Craig: Hello? "Linda": Hi, my name's Linda and I'm a reporter from GNAW magazine,
I'm taking a survey, would you like to participate? C: From what magazine? "L": GNAW? C: Now? "L": Mm-hmm. C: Sure. Go 'head. "L": Okay. It's about men who wear kilts. C: Mm-hmm. "L": Okay. What do you think of men who wear kilts? C: Um...actually, uh, I think kilts are really cool. "L":Really? C: Mm-hmm. "L": Okay, next question: would you wear a kilt? C: Y...eah, I would. "L": Okay. Do you think kilts are in any way offensive? C: Offensive? No. "L": Okay, um, are you married? C: No. "L": Do you have a girlfriend? C: No. "L": Uh, okay. (Dammit, there goes my question about what your
girlfriend would say if you wore a kilt.)
Um...uh, would you...uh, would you wear a kilt in public? C: Mm-hmm. "L": Have you ever seen a man in person wearing a kilt? C: Mm-hmm. "L": Was your opinion of him different than it woulda been
had he not been wearing a kilt? C: It caught my eye, and, um, I thought it looked cool, actually. "L": Yeah, yeah, that's neat. Okay. Has your view
on men who wear kilts been changed in any way by this conversation? C: I'm sorry, what? "L": Has your view on men who wear kilts been changed
in any way by this conversation? C: N...o. "L": Okay. Um, thank you. C: You're welcome.
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