Just because you have a story to tell doesn't mean it should take a backseat to ANYTHING. Character development, plot continuity, or solid narration should, in no way, be sacrificed for eloquence, but it shouldn't go the other way around. Just because you focus more than usual on the way the words come together doesn't mean you're narrating badly or telling the story on a sub-par level. Poetic prose is awesome. I focus on diction and the arrangement of my words as much as how the story is unfolding when I'm writing something.

However, I understand that its frustrating to see someone be sloppy and flacid in their storytelling at the same time as they're trying to seem like a literature professor at an Ivy League school. Verbosity, wordiness, and lack of concision are all problems for the amateur writer like Paolini. It might seem inticing to abandon poetic writing in prose altogether and simply focus on being succinct and telling a solid story, but I assure you the two can be reconciled.

By the by, I absolutely agree with your other points about Paolini. Terrible, terrible writin in these two books. And as someone who doesn't make the elementary mistakes Paolini does, I find myself inappropriately frustrated at his success. And to see distinguished fantasy writers praise such drek! Ugh! Just makes me want to stab myself in the eyes with a dull pencil.

swankivy: Since Stephen above misinterpreted my words, I'll clarify here: I believe that adjectives and metaphors and similes and five-syllable words should NOT be jumping up and down trying to get noticed for themselves in a novel atmosphere. Poetic or not, the words that are chosen have a job to do, and you can choose the flavor but you can't ignore that their job is to nourish. It was not my intention to make people think writers should deliberately be less poetic in novels than they are in poetry. Point is, people like Paolini have multiple words per paragraph that jump out decked in neon lights screaming "LOOK, I'm BEAUTIFUL!" No you're not. You're tacky. Get back in the Christmas tree and THEN you'll be part of something beautiful, honey.

Hohnoroa: GOD BLESS YOU. (atheist or not) I've been fighting these battles myself (much less convincingly, though). I noticed Paolini whined about the way he had to edit his work, and how it was like "white hot needles through my tender eyeballs," or something to that effect, and I'm pretty sure that's why Eldest shows fewer signs of editing.

Oh--and I'm absolutely positive that "needs must" is a backwards rendition of "must needs," which was something the knights say a lot in David Eddings' Belgariad and Mallorean, both of which Paolini lists as favorites. Eragon's shiny palm is also stolen from there, unfortunately. I hate that little prick author so damned much.

Kristen: I absolutely agree with your view on Eldest. Not to metion the fact that I got so pissed off that CP more or less romanticized war. No one died in that freakin battle. Aren't people supposed to - I dunno - die in a war? Okay, I'll stop before I go off on a complete rant.

Holly: I tip my hat off to you, awesome person! This is one of the best Eldest essays I have read so far! Bravo!!!

Jesse: Lot of things you say are true, but I have seen these mistakes in other books as well.
However, Eragon has them running rampant. Worse of all, the book is moulded too much after other people's works. I only read the first one and couldn't force myself to read Eldest. He needs to break away from the things that inspired him, and think of a new path to follow.

uberhaxxor of pwnage: c'mon, dude, ur bein kinda harsh. u hav really good points- star wars and lord of the rings were way overcopied. still, the detailing was well-done and while the archaic language makes me glad my parents haven't read it it definitely adds a certain feel to the overall story that is comparable to lord of the rings. (barely) sure, paolini's a stuck-up wannabe who thinks he's the greatest thing since homer, but that's why we review the BOOKS, not the authors.

[My response? *sigh* Yes.]

hamillhair: Nice Essay

I reckon that the 13 Forsworn are actually closer to Robert Jordan's 13 Forsaken than ringwraiths though. I've also learned a lot from reading your essay on how writing should be done.

Good job

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