Categories: Cybersex Attempts
SwankiVY2: How about you keep your virtual dick away from me?
Tracker: i can make you wildist dream come true
SwankiVY2: You can make me small enough to ride a rat????
Tracker: what ever works for ya
SwankiVY2: Heheh . . . how about you go screw a hole in the ground? It won't reject you.
Tracker: it already did
SwankiVY2: Oh, I see . . . so trying for live bait now?
Tracker: what a surprise huh
SwankiVY2: "I was rejected by a hole in the ground. Want to go back to my place?"
Tracker: sure
SwankiVY2: I was quoting you, ass.
SwankiVY2: Or, more accurately, paraphrasing you.
Tracker: whats wrong don't want a cold shower
SwankiVY2: Well, have you ever thought that maybe there was more to life than sex and talking dirty to people when you can't get that?
Tracker: no
SwankiVY2: Why not? There is, you know.
SwankiVY2: You're not just a biological machine.
Tracker: im a 23 man what do you think is going through my mind
SwankiVY2: You should try thinking with your mind sometime, and not your penis.
Tracker: at all hours of the day
SwankiVY2: I know you think about sex. That doesn't mean it's all you can do.
Tracker: my girlfriend doesn't seem to mind
Tracker: in fact she is right here
SwankiVY2: It's not bad to think about sex. It is bad, in my opinion, if you insist on thinking of nothing but sex.
SwankiVY2: I don't care whether your girlfriend is there.
Tracker: she usually plays out the part of the other person
Tracker: that i am talking to
SwankiVY2: I personally am totally uninterested, and am hoping to make an appeal to your higher mind.
Tracker: kind of strange though huh
SwankiVY2: Sex is not bad. But you don't even KNOW these people you're talking to.
SwankiVY2: It's not strange. Stranger has been done.
Tracker: don't matter im not having sex with them i am having sex with her
SwankiVY2: So?
SwankiVY2: have sex with her, but don't share it with me.
Tracker: sorry to bug youi them i will find someone else
SwankiVY2: I just think you should keep it private . . . but it's none of my business. I leave you to it.
SwankiVY2: But a lot of ppl find it offensive when you IM them for cybersex . . . so why don't you look for people who mention it in their profile?
[of course, by this time, he was long gone. Why don't people come with minds anymore, God?]
Any comments left here are PUBLIC. If you are not comfortable with that, mail me directly.
Comments from others:
DiLL: GOD! What the eff? This guy has a girlfriend who's willing to do such things with him and he seeks out others??? WHAT THE FUCK! ARGH! Now, why don't I believe that he has a girlfriend? EXCLUDING the poor little cat that walks with stiff rear legs now. Don't worry li'l kitty, Animal Cruelty will get him back for you. HA! He got dissed by a hole! BAA-ZING! These slackers lack any form of imagination.
Takun: I'm a 15 man! lmao! Wow...I'm a guy...but if I was a girl and that was MY bf I would have serious doubts. I mean he looks up women to cyber if I'm RIGHT THERE. WTF is with that?! Am I not good enough? What the hell man. I would obviously never trust him again....and maybe steal his ethernet cable on the way out. That or kill the roadrunner ya know?
jofadda: Butt don't you see? The spherical objects are merely a metaphor for the cuboid ones taped to the flying space cows udders! XD