[SwankiVY's Shenanigans]

Girls With Animals!

[girls with animal]

Aww, aren't they cute?

One day when I was in college, I got some stupid porn mail. Nothing new, but the subject this time just said "hi." When I opened it, it had a link that said, CLICK HERE TO SEE GIRLS WITH ANIMALS!!! I thought . . . obviously this link wants me to go look at bestiality, but . . . what if, strangely enough, I happened to go to it and it was just a bunch of innocent pictures of girls having their pictures taken with animals? What if it wasn't sexual at all? Wouldn't that be . . . HILARIOUS??

A new prank had begun. I decided to create my own page of this sort, put in the meta tags "dubious" things like "girls with animals" and "pics from the barnyard" so bestiality searchers would find it.

The Girls with Animals page consists only of links (you can't see the pics without clicking), and the text of the links always contains suggestive material if you've got a dirty mind. For example, the picture at the top of this page is referenced as "Julie and Pattie with the pokey little puppy . . . and is that Grandpa's hand??" Heh.

Should I ever receive hate mail about not putting up dirty pictures of girls screwing animals, I will post it here for you, the people.

You can go to the "Girls with Animals" page and laugh. . . .

But be advised that it is "not connected" to this page and you'll just have to use the back button, Einstein. Hehe!

I got this disturbing message from someone who obviously saw the page and used the contact e-mail on the next page:

Subject: vedio and photo
Date: 4/6/2006 11:42:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: [deleted]
To: htelectra@aol.com

I want girls sex with animals video and photos

Then you're in the wrong place, buddy. Not that I wasn't trying to trick you, but still . . . heh.
