Conversation with Scott

Categories: Cybersex Attempts

Scott: trade pics?

SwankiVY2: that all you're interested in?

Scott: not just that

SwankiVY2: Then why's it the very first thing you approached me with?

Scott: just want to know who I'm talking to .

SwankiVY2: ::sigh:: That's what EVERYONE says and I don't know how many times I have to say it. . . .

SwankiVY2: Pictures tell you NOTHING about "who."

SwankiVY2: They tell you what they look like on the outside.

Scott: I want to see your outside.

SwankiVY2: Too bad . . . your inside is boring.

Scott: not really. neither is my outside.

SwankiVY2: Boring boring boring. I couldn't give less of a crap about your outside . . . and if all you care about is MY outside . . . YOU. BORE. ME. End of story.

Scott: just let me see it.

SwankiVY2: You can stop begging now.

[He did.]

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Comments from others:

Mikey: This guy is just another PUTZ, and a prime example of the limited thinking of a world already overrun with the ignorance of male stupidity.

[All Conversations With Assholes]