The House That Ivy Built Encyclopedia
Other places
- Nina’s school: Elementary school in North Carolina. Set of squat brick one-story buildings with flat roofs—several wings all in different buildings. Surrounded by a fence, has a sandlot for recess in the back. Lots of trees on campus.
- Ivy’s school: Sands High in Florida. Two-story high school with a main hall and three major hallways on the bottom floor, one large wraparound “loft” set of classrooms on the top floor, and some trailer classrooms out back. Large separate gym for sports.
- Bailey’s school: Middle school in Florida. One story.
- Sands High’s bell tower: A carillon tower with chicken wire around its upper section, caging in bells that play songs.
- Odds-and-ends barn: Broken-down structure in a rural place Ivy stumbles across in Book 2. Full of strange garage-sale junk and visited once in a while by Holly and Cindy Jane.
- Zeke’s treehouse: Near the beach house, Zeke built a treehouse with his own hands.
- Handprints Headquarters: A clubhouse Ivy built about a half mile away from her own house on the Connecticut beach. Rather unfinished-looking, but has a nice open meeting space and a loft at the top where people can stay if they want to hole up. Door is decorated by the members’ handprints in different-colored paint.
- Tab and Thursday’s hideout: A gathering of trees that looks like a circle in the forest near THTIB. Tab and Thursday put their toys there sometimes, and occasionally bring Nina there.
- Nina and Tab’s hideout: There is another ring of trees that Nina and Tab have claimed as theirs—it’s “girls only.”
- The cave: The original crew lodged in a large pile of stone with an opening on one side. The stone is covered with ivy vines and faces away from the ocean. More or less abandoned since the house was constructed, but sometimes Dax or Nicholas will sleep there.
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