Marco is the strategist of the Animorphs. He's got a cold and calculating intelligence, which is balanced with his witty, silly humor and his realistic understanding of the world. He cares deeply about his father, knowing that after his mother was lost his dad couldn't handle losing a son too, but he is motivated in the war by the knowledge that his mother is a Controller to one of the leaders of the Yeerk Empire. He frequently describes himself jokingly as being extremely cute, though his success with women does not seem to reflect this. He was interested in video games and television before the war became his primary occupation.
Physical: Marco is short and of average weight, tan-skinned, with black hair (long in the beginning of the series, cut short later) and brown eyes.
Relationships: Son of Peter and Eva, stepson of Nora. Best friend of Jake.
Favorite Battle Morph: Gorilla.
Books he narrates: 5, 10, Megamorphs 1 (partially), 15, Megamorphs 2 (partially), 20, 25, Megamorphs 3 (partially), 30, 35, 40, Megamorphs 4 (partially), 42 (partially), 45, 51, 54 (partially)
Strengths: Strategic planning, intelligence, technological competence, emotionlessness (when it matters), humor.
Weaknesses: Paranoia, ruthlessness.
- Ant (black)
- Anteater
- Bat
- Beaver
- Cheetah
- Chimpanzee
- Cockatiel
- Cockroach
- Dog (German shepherd--Champ)
- Dog (Irish setter)
- Dog (toy poodle--Euclid)
- Dolphin
- Duck (mallard)
- Eagle (? maybe a mistake)
- Eel
- Flea
- Fly
- Giant squid
- Goat (mountain)
- Gorilla (Big Jim)
- Honeybee
- Hork-Bajir (two different ones)
- Horse
- Human (the governor)
- Human (Mr. Grant)
Jaguar (deleted due to Sario Rip)
- Leeran
- Llama
- Lobster
- Mole
Monkey (spider) (deleted due to Sario Rip)
- Mosquito
- Mouse
- Osprey
- Owl (great horned)
- Parrot
- Polar bear
- Seagull
- Seal (baby)
- Shark (hammerhead)
- Skunk
- Snake (cobra--Spawn)
- Squirrel
- Spider (wolf)
- Termite
- Trout
Tyrannosaurus (deleted due to Sario Rip)
- Whale (orca)
- Wolf (female)