Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.
woods1.jpg: Well, and here's me in the woods at my apartment complex!
pinepent.jpg: We played with some stuff and I made this pretty decoration!
melon.jpg: We got this awesome watermelon! This is us attempting to eat it.
muffin.jpg: We made pumpkin muffins. They tasted soooo good.
We also did a lot of other cooking. Check out our dinner pictures!
Dinner1.jpg | Dinner2.jpg | Dinner3.jpg | Dinner4.jpg | Dinner5.jpg |
sawamur2.jpg: At Sawamura's Japanese restaurant, we ate loads of stuff, including the stuff that was on fire in this picture.
sawamur1.jpg: Here's the guy who cooked it for us, he was awesome.
sonnys1.jpg: Can you tell this is Fred's favorite thing to do when he comes to Gainesville? Not to see ME . . . to see SONNY!
sonnys2.jpg: Cheesy souvenir Sonny's pic.
Fred and I decided to take a swim in my community swimming pool. Fred had bought me a cool bikini and I was trying it out. Fred documented it rather well I'd say.
bikini11.jpg | bikini2.jpg | bikini3.jpg | bikini4.jpg |
benchmom.jpg: And we saw her, at work . . . I'm with her on a bench.
And here is the beach visit Fred and I had with my sister in Clearwater.
bpose1.jpg | bpose2.jpg | bpose3.jpg | bpose4.jpg | sunpose.jpg |
kar1.jpg | 2kar1.jpg | 2kar2.jpg | fredkar.jpg |