Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.
bludress.jpg: Katie in a pretty blue dress.
katesnow.jpg: Katie in a posed picture with a snowman and a flower wreath.
kateswng.jpg: Katie's on a swing, looking disturbingly like her mommy.
katepool.jpg: Kates in da pool, with her swimmies on.
trike.jpg: Here she's sitting on a tricycle.
kredflur.jpg: Four years old, with beautiful red flowers.
hangmonk.jpg: It's a little monkey girl!
kboat.jpg: Here she's floating adorably in a boat.
kdiver.jpg: She can jump off the diving board, too.
kbkini.jpg: A bathing beauty.
khoop.jpg: She's by flowers, with a big hoop.
ropey.jpg: Beware, looks like she's got a jump rope here.
kvan.jpg: Almost five years old, wearing a cute kerchief in front of the van.
facegrab.jpg: Grab Mommy's face why don'cha.
5cake.jpg: Here's her fifth birthday cake.
5blow.jpg: I couldn't resist the one of her blowing out the candles, either.