Categories: Cybersex Attempts
Khy: hi sup
Khy: im from AOL and i need your password
Khy: i lost it so plz give it to me
SwankiVY2: What in the world are you talking about?
Khy: i work at aol
SwankiVY2: So do I.
Khy: omg whoa!
SwankiVY2: And we don't IM people saying "hey sup" on accounts that aren't even AOL accounts, so it strikes me as odd that you would.
Khy: really?
SwankiVY2: Man, you didn't even try the whole "official-sounding" password crap.
Khy: not me
Khy: yea
Khy: im st00pid
SwankiVY2: I got news for ya . . . I mean, with typing like that, you couldn't even get hired as a chat room host, much less someone of the upper division who would actually have any access to my account whatsoever.
Khy: o
Khy: so your not going to give me your pass?
SwankiVY2: Why the heck would I?
Khy: dont no
Khy: but some do
SwankiVY2: That's silly.
Khy: [deleted: revealing another member's screenname and password]
Khy: rofl
SwankiVY2: That's clever.
Khy: yea
Khy: k well bye
Khy: but if you want 2 give me your pass u can
Khy: see ya
SwankiVY2: What in the world makes you think I would give you my password? And why would you want it?
Khy: ><>
Khy: <><
[Note: those are fish emoticons, used to mean "phishing" or trying to steal passwords.]
SwankiVY2: I understand that. But WHY?
Khy: > Khy: fun
SwankiVY2: Pointless.
Khy: k
Khy: well bye
Khy: wait tho u work at aol?
Khy: what do u do??
SwankiVY2: Why would I want to rap about working here with a freaky little phisher?
Khy: ? curious
Khy: u dont gotta tell me
SwankiVY2: I don't plan to.
SwankiVY2: You just kind of disgust me.
Khy: y
SwankiVY2: Because you're stealing private information from people who don't know better and you don't even have a good reason.
Khy: o
Khy: so r u hot?
SwankiVY2: Yes.
Khy: o cool
Khy: what r u wearing?
SwankiVY2: Like I would bother telling some jackass phish kid.
Khy: o
Khy: plz?
SwankiVY2: You know what? You've got to be one of the most pathetic people I've ever talked to. Most pathetic people are just ignorant, but most of them don't insult me by expecting me to be ignorant as well.
Khy: o
SwankiVY2: I mean, come on. You IM me for my password not even bothering to try to sound like a real AOL employee, then you find out *I* work here, and you try and get sexy with me? COME ON!
Khy: not trying 2 get sexy
Khy: just curious
SwankiVY2: You're "just curious" about if I'm HOT and what I'm WEARING. Just CURIOUS. Uh huh.
Khy: ya
SwankiVY2: You're not even a good liar.
SwankiVY2: But we established that when you IMed me saying "hi sup, im from AOL and i need your password," you haven't even bothered to speak English, ya just sound like an ignorant kid.
Khy: o ok
Khy: no
[Here I blocked his IMs. He quickly jumped on another AIM account to IM me back.]
metamorph: hi
SwankiVY2: Hello. . . .
metamorph: i think u accidentally blocked me on my other sn
metamorph: wanna cyber?
SwankiVY2: Accidentally? I don't have accidents like that.
metamorph: o
metamorph: u sure?
SwankiVY2: "o." That's all you say, "o."
metamorph: well plz don't block me lets chat
metamorph: what type of girl are u?
SwankiVY2: I blocked you, purposely, because you're being a complete asshole.
SwankiVY2: You asked me for my password and then you asked me fresh questions and now you're asking for cybersex. You are full of crap and not worth my time.
SwankiVY2: So, bye
[Blocked again, to no avail. . . . ]
muskrat: PLEASE let's just chat
muskrat: i don't have many friends
muskrat: =/
muskrat: i guess i just want someone to talk to
muskrat: =[
SwankiVY2: That's because you ask for their passwords and ask them to frigging have CYBERSEX. Shut up, go away, and leave me alone.
[Blocked, to receive yet another jackass IM.]
spoo: i wont send any ims after this i promise but i need to say something
spoo: i just really wanted a friend i guess i dont know how to get people to like me
spoo: and if youll help me im willing to learn
SwankiVY2: You didn't want a friend; if you were lonely and in need of a friend, you might've been pathetic, but not deliberately offensive and downright pointless. Just go away.
Any comments left here are PUBLIC. If you are not comfortable with that, mail me directly.
Comments from others:
Wolfgang: If I were setting up a website where employees would routinely need access to
customers' passwords, I'd just build that into the website. Poor planning on the
part of the fictional AOL in these Phishing scams, wouldn't you say?