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allween.jpg: Here's the gang! We went trick-or-treating, and this is us getting ready to go.
bend.jpg: The same scene, before trick-or-treating, except this time I'm in the picture and Mike isn't. Notice how everyone's bending down except me, but we're all on approximately the same level. I'm too freaking short.
groop.jpg: And another pre-trick-or-treating deal, this time including Bill the pirate. ARRRR!
philbill.jpg: And here's Phil and Bill in their costumes.
yumcandy.jpg: We got a LOT of candy . . . this is our candy when we went back to Mike and Moon's house to trade and haggle. >:)
tucker.jpg: I was quite happy to get lots of candy.
samaltar.jpg: And lastly, here's my little altar for that day . . . it's a holiday, ya know. :)