Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.
Pictures Katie took:
Pictures of me:
canju.jpg | jubutt.jpg | pigletc.jpg | puju.jpg |
(Yes, she did indeed photograph my ass.)
dimples.jpg | drool.jpg | ianpond.jpg |
(Ian does not really drool, unless presented with a very sexy hot fudge sundae. He is simply pretending to be as retarded as he looks in the middle picture.)
megband.jpg: Another pic of Mommy.
homeys.jpg: Katie shot me and Ian together.
kateself.jpg: And she even took her own picture.
Pictures of Katie:
boomk.jpg: Crazy little ho!
katehany.jpg: Isn't she adorable?
kcurl.jpg: All curled up in the kid-size chair.
tipchair.jpg: She really likes this chair.
shinyk.jpg: This one's all glowy, but cute.
kmonkey.jpg: See if you can strangle him, huh kiddo?
ianfone.jpg: He's pretending to talk on the phone to Kates.
katefone.jpg: Here's how she responds.
peas.jpg: We're two peas in a pod, ne?
noodles.jpg: Ohh, it's Mommy and Katie.
sitmom.jpg: Looks like Mommy's a chair here.