When Too Much Dungeons and Dragons Changes Your Religion Comments 11 through 20

alex: that was funny as he!!

Jim: The NECRONOMICON? Oh my various gods. What a stupid, stupid kid. He's an idiot for thinking it would work and a double idiot for wanting it to.

Kevin Edward Dolan: Aww… By the time I was halfway through this page, I was almost in tears. I hardly knew whether to laugh or cry. So sad! Such a pitiful character; what must his real life (as opposed to his fantasies) be like, or relationship with his parents (if he has any)? I feel like I want to wrap him up in woollen blankets and shield him from the cold heartless world!
However, I can well understand your less-than-sympathetic attitude to him, busy working in that book-store and being unable to escape him! “Your boyfriend”! “Necronomicon”! Hahaha! “Ninja weapons!” Oh dear! So sad…
Quite honestly, I suspect all he really needed was someone to be his friend for a while; someone who could take time out to listen to him, advise him, and be interested in his daily welfare – if only for a few months. His fundamental loneliness comes off your page like a great wave. Aww…

Gary: This would make a great TV series. This guy is just unbelievable. I wouldn't be as tolerant if I ran into him...

Kara: Oh wow. How weird was that?

Also, you kind of reminded me that I wanted to inform myself about paganism. Not in a religious way. I don't seem to have the ability to believe in higher beings (and I'm fine with it) but I like informing myself about things. :) Would you have any book recommendations for me?
The only things I read so far were generally about the Celts. Unfortunately for us the celtic druids didn't write things down, except for when they used a powerful spell. As I remember it from the books, it was something about how the written word had power and was therefore dangerous. There were different tribes of Celts anyway. I guess it's extremely fortunate that the Roman Empire never conquered what is now Ireland or we would probably have even less records of their mythology. At least irish mythology.

Oh well, I suddenly ended up writing about Celts. Sorry about that.

VLR: If he did and said all that at the bookstore, you have to wonder what he's done and told employees at other public places!

Out of curiosity, how did the mutual friend end up meeting this guy?

swankivy: If I understood correctly, my friend had somehow worked with his mom?
