My Wish List!

Here's my shameless list of crap I want.

This list is for those who are looking to buy me a gift for some reason. (And to help me keep track of crap I want.) If you don't have my street address, you can send to my P.O. Box:

PO Box 272595
Tampa, FL 33688

Mail me if you have a suggestion or question about this list.

Store-specific Wish Lists:

Amazon Wish List:

Amazon Wish List: This is the link to the general list (my default), but there are a ton of categorized wish lists for movies, types of music, toys/games, and books on the sidebar. Just click the category you're interested in. Even if stuff on there looks like it's old, it's up to date.

Old Time Candy List:

Old Time Candy: Has my favorite candies to feed my sweet tooth!

Hot Topic Wish List:

Hot Topic no longer supports direct links to wish lists, so here are a few items:

BoxLunch Wish List:

Box Lunch also no longer supports direct links to wish lists, so here are a few items:

Copic Marker Wish List:

Copic Marker Wish List: This is a list of the refills I need for markers I currently use and marker colors I'd like to add to my collection. Pick some cool colors to diversify my art, or if something is identified as a refill, it's one I use a lot!

Stuff to read:

Stuff to collect:

You can always be safe getting me additions to one of my collections, because as long as I don't already have it you can rest assured I'll want it. These links go to pages where I list the stuff I've already got.
  • My Steven Universe merchandise collection--I'm pretty obsessed with this cartoon and I like just about anything associated with it--unless I already have it (which is likely). Check this list before buying anything to be safe. There are some really nice art prints I would love to add to my collection, notably these items by Joe Johnston, Danny Cragg, Leslie Hung, another by Danny Cragg, and Steven Sugar.

  • My Copic Marker Collection--I like to draw and color with Copic markers. They aren't cheap but they are wonderful. I have my collection posted online and people can pick up colors I don't have or refills for colors I do.

  • My Flower Fairies Stuff Collection--That's the artwork of Cicely Mary Barker.

  • My collection of Sleeping Beauty tales--I collect any versions of this story that I don't have because I wrote a book based on it. Please check the ISBNs if you want to be sure I don't have it already without asking me first.

  • My Essential Oils Collection--I prefer the natural stuff, not "perfume oils" or whatever. I'll take anything, and they're cheap.

  • I collect candles and incense as well, but for these it doesn't matter if I have them already, I can always use duplicates. If you want to get something scented, I am partial to such scents as strawberry, vanilla, lemon, satsuma, and mulberry.

  • Nice journals: I keep a daily journal, so there will always be a time when I need a new one. If it is a repeat of a design I already have, the world will not end.

Stuff to listen to:

Stuff to watch:

  • Here's my Amazon Movie Wish List.
  • I'd like the Subgenius movie Arise!  It is available here.
  • I would gladly accept a recording of your favorite movie.
  • You can look and see if they make a DVD of a full season of one of my favorite TV shows, if it isn't already in my collection.
  • Any of my favorite movies would be a welcome addition to my library even if I already have them on tape (for that you can check here if you care). Anything that doesn't say "DVD" next to it is VHS.

Stuff to wear:

If you want to get me a shirt, I usually fit in small or medium. You probably shouldn't try to get me pants unless I try them on.

  • Hot Topic: Pop culture items, Pride items, and fun jewelry can be found here.

  • Wicked Store has Wicked merchandise. I already have a "defy gravity" shirt but other stuff from there might be neat!

  • A pair of cool sunglasses. I have some, but I like cool colors and shapes too.

  • Bunni Designs Skater Dresses: I would fit a small of their Lapis Lazuli Skater Dress.

  • Look Human: I enjoy their Ace Pride Shirts, Ace Pride Masks, and funny shopping bags.

  • The Pyramid Collection is a cool New-Agey place and I like some of their clothes. But some of them are a little pricey. In any case, it might help to look at them even if you don't want to buy them, because you'll get an idea of my taste maybe.

  • I like the selection at Burning Airlines. Maybe a cool band shirt from a band I like.

  • Go through the remnants bin at a store that sells material and buy a small attractive square of fabric no smaller than about a foot and a half each side. I love to make these into hair kerchiefs. Quilt blocks work wonderfully as well.

  • I have double-pierced ears, you can get me earrings. If you buy these ones, it's for a good cause--the Hunger Site will give food to hungry kids, and they're awesome.

  • Cool socks! Plain or decorated! For very small (but not children's size) feet!

  • I like sparkly jewelry and hair things. One can never have enough of these and it's probably tough to go wrong if you buy something shiny.

  • I like tacky fake clip-on hair pieces in funny colors. I don't have many of these.

  • I gotta get some nail polish!

  • I like glitter. Get me glitter.

Stuff to use around the house:

  • Band-Aids. Not kidding! I love funky Band-Aids.

  • I can always use stationery and stickers.

  • I am always in need of quality pens.

  • I'm looking for a nice tablecloth. Would be cool to have some general ones and specific holiday ones!

  • There are some really cool sets of Sharpie™ pens out there. I have the fine-tipped twelve-pen set and the pastels fine-tipped five-pen set, but there are the thick ones and bold ones that are not yet in my collection!

  • High-quality sketch paper for my pencil art.

Stuff to eat:

  • Try any of my favorite foods that lend themselves to being given as gifts.

  • I'd love some candy necklaces.
  • Partial to sugar-free candy as well!

  • Homebaked goodies work wonders.

  • Any sour candy imaginable.

  • Delicacies such as Cadbury Creme Eggs, Pez, Laughing Cow Cheese, stroopwafels, artichokes, anything caramel, and anything green apple flavored make wonderful visiting gifts.

Other stuff:

  • Here's my Toys and Games list from Amazon.
  • I like Gel Gems, those sticky things you can put on a bathroom wall, mirror, or window. I have a ton of them but I can never have enough.
  • If you can find any Eyeshield 21 merchandise besides the manga, oh my god, I must have it. Heh.
  • You can always make me something! I'm appreciative of handmade gifts.

Gift certificates:

I cannot stress how much I would love to choose my own gift anywhere you deem appropriate. Along with the above-mentioned online stores, some suggested places are the following:

  • Any craft store (Michaels or Jo-Ann Fabrics)
  • Any music store
  • Any bookstore (I like Mojo locally, or someplace like Barnes & Noble is fine)
  • Target; I'm addicted to their craft and housewares sections.
  • Hell, the grocery store!


Here I'll list some things that I have been offered or have received in the past that I didn't appreciate or want to warn against. It can be tempting because you might think "no way," but if I've listed it here please don't get me this stuff.

  • A motorized scooter--I know I can't drive and you feel sorry for me, but a scooter has all the same problems a bike does (the wind and the weather, plus problems in traffic), plus it takes away my opportunity to exercise. I actively DON'T want this.

  • Flowers--Unless they are planted and alive. I don't really like cut flowers; they depress me.

  • Writing classes--Some have suggested I'd get a lot out of workshops or some such. No thank you.

  • A pet--DON'T GET ME A PET, even if it's just a fish. I don't want a pet.

  • A video game system--I don't want to play video games, sorry. At this point I need another addiction like I need a hole in my head.

  • It's unlikely that I will appreciate sexy undergarments.

  • Any food items that contain coconut.

  • Clothes whose main decoration is the logo of their maker. I have no desire to pay the GAP or Abercrombie & Fitch to advertise their store.

    (Clarification: I like to advertise stuff I like, like cartoons or comics, but I don't like to have clothes that are about clothes.)

  • Girl power clothes. I generally dislike clothes that say things like "girl power" or have lips and the word "cute" on them or snobby and silly things. Definitely nothing with a sentiment like "boy magnet," "tease," or "heartbreaker" or "so many boys, so little time." It is rare that I think that sort of thing is clever.

  • Should go without saying, but please refrain from getting me stuff that "sends a message" that I should be living differently. (That includes media that suggests, among other things, that I need a romantic relationship, that I should be eating meat, that I should be on a particular diet, that I should change to your religion, etc. Yes, I have received gifts like this and it's pretty uncool.)

  • Please don't get me any non-vegetarian food, or clothes or furniture that is leather or made of an animal product.


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