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I got to my hotel room in Canada and was surprised that it was hot enough to need the air conditioning!
At the airport I got some Canadian money, which is way prettier than U.S. currency.
I got some sushi at a restaurant down the street. I was so excited that I didn't get lost that day--I have a really hard time with directions!
And here's the next day at the conference--the hand-drawn conference welcome sign is pretty cute, and is in asexual flag colors.
Cleander was making this cool presentation about the history of asexuality.
And here's Andrew with his lovely math nerd stuff, discussing how asexual discourse is correlated with mainstream media mentions of asexuality. Andrew stayed in the same hotel room as me for the conference, along with David, Southie, and Bauer.
Here I am at the table for my book, taking names to enter in the contest to win a copy of my book!
Here's the "Asexual Bingo" flier I had made with info about my book on the bottom.
Here's the Asexual Leadership Q&A panel--David Jay, me, and Sara Beth Brooks. We're taking questions about the movement and our leadership.
A prompted selfie with Sara Beth and Cole--whee!
Since it was an asexuality conference, there of course needed to be cake.
Here's a non-selfie version of the above.
Here I am with Alexandra--quite an exuberant fan of mine, who treated me and David like we were celebrities or something. Hahaha.
Poor Southie was so sleepy after the long drive the previous day and doing the conference the whole day that she was practically drunk, and still nerding on the computer.
This is how far my knees are from the seat on a plane. Having short legs is at least good for something!