Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.
brmetro.jpg: Blink
and Rowan on the Metro in D.C.
brmerry.jpg: Blink
and Rowan on the merry-go-round!
babeswnk.jpg: Me
being a babe on a car.
babero.jpg: Rowan
being a babe on the car.
babeblnk.jpg: Blink
being a babe, on a car of course.
sbmetro.jpg: Blink and me on the Metro.
icecream.jpg: Blink and Rowan and me eating ice cream.
kandb.jpg: Blink
and kiRa from Mu, being cute.
kandk.jpg: Keener
kiRa. Keener is the founder of MuMu Land, which is the talker where I met Blink and Rowan.
kiss.jpg: Here
they are again. Aren't they cute?
byerow.jpg: Me sadly saying goodbye to Rowan before leaving to go back home.