104 named incidental characters!
Alex: Book 3. Ruben’s lighting designer. Quiet techie type with a trench coat, nice to Ivy.
Alex Stories: Book 5. Skyler’s brother, her best friend and the only person who gets along with her in her family. Only mentioned, not actually in the books.
Alice Cartwright: Book 3. Woman for whom Ivy shovels snow as a one-time job.
Andy: Book 2. Ivy’s friend in math class—muscular gymnast type, passes notes with her and witnesses her bragging in front of Thomas.
Austin Bell: Book 5. Mid-twenties girl with frizzy red hair. Owns a small bookstore. Acquaintance of Skyler. Not really in the action of the book, but is mentioned as a confidante.
Betty: Book 3. Mother of the children Ivy baby-sits in one chapter.
Brad Promise: Book 5. Cousin of Jason, who is Skyler’s boyfriend. Has telepathic talents but is only marginally mentioned in the story.
C.J.: Book 3. Oldest of the three children Ivy baby-sits in one chapter. Witnesses Ivy changing the stations on the TV without a remote and confronts her after he’s supposed to be in bed.
Callie: Book 1. One of several little girls in Nina’s first grade class, who suddenly pays attention to her once Ivy’s appearance in her life makes her interesting. This one is small with red hair.
Cameron: Book 2. Classmate of Ivy’s in geography. Helps her learn her states and capitals.
Candace: Book 2 onward. Girlfriend of Alix; interested in medieval subjects and is accepting of Alix’s differences. Has no interaction with Ivy.
Carrie: Book 2. New student that Andrea brings to the table one day to join Ivy’s lunch group. Seems uninterested in being friends and only stays for one lunch period.
Cedric: Book 3. Father of the children Ivy baby-sits in one chapter.
Cheryl: Book 3. Middle child of the three children Ivy baby-sits in one chapter. Talks Ivy into making brownies with her.
Cheryl Stories: Book 5. Mother of Skyler. Only mentioned in the story; does not actually have any activity.
Chris: Book 2. One of Bill’s friends with whom Ivy plays basketball once, without cheating.
Cindy Jane Perkins: Book 2. Little sister of Holly. Ivy meets the girls in a broken-down barn one day and accidentally makes them think it is haunted, then makes friends with them.
Claire: Book 3. Child actress with curly brown hair who plays the character Wendy in Ruben’s play Imagination. Ivy has to help her get over her fear of heights to fly on the “magic carpet.”
Cricket: Book 1 onward. The Fairchild family’s dog. Nina’s job is to walk him.
Damon: Book 5. Bailey’s boyfriend. Does not actually act in the book, only mentioned.
Darlene: Book 2. Friend of Nina, who brings her to the house in an attempt to find people who would be willing to play with Tab and still keep a secret.
Mrs. Davis: Book 2. Ivy’s English teacher. Makes Ivy introduce herself to the class and keep a journal.
Dennis Frey: Book 2. Youngest brother of Bill. Shows up for one scene with older brother Ryan.
Des: Book 5. Never actually appears in the story, but is a drug dealer that Ivy rats on during her obsession with crime-fighting.
Diane Harris: Book 2. One of Nicky’s younger twin sisters. Adorable and mischievous, makes her appearance during sleepovers.
Dominic Stories: Book 5. Oldest brother of Skyler. Doesn’t actually appear in the story, just as an incidental mention when Sky talks about her family life.
Don: Book 4. One of Ruben’s California friends, who lets Ivy and Ruben stay with him and his roommate Richard before Ivy collects her money from the Grant deal.
Doug: Book 2. Classmate of Ivy’s who knows Perry’s band The Lint Traps. Asks Ivy to get Perry’s autograph for him.
The Fisher family: Book 5. At an extended family reunion, Ivy meets many members of her father’s family. They are not individually listed here, and this scene is yet to be written.
Frankie: Book 1. Kindergarten boy with curly hair who begs Ivy to play with him on the playground while she’s busy trying to find Nina. Helps marginally with finding a teacher.
Mrs. Frey: Book 2. Mother of Bill. Seems to think he and Ivy are dating when he brings her home for a few minutes.
Gavin: Book 0. Son of Webster. Not actually in the action of the book; just mentioned in passing conversation between Webster and Adele. Is being raised by his single father.
Gino: Book 3. Master electrician for Ruben’s play Imagination.
Grace: Book 5. This character is virtually unknown because she is still on the drawing board as of this writing, but she is a future Handprints member.
Grandma Rosie Pavlatos: Book 3. Zeke’s grandmother, whom Ivy meets at the Christmas party. Encourages Zeke to make Ivy eat because she’s too skinny.
Grandpa Sam Pavlatos: Book 3. Zeke’s grandfather, whom Ivy meets at the Christmas party. Suggests that everyone toast with champagne, which gets Ivy in trouble.
Greg: Book 2. Random guy who offers rides home to everyone at a chorus rehearsal. An unnamed friend is with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris: Book 2. Nicky’s parents. Her dad watches a movie with them and her mom and dad both supervise a beach trip.
Mr. Hodges: Book 4. A cohort of Mr. Grant who helps him identify possible holes and cheats candidates could be exploiting to unfairly win his million dollar prize.
Mr. Hoffman: Book 2. Office assistant at Sands High in charge of guidance and placement; administers an ability test for basic skills to Ivy to figure out where to place her in classes.
Holly Perkins: Book 2, Book 4. Older sister of Cindy Jane. Ivy meets the girls in a broken-down barn one day and accidentally makes them think it is haunted, then makes friends with them. Later meets with Holly and agrees to become pen pals.
Ian: Book 3. One of the administrators of a battery of ESP tests at Miki’s college.
Isobel: Book 3. A random theater associate of Ruben’s, attends his pre-production party.
Jack: Book 2. Sleazy friend of Thomas with bad hair and a black sportscar. Hits on Ivy once and participates in a hazing stunt that indirectly causes Ivy to drop out of school.
James: Book 2. Member of Thomas’s gang. After Ivy’s information gets Thomas suspended, James harasses her and she fights back.
Janie: Book 2. One of Ivy’s school friends in piano class. They bond because they’re both from New York and Ivy helps her on her sight-singing. Since Ivy changes to chorus, this is short-lived.
Jason: Book 2. Schoolmate of Ivy’s who participates in Frisbee antics and ends up almost falling off a roof (but Ivy saves him and tries to make it look like nothing happened).
Jason Promise: Book 5. Skyler’s boyfriend, cute wavy-haired, green-eyed guy with glasses. Has some clairvoyant ability. Due to make small appearances in parts of Book 5 not yet written.
Jen: Book 2. Keenan’s sister. Never actually in the action of the books, but one of her brother’s books is dedicated to her.
Jennifer: Book 1. Little blonde girl who suddenly becomes interested in Nina because of Ivy’s antics at their school. Exists for one scene in which she and other girls seek attention.
Jim: Book 4. Friend of Ivy’s brother Ben. Involved in an almost-accident that Ivy has to stop.
Jimmy: Book 5. Boyfriend of Joyce. Greasy muscular type who rides a motorcycle. Makes unwanted advances on Joyce in an attack Skyler has to stop, with the help of Handprints.
John: Book 3. One of the administrators of a battery of ESP tests at Miki’s college.
Joyce Stories: Book 5. Oldest sister of Skyler. Is attacked by her boyfriend Jimmy and saved by a rescue mission launched by the Handprints group.
Katie: Book 2. Little black girl with bead-ornamented hair. Meets Ivy and Thursday in the women’s restroom at the mall, and exchanges some limited conversation with Thursday.
Kelly Rivera: Book 2. Younger sister of Mandy, resembles her sister but has curlier hair. Goes on a Halloween outing with the group and socializes with Tab.
Kevin: Book 4. Son of Libby. Little boy with white-blonde hair that Ivy meets when she and Ruben take the bus to L.A. Ruben teaches him some art lessons with crayons during the ride.
Larry Jones: Book 5. Teen pickpocket who attempts to mug Ivy with a knife and wakes up in the hospital. Ivy feels bad for what she did and pays his doctor bills and strikes a deal with him.
Laura: Book 2. Ivy’s classmate from economics class who discusses popular music with her, and they eventually attend one of Perry’s concerts together.
Dr. Leslie Thornton: Book 4. A psychiatrist Ivy finds on short notice to take Max to when he complains that he’s not sure what’s real. Dr. Thornton doesn’t react very well to people who claim to have amazing powers and then actually turn out to be telling the truth, but in trying to explain, Max discovers on his own a few things about how to deal with it.
Libby: Book 4. Mother of Kevin. Sits beside Ivy on a bus to California for a while, and they discuss Ivy’s future and Ruben’s art workshops.
Mrs. Lincoln: Book 2. An administrative assistant at Sands High, where Zoe takes Ivy to register her for school. Tells Ivy she can’t legally register for school, then comes up with a loophole.
The Ling family: Book 5. Ivy’s mother’s parents live in China. She has not met them.
Dr. Lowe: Book 3. Doctor at a free clinic in New York. Ivy develops some fears about whether her “non-human” condition might yield odd results if she starts to “grow up,” and Dr. Lowe counters that she is human despite her differences, which rattles Ivy’s cage a little.
Madame Lucinda: Book 5. Gypsy-esque cheesy fortune-teller in an L.A. shop, where Ivy badgers Todd into getting his fortune told for fun.
Maria: Book 2. One of Bailey’s best friends after she starts school. One of the girls who continues being her friend after she dropped her secret in a Truth or Dare game.
Mary: Book 1. Hostess of a party where Perry’s band, The Lint Traps, has their first gig. Ivy brings some roommates to see him perform, and they have to get Mary’s permission to come in.
Mr. McLaughlin: Book 4. One of Mr. Grant’s assistants, conducts an interview with Ivy to make sure she’s worth collecting a team to evaluate her abilities. He gets very excited when she does.
Mike: Pre-dates the books. Ex-husband of Miss Margaret. Mentioned a few times but never in the action of the books.
Mimi: Book 3. Zeke’s cousin, lets Zeke and Ivy into the Christmas party.
Mitch: Book 3. Black-haired tech crew member who does sound for Ruben’s play Imagination. Ended up accidentally leaking information about Ivy’s “effects” to the other tech crew members.
Parker: Book 5. Todd’s dog. It’s short for “Parker the Barker.”
Paul: Book 2. Older brother of Adam. Acts like a jerk on the phone and makes fun of his brother’s “spoon trick,” telling Ivy he’s doing it to impress her. Ivy gives him what for.
Mr. and Mrs. Pavlatos: Book 3. Zeke’s parents see him at the Christmas party. Ivy gets to meet both.
Peaches: Book 4. She’s a frisky, nervous dog owned by Don and Richard. Ivy has to deal with the dog’s behavior while she and Ruben are staying with them.
Mrs. Perkins: Book 4. Mother of Holly and Cindy Jane. Lets Ivy into their house to talk to her daughter, and gave them some ginger snaps.
Mrs. Rhodes: Book 2. The assistant principal of Sands High. The person Ivy has to reckon with when she gets caught in the bell tower.
Richard: Book 4. One of Ruben’s California friends, who lets Ivy and Ruben stay with him and his roommate Don before Ivy collects her money from the Grant deal.
Richard, Hotel Manager: Book 2. “Richard, Hotel Manager” is on his nametag—squirrelly guy who tells Ivy and Bailey to stop playing on the elevator. Victim of one of Bailey’s pranks.
Roger Vega: Book 2 onward. Tall, dark and handsome--boyfriend (and later fiancé) of Cecily. Does not want to live in the house or raise their child there; fights with Cecily a lot over this.
Ron: Book 2. One of the guys helping other ride operator try to stop the ride from malfunctioning while Ivy’s pretending to be stuck to the ceiling.
Ron: Book 5. Everyday guy who happens to like to cross-dress sometimes. Not actually in the story, but friend of a friend of Ruben. Ruben uses his situation to make a point to Ivy.
Rosa Ortiz: Book 2. Hispanic woman who hires Ivy to clean and paint her gutters during the time when she’s trying to make money doing odd jobs.
Ryan: Book 2. Bill’s middle brother, looks like a smaller version of him. Lets his brother and Ivy borrow his bike to practice with.
Sandra: Book 3. Jolly black lady with an easy laugh and very white teeth. Helps Ivy find the job with Ruben through her volunteer placement service. Willing to help even though Ivy is “out of this world.”
Sarah: Book 2. Sings soprano in the Sands High chorus. Helps Ivy along and boosts her self-confidence when she’s losing it. Comforts her in the last chapter when leaving the school makes her emotional. Believe it or not, Sarah is taller than Ivy.
Scott Carson: Book 1. Dark-haired, “hunky” weight-lifting college guy. Harasses Ivy while she’s working out with Joe and ends up getting beaten by her in a weight-lifting contest.
Sharon Harris: Book 2. Older sister of Nicky. Sometimes drives her and her friends around. The girls help her and her boyfriend move into a new apartment once.
Shawn: Book 2. One of Bill’s friends with whom Ivy plays basketball once, without cheating.
Mr. Smith: Book 2. Ivy’s homeroom teacher.
Sophie: Book 5. California girl with white-blonde hair. Girlfriend of Jesse. Not actually in the action of the story, just mentioned by Jesse to defend against Ivy’s joking accusation that he and Ruben are lovers.
Stan: Book 4. Ruben’s financial organizer for his business. Not actually in the action of the story, just mentioned in conversation.
Stephanie Harris: Book 2. One of Nicky’s younger twin sisters. Adorable and mischievous, makes her appearance during sleepovers.
Steve: Book 3. A random theater associate of Ruben’s, attends his pre-production party.
Susie: Book 1. One of several little girls in Nina’s first grade class, who suddenly pays attention to her once Ivy’s appearance in her life makes her interesting. This one has curly brown hair.
Tabitha: Book 0. Not actually in the story’s action, but referred to in the later parts of Book 0 after Adele remembers her name. She was her mentor in her old dimension, though Tabitha was human. When they found a little girl in the forest, Adele chose to name her after her old mentor, but they shortened the name to Tab. The old Tabitha isn’t mentioned by name in the later books.
Tammy: Book 2. Little sister of Bill. Not actually in the story, except Ivy hears her singing in the background once while at Bill’s house preparing to ride bikes.
Terri: Book 3. A random theater associate of Ruben’s, she attends his pre-production party.
Tom: Book 3. Part of the acting crew for Ruben’s play Imagination. Provides microphone-assisted voice acting for the character Nimbus the dragon (while Ivy does his movements).
Tony: Book 2. The “leader” of a small group of boys that alternately tease and flirt with Andrea, Mandy, Nicky, and Ivy. Nicky calls them “Tony and his crowd of freshman idiots.”
Tracy: Book 3. The baby Ivy baby-sits while trying to make money. Very screamy and drooly.
Vic: Book 4. Friend of Ivy’s brother Ben. Involved in an almost-accident that Ivy has to stop.
Mrs. Wilson: Book 1. Blonde-haired, pleasant teacher when Nina is in first grade. Reacts protectively when Ivy tries to meet with Nina at school and sics Mrs. Thompson on her.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury: Book 2. Peyton’s parents. They visit the house and witness a small-time disaster. Meeting their daughter’s roommates brings up lots of questions for the family.
Zoe Stories: Book 5. Black hair, blue eyes. Older sister of Skyler. Finds her sister creepy and is often outright hostile to her.
Unnamed Characters
70 unnamed incidental character entries!
Adam’s mom: Book 2. Lets Ivy in to meet her son.
Bagger: Book 1. A guy who bags Ivy’s groceries and then acts very surprised when she needs no assistance taking them out of the store.
Bill’s friends: Book 2. Bill invites friends to play basketball with them because he thinks Ivy has gotten good enough to play two-on-two.
Bailey’s boyfriend: Book 3. Bailey has a boyfriend for a short time, but he rejects her later.
Brothers: Book 1. Two boys who get on Ivy’s case when she’s buying groceries. She ends up playing a prank on them and then feeling bad about it later.
Cashier: Book 2. When Bailey plays a prank in a grocery store, she victimizes this lady’s register.
Chorus girls: Book 2. When Ivy is in chorus, she has classmates who sing with her. When she announces she is leaving, some say they’ll miss her. One warns her not to mess with James and doesn’t believe her when she claims even the wild parts of those rumors about her are true.
Clerk: Book 1. Ice cream store guy who helps Ivy decide what flavor of ice cream to get and seems confused by her unfamiliarity with the concept of lemonade.
Club guys: Book 1. At Perry’s first performance, Ivy gets asked to dance twice. The second time she accepts. When he won’t leave her alone after, Cecily steps in and pretends to be Ivy’s lesbian lover. He gets the hint.
College guy: Book 2. While looking for Miki, Ivy asks this guy directions and he tries to hit on her. Her response will stay with him a while. (Ivy asks a girl for directions next time.)
Cop: Book 1. Mrs. Thompson calls the police because of Ivy’s behavior. This is the guy she talks to on the phone at the station.
Cop: Book 1. Officer Zachary has a partner when he visits Nina’s house to ask Ivy questions. Ivy knocks him out for hurting Nina.
Cops: Book 1. When Ivy is being interrogated by Officer Zachary, two cops are in the room.
Cops: Book 1. When Ivy knocks out Officer Zachary’s partner, he gets backup to chase her. These are the guys who respond and later end up declaring martial law in Ivy’s living room. Ivy takes care of them when she returns from her own adventure.
Cops: Book 3. When Ivy stops a robbery in Miss Margaret’s bakery, she talks to a police officer on the phone and then later talks to two officers sent to pick up the robbers.
Crowd of freshman idiots: Book 2. This is what Nicky calls the group of boys her clique has known since elementary school. They tease and flirt often. They are led by a boy named Tony.
Customers: Book 2. There are some customers who are disturbed or confused by Ivy’s grocery store prank. She knocked over some fruit invisibly. One customer seemed to think she’d done it.
Electronics store customers and employees: Book 2. One of Ivy’s pranks inconveniences everyone when she switches every switch she can find to the off position.
Fair patrons: Book 2. Some people walking around at different times are witnesses to Ivy and Bailey’s pranks.
Fisherman: Book 1. When Ivy comes out of Nina’s lake for the first time, she frightens some ducks and this fisherman. He is unhelpful when she asks for directions. Drinks beer.
Fool-the-guesser guy: Book 3. When Ivy and Ruben attend a fair, Ruben encourages Ivy to get this guy to guess her weight. She cheats when he guesses it right on the nose.
Front desk secretary: Book 1. Grandmotherly woman who lets Ivy use the phone, which indirectly leads to her overhearing Mrs. Thompson talking about her to the cops.
Girls’ basketball coach: Book 2. Sees Ivy’s semi-accidental slam dunk during a match with Thomas. Invites her to join the girls’ basketball team and is disappointed when she refuses.
God bless you lady: Book 2. Ivy runs (well, flies) away and ends up in an unfamiliar town. The water cup she is holding outside a café is mistaken by this woman for a begging cup, and she puts her change in it while saying her token phrase. This enables Ivy to get hot chocolate.
Government guys: Book 2. They come to the house and complain about their illegal water lines. Cecily has to lie to them and give them billing information, and then the group has to think of what to do to pay the money they already owe.
Gravitron operator: Book 2. One of the guys helping other ride operator Ron try to stop the ride from malfunctioning while Ivy’s pretending to be stuck to the ceiling.
Grocers: Book 2. Somebody’s got to clean up the mess Ivy’s prank made. It’s these poor guys.
Hairy guy and brat: Book 1. In the mall, Ivy encounters an impatient hairy man who has his son on a leash. The kid calls her “silly” for not knowing what lemonade is.
Hall pass lady: Book 2. Some teacher accosts Ivy for not having a hall pass.
High school boys: Book 2. During a game of Frisbee, Jason chases the disk onto the roof and horseplay ensues. These guys egg him on or chase him. Until he almost falls off.
Hot dog vendor: Book 2. There are many hot dog vendors in THTIB, but this one was special. He saw Ivy (and later, Ivy with Bailey) flying down from the sky, and yet he sold them hot dogs without comment and didn’t seem surprised at the way they arrived. Likely lived in NYC too long.
Hotel clerk: Book 1. When Ivy goes out in torrential rain to find Bailey—wearing only a bedspread—he shouts after her, “Ma’am, you’re going out in that?”
James’s lackey: Book 2. Every jerk has a henchman. James sends this guy to kick Ivy’s ass. She returns the favor.
Jason’s girlfriend: Book 2. After Jason almost falls off the roof (and Ivy saves him without making it obvious), this girl expresses great concern and fawns over him.
Kid: Book 2. Some kid is the victim (sort of) of Ivy’s vending machine prank in a hotel. She messes with his ice acquisition and then makes another machine give him free candy.
Kids: Book 1. Ivy and her housemates get invaded once in a while. These kids played in the ocean in front of their house, and the usual little act drove them off.
Kids and mom: Book 5. When Ivy is figuring out what to do to get into Max’s apartment when he doesn’t answer her knocks, these kids and their mom spot her flying around. She plays superhero and gives them a calling card, telling them to call her in case of emergency.
Lady: Book 2. Bailey played a prank where she pretended she was going to jump off a building. This lady talks her inside and gives her free cookies.
Lady: Book 2. Ivy falls asleep while flying at one point during her famous runaway. This lady’s car almost hits her, but Ivy’s instincts take over and she stops the accident she would have caused. This lady blathers about miracles until Ivy gets her wits about her and leaves again.
Lady: Book 4. When Ivy goes shopping with Nina and Erik, this lady criticizes the way Ivy holds the baby. She jokingly puts him on her head in response, and Nina has to convince the lady that everything’s okay.
Librarians: Book 1. Ivy checks a book out and one lady issues her a library card and puts up with her unfamiliarity. The other just checks her out. She marvels at the technology.
Lint Traps members: Books 1 and 2. Perry’s band includes a violinist and a full crew.
Mall employees and customers: Book 2. Ivy loses control during a prank and ends up trapping a bunch of people behind mall store cages. These people don’t appreciate it.
Man: Book 1. Locks his keys in his car and Ivy helps him out.
Manager: Book 2. After Bailey makes a joke announcement at a grocery store, this man scolds her and makes an announcement countering what she said.
Mentally challenged seatmate: Book 4. On the airplane, Ivy’s seatmate behaves a bit like a child and confuses her. Ivy helps calm her down at one point when she thinks they’re crashing.
Modeling school advertiser: Book 1. While Ivy and Zeke are having frozen yogurt, a man comes up and offers them a flyer. He tells Ivy she could make it on the runway because of her height and that she should apply because “exotic is in right now.” Zeke kids her about it.
New York cab driver: Book 4. When Ivy doesn’t know how to get to her parents’ apartment for the first time, she uses a cab. Turns out she’s been picked up about a block away from where she wants to end up. The driver decides not to charge her but she gives him a tip anyway.
New York kids: Book 1. Ivy asks directions and these kids laugh at her for calling Sixth Avenue “Avenue of the Americas” like a tourist. She refrains from beating them up.
Old man: Book 0. Just mentioned as the old man who kept Weaver as a “pet” until he escaped and lived in the forest with Dax.
People: Book 2. During one of Bailey’s pranks, some people get indirectly inconvenienced because of her locking a public bathroom and leaving it that way.
People: Book 2. During one of Bailey’s pranks, some people get disturbed by her antics in an elevator. Richard the Hotel Manager tries to put a stop to it.
Principal: Book 2. Ivy’s school, Sands High, has a principal.
Robbers: Book 3. While sleeping in Miss Margaret’s bakery one night, Ivy stops these guys from getting away with the contents of her safe.
Sandra’s husband: Book 3. Mentioned in the book as having accompanied Sandra and Ivy out to dinner, but not detailed in the book.
Scott’s friend: Book 1. During the weightlifting idiocy at the gym, Scott has a helper monkey.
Secretary: Book 1. Poking around for information, Ivy asks some questions at Nina’s school and unintentionally ruins this lady’s day.
Secretary: Book 4. When Ivy arrives for her interview with Mr. McLaughlin, this lady has to find time to buzz her in amid eating her bits of candy.
Sharon’s boyfriend: Book 2. Nicky’s older sister Sharon has a guy she moves in with.
Teenaged boy: Book 1. A guy hits on Ivy in the mall while she is people-watching. She messes with him, of course.
Teenaged boy: Book 1. A guy on a bike offers to take Ivy out for ice cream. Her refusal results in meeting Shelly.
Teenaged boy: Book 2. At the end of a chorus rehearsal, two guys offer rides to everyone they see. One is Greg and one is unnamed. He encourages Greg to get out of there when Ivy teases them.
Teenaged computer nerd: Book 2. Ivy’s prank of dancing on a windowsill victimizes this boy.
Thief: Book 4. While Ivy is talking to Ruben shortly after arriving by plane in NYC, this guy steals her bag out from between her feet. She chases him into an alley and gives him a memorable talking-to followed by threats. Not the welcome-back she expected.
Thugs: Book 5. Two druggies and a drug dealer are fighting behind a restaurant. Ivy breaks it up and gets their story out of them. Then she rats on the drug dealer’s boss, Des.
Trick-or-treat boys: Book 2. When Ivy and her brood go trick-or-treating, these guys steal some of the kids’ candy. Ivy has to go kick their asses and get the candy back, only to find that it’s a good thing she didn’t leave it alone: Thursday was in one of the bags hiding.
Unemployment agency employees: Book 3. Ivy looks for a job here first, and one lady is a jerk to her while one is helpful and tells her she can’t help her without identity information. The second lady hooks her up with Sandra.
Volunteer: Book 1. A girl Ivy asks for help offers some information about a teacher, but is spooked by her approach and her odd looks.
Waiter: Book 2. During a prank, Ivy and Bailey both concentrate on harassing this poor guy. At least they tip well.
Zeke’s family members: Book 3. At a Christmas party, Ivy meets lots of people whose names she does not remember.
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