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My molasses-ginger animal cookies.
Two freshly baked pumpkin pies.
The famous cream cheese pumpkin roll.
My shortbread fall leaf cookies.
My not so famous vegan pumpkin brownies.
Aren't my pumpkin lights cute?
I was Stevonnie from Steven Universe, reusing my costume from Comic Con. Compare me to my cartoon self.
Here's Joy as Mystery Girl, also from Steven Universe! Look at her boots. Compare her to her cartoon self.
Ben as Percy, an obscure character from Steven Universe (are you sensing a theme?). Percy is from an in-show TV show, so it's pretty meta. Compare Ben to Percy.
Victor was a necromancer with a costume he made himself. (He is not from a cartoon.)
I don't think Rachael came as anyone in particular, but this is her costume.
Michael isn't anyone in particular either, though he's vaguely piratey like usual.
And Derek was young Greg Universe from Steven Universe. Compare him to his cartoon self.
Party fun:
Chatting guests Joy, Victor, and Jodi.
Chatting guests Michael, Jeaux (as Tiger Millionaire, another Steven Universe character, but I didn't get an individual pic with him), Rachael, and Derek.
Jeaux and Victor chatting and sitting on the floor.
Rachael and Michael were leaving so I took their pic together.
I get cold easily so I was under a blanky.
The group of people who dressed as Steven Universe characters. (Jeaux's tie is gone. He's become Tiger Philanthropist.)