Click pictures to download individually, or click the sheet collections to get full pages. |
 | "Obsolescence Guaranteed In Three Months!" |
 | "Sucks Less!" |
 | "Certified User Surly Piece of Junk!" |
 | "Certified User Surly--Interactionally Retarded!" |
 | "Infohazard" |
 | "Fewer Insect Parts By Weight Than the Leading Brand!" |
 | "New & Improved--Now Contains Fewer Petroleum Byproducts!" |
Download all of the Above on SHEET 1! |
 | "Evolve: Support Mutation! Survival of any species over time depends on reserves of mutants capable of exploiting or resisting opportunities." |
Download the Above on SHEET 2! |
 | "Danger: Info Hazard! Contains virulent information programmed to displace/block concepts crucial to simian brain evolution." |
 | "Insane: Unquestioning Hierarchical Automatons! Intellectual caution advised." |
 | "Caution: Small Mind Sector! Displays of enlightenment may carry risks for individuals." |
 | "Boredom: Extremely Dull! Self-entertainment necessary for maintaining consciousness." |
Download all of the Above on SHEET 3! |
 | "Notice: Humor Not Appreciated! Seriousness mandatory at all times. Cynicism, irony, and absurdity will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible." |
 | "Submit: Conformity Mandatory! You must toe the party line. Attempts at original thought or action will result in severe and immediate consequences." |
 | "Warning! Prolonged or unprotected exposure to this information source may prevent or retard the intellectual development of higher simian brains." |
 | "Primitive! This area has been found inhospitable to bipedal beings demonstrating individuality and/or other evolved behavior." |
 | "Surgeon Admiral's Warning: Conformity Causes Unconsciousness, Boredom, And May Lead To A Persistant Vegetative Dream-State." |
 | "Smoking This Combustible Substance Will Result In Absolutely No Psychedelic Perceptual Shift." |
Download all of the Above on SHEET 4! |
 | "100% Recycled Food Product! Guaranteed to meet or exceed human edibility standards." |
 | "Contaminated Goods! For Sale To Code-Level Magenta Humans Only. Remove this label before displaying." |
 | "Fun Food! For Recreational Consumption Only. This edible substance contains absolutely no nutritional value." |
 | "Bioengineered Food Product! Genetically-Altered Through Combination With Human DNA." |
 | "Catholic Cosher: Approved By the Pope!" |
Download all of the Above on SHEET 5! |
 | "Contents May Have Expired During Shipping" |
 | "Infohazard" |
 | "International Press Association: This identification card certifies that the person whose name appears below is a member in good standing." |
 | "Complies With International Class B Emission Standards!" |
 | "Attention Deficit Receipt: This receipt shall serve as a legal record for any transaction involving the involuntary deduction of attention currency (i.e.: wasting someone's time)" |
Download all of the Above on SHEET 6! |