Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.
foneloco.jpg: While I was in San Jose, I rung up one of my old co-hosts, KWBF Loco, because I was in the area. This is me chatting with him.
cresent.jpg: Fred and I made crescent cakes to eat at our upcoming celebration. This is Fred mixing the dough.
wassail1.jpg: We also made wassail for our celebration: here's Fred pouring in the cider.
wassail2.jpg: Fred is now enjoying a cup of the wassail.
wassail3.jpg: And I had a cup too. :)
moons.jpg: A random picture of me. I was wearing sparkly moons on my face.
crackapl.jpg: The wassail recipe has tart apples in it. You're supposed to heat the stuff until the apples burst. This is one of the burst apples.
gehhh.jpg: I'm doing imitations here; I was doing an imitation of one of my book characters.
sulk.jpg: Another imitation: this time I am imitating my character sulking.
sitwall.jpg: I'm sitting on the wall!
haite.jpg: We went to Haite Street in San Francisco and looked at all the weirdoes. I was one of them.
fredgg.jpg: Fred in front of the Golden Gate bridge.
ivygg.jpg: Me at the Golden Gate bridge. We checked it out and then drove over it.
sfivy.jpg: Here is me with San Francisco behind me.
caution.jpg: We went to the beach. I guess it's kind of a dangerous beach.
sunset1.jpg: We watched the sunset. It was a beautiful one.
sunset2.jpg: See? Isn't it nice?
mesun.jpg: Me in front of the setting sun on the beach.
fredrox.jpg: Fred is standing picturesquely in front of these rocks.
pacific.jpg: I'm scurrying down for my first contact with the Pacific Ocean.
moonlite.jpg: The moon on the Solstice; it was especially bright and close. But this picture isn't very good.
priestes.jpg: I'm "playing priestess" right before we started our little ritual for Yule. I'm all dressed up pretty. :)
yulealtr.jpg: Our altar was dressed up pretty too. :)
cord1.jpg: Here is me laying out the boundary of our circle in silver cord.
cord2.jpg: I guess I'm still doing the same thing, but it's a different picture.
beef.jpg: Fred likes the feasting part.
jacuzzi.jpg: After the celebration we went in the jacuzzi outside under the moonlight. This is my obligatory "sexy picture."
crystal1.jpg: I brought my crystal in the jacuzzi with me. It looks like a bubble!
crystal2.jpg: I got silly and shoved the crystal in my bathing suit.
winch1.jpg: We visited the Winchester House, a mansion that's really kinda freaky. This is me outside on the roof.
winch2.jpg: That's me lying on the Winchester House roof!
winch3.jpg: Fred ventured onto the roof as well. :)
cabsleep.jpg: We went out to Fred's parents' log cabin in the mountains for Christmas. I got in my cozy PJs and slept a long time once I got there. This is me just getting up.
sleeeep.jpg: Sometimes I enjoy sleeping for extended periods of time.
lilyrust.jpg: Fred's parents' friends were there and they brought their baby. Here she is playing with a rooster.
cookin.jpg: Fred's family was cooking breakfast here. Look, a whole bunch of people in the kitchen!!
lilypeek.jpg: Peek-a-boo!
lilywrap.jpg: Have you ever watched a baby unwrap a present? It's craziness.
adorned.jpg: I was adorned with ribbons from the presents I received!
hollydls.jpg: I received candles with holly on them. Aren't they cool?
lilynma.jpg: Fred's mom was playing with the baby by the tree.
cluster.jpg: A cluster of Christmas celebrators!
brucedad.jpg: This is Fred's dad and his friend Bruce, displaying a gift.
genedeb.jpg: Fred's brother Gene, with his wife Debbie.
swing.jpg: At the cabin there was a cute swing all decorated with Christmas lights: this is me and Fred sitting on it.
cauldron.jpg: This is in the parking lot of the airport; we were using up the last of the film. This is Fred holding my cauldron, hehe!