Cassie is the conscience of the Animorphs. As the child of veterinarians, she has the most animal-related knowledge, and tends to be soft-hearted and humanitarian when it comes to everything from battle to politics to environmentalism. She has a special recognized morphing talent (has more control over the process and can morph faster than the others), and tends to always be the one examining the moral questions associated with their actions as a group of guerilla fighters. Cassie's idealism sometimes leads her and the others into very dangerous situations, and sometimes it pays off (like her credit in starting up a peace movement amongst the enemy) and sometimes it causes serious problems (like when she let the enemy get a hold of the Animorphs' secret weapon).
Physical: Cassie is on the short side and slightly heavy, dark-skinned (black), with short black hair and brown eyes.
Relationships: Daughter of Walter and Michelle. Best friend of Rachel and significant other of Jake.
Favorite Battle Morph: Wolf.
Books she narrates: 4, Megamorphs 1 (partially), 9, 14, Megamorphs 2 (partially), 19, 24, 29, Megamorphs 3 (partially), 34, Megamorphs 4 (partially), 44, 50, 54 (partially)
Strengths: Animal knowledge, morphing ability, conviction, compassion, people-perception, humaneness, loyalty to principles.
Weaknesses: Overly trusting, inconsistent morals, misplaced priorities.
- Ant (black)
- Anteater
- Bat
- Beaver
- Buffalo
- Caterpillar/Butterfly
- Cheetah
- Chimpanzee
- Cockroach
- Dolphin
- Eel
- Flea
- Fly
- Giant squid
- Harrier (Northern) (maybe a mistake?)
- Honeybee
- Hork-Bajir (Jara Hamee)
- Hork-Bajir (unnamed male)
- Horse
- Horse (golden stallion--Minneapolis Max)
- Human (Rachel)
Jaguar (deleted due to Sario Rip)
- Kangaroo
- Leeran
- Mole
Monkey (spider) (deleted due to Sario Rip)
- Mosquito
- Osprey
- Owl (great horned)
- Parrot
- Polar bear
- Rat (white)
- Seagull
- Seal (baby)
- Shark (hammerhead)
- Skunk
- Snake (pit viper)
- Spider (wolf)
- Squirrel
- Termite
- Trout
Tyrannosaurus (deleted due to Sario Rip)
- Whale (humpback)
- Whale (orca)
- Wolf (female)
- Yeerk (Illim)