(A)sexual: This is a documentary about asexual people, released by indie group Arts Engine. It used to be called Asexuality: The Making of a Movement, and it has a trailer. I am in this movie. It can be found on Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, Vudu, Xbox Live, and PlayStation.
CTV: A Similar Fight: I was on Canadian national news to discuss the Toronto asexuality conference.
HuffPost Live Asexual Pride feature: Interview hosted by Ricky Camilerri, including sex researcher Lori Brotto, journalist Dominique Mosbergen, and asexual activists David Jay, Micah R., and me.
Rated X: An asexuality documentary. (X refers to the value for asexuality on the Kinsey Scale.)
What's it like being asexual in your twnties?: Fusion media network profiles some young asexual people for a four-minute crash-course with real people talking frankly about their orientation in New York.
Taking the Cake: A short documentary about various asexual people's experiences, sensitively handled.
David Jay at Idea City: From August 13, 2015. David talks about culture and sexuality and how we fit in as asexual people.