Conversation with ice

Categories: Pointless Criticism * Rejection Rage

[This guy IMed me randomly. He apparently took my kidding in precise language as teasing and harassing, as if I was trying to show him up and make myself look good. Here is what ensued.]

ice: hi honey

SwankiVY2: Honey? You do know that honey is simply sugar regurgitated from the stomachs of bees, right? I take offense.

ice: no it's actually a pet name too

ice: ;]

SwankiVY2: I *object* to being called bee vomit!

ice: unfortunately for you that's too bad

SwankiVY2: So basically, are you telling me that you're going to call me names I don't approve of whether I like it or not?

ice: in so many words...yeah

SwankiVY2: And you expect me to entertain a conversation with you when that's your attitude?

ice: im not exactly you wanna be miss education

SwankiVY2: That's my specialty, liverface, I'm an education major.

ice: do you really think you're making yourself look intelligent by the lame excuse for good grammar?

SwankiVY2: I wasn't aware I was performing for anyone.

SwankiVY2: I'm having a conversation with you and you're being disagreeable.

ice: do you know how to have fun besides being so damn uptight and "proper" all the time

SwankiVY2: You haven't asked me about fun.

SwankiVY2: You just came out of nowhere calling me a name I didn't like.

ice: who cares?

ice: are you some sort of robot

SwankiVY2: ANd you expect me to respond positively?

ice: that you have to use perfect english in everything

ice: and try and use this smart assed kind of approach

SwankiVY2: Perfect English? I'm a writer. This is how I naturally write.

SwankiVY2: I'm not trying to show you up.

ice: lmao

ice: how old are you

SwankiVY2: None of your business, toe-kibble.

ice: i didnt think so

SwankiVY2: Then why'd you ask?

ice: all the smart asses like you always have some retarded response to a simple question

SwankiVY2: I suppose.

ice: jesus christ you'd think i was asking for your hand in marriage

ice: it's a simple question for gods sake

SwankiVY2: Yes, so you shouldn't get so worked up when I don't want to answer.

ice: what's so hard about answering your age without some retarded comment

SwankiVY2: If it doesn't matter much, drop it.

ice: i'ts not like i know you

ice: it's not like i wanna know you

SwankiVY2: Then leave me alone.

Comment on this loser!

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Which jerk?
(Please don't leave "which jerk" blank. This is an all-purpose form for all the jerks.)

Comments from others:

Mikey: Well "Ice" I guess that probably means his brain is frozen perhaps it had never occurred to him that if people have the talent they should use it of course it must be hard to use his so I think we all understand not every one can appreciate a complete waste of air that's only purpose is to insult someone's strength so to speak.

Saz: Hmmm.... i agree that ice got pretty rude in that conversation, however i do believe that he meant no harm when he address you as "honey". He was probably just trying to be friendly. I probably have not the same experience you have with crazy IM chatters, at least i haven't had people talk as dirtily as they have with you, but to me his greeting seemed friendly. I'm not really one to judge, but do you think you could have possibly jumped down his throat too quickly? There IS a big problem with text messaging conversations and that is it is often hard to correctly interpret the other person's intent and meaning without an aural cue, such as tone of voice and expression. He may have been saying it innocently with no intent to cause offence.

However, he DID show his true colours with his rudeness later on.

sorry for the long comment :)

Synesthesia: Bee vomit. That is seriously cracking me up.

Kayla: Oh my God, you're amazing! I hate it when people comment on my grammatical English. Yeah, I actually use capital letters and real words like 'you' instead of 'yhuuu `xo'. People feel so threatened by proper English O.o It's just so annoying.

And with the 'honey' part, I'm exactly the same! 'Honey' is an insult to me. I don't like the smell of it or the taste, and especially the fact that it's bee vomit.

[All Conversations With Assholes]