
Overlapping the Sister Visit of April 2007, Fred came to see us from Phoenix. We visited with my family and some of our friends.

Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.

[?]scritch.jpg: Fred scritches my sister Lindsay's dog, Pork Chop, on the head.

[?]ldoggo.jpg: Sister Lindsay at my mom's holding her dog cutely.

[?]girlshug.jpg: A hug between the family girls.

[?]dgirls.jpg: Here we are posing so you can actually see our faces. :)

[?]ourdin.jpg: What we were about to eat that night!

[?]db4din.jpg: All of us in the family, plus P's boyfriend, posing before dinner.

[?]nature1.jpg: The next day they went on a canoeing trip (I couldn't go because I was working), and these are some pictures. (I just picked the ones I liked best since they took like a billion.) Here is some nice nature on the water.

[?]gator1.jpg: It's a gator. . . .

[?]gator2.jpg: Comin' at'chya!

[?]ypcanoe1.jpg: Patricia and Yusuke in the canoe.

[?]ypcanoe2.jpg: There they are again.

[?]turtle1.jpg: Look! Turtles hangin' out!

[?]turtle2.jpg: This turtle looks like it's posing or stretching.

[?]nature2.jpg: Beautiful purple flowers!

[?]picnic1.jpg: Partway through the trip, there is a place you can beach your canoes and rest. Here is where they had a little bite to eat.

[?]picnic3.jpg: A nice group of picnickers!

[?]picnic4.jpg: This is the group by the "big honkin' tree."

[?]picnic5.jpg: I like P's little pose there.

[?]turtle3.jpg: More turtle goodness. . . .

[?]ypcanoe3.jpg: And there they are on their way back to land.

[?]fmug.jpg: I gave Fred this Negative One mug for his birthday.

[?]fredn1cp.jpg: Call me crazy, but I think he was pleased with my choice of gift. :)

[?]khugcat.jpg: Our next adventure was a trip to Jacksonville to see Meg, Brendon, and Katelyn. It was our first time seeing their place. This is Katie holding Steve, the cat.

[?]katsteve.jpg: More Katelyn with the cat. :)

[?]katicat1.jpg: Here she is playing with the kitty.

[?]katicat2.jpg: And more of the above.

[?]blondeez.jpg: We took a look around the grounds of the complex, and this is me, Katie, and Meggie standing outside!

[?]wmonkey.jpg: I like to make a habit of posing with monkeys. This is my favorite monkey of all time.

[?]weswing.jpg: Katelyn and I sat on the swingy bench and looked out over the view.

[?]ridekbik.jpg: Then we played outside. This is me trying to ride Katelyn's bike, which is a little undersized for me (believe it or not).

[?]kskate.jpg: Katelyn used the skates I got her for Christmas. She's a pretty good skater, but it's hard to skate in the parking lot!

[?]kskotch1.jpg: We also played hopscotch! Here's Katie's turn.

[?]iscotch1.jpg: My turn. . . .

[?]kscotch2.jpg: Her turn. . . .

[?]iscotch2.jpg: And my turn again.

[?]kbakseat.jpg: Then we went out to eat. This is K in the back seat, in the car with Fred and me.

[?]doofaces.jpg: We're being silly in the car.

[?]songrup1.jpg: Here's Fred, Katelyn, Meg, and Brendon eating at Sonny's, Fred's favorite place!

[?]songrup2.jpg: And here's the same sort of picture except I'm in the shot this time, with Katelyn taking the picture.

[?]songrup3.jpg: Just me and Fred. Fred has all the ribs he could want.

[?]hapbren.jpg: Brendon is happy when you feed him enough meat.

[?]2sanng.jpg: Next stop: Karaoke room! Katelyn and I took the mics.

[?]kar1.jpg: Brendon's a really good singer.

[?]2sanng2.jpg: Katelyn and I tend to get a little over-excited when we sing.

[?]kar2.jpg: Yes, Fred, at karaoke you must sing!

[?]kar4.jpg: We are so silly. Here's our group singing some more.

[?]bestsing.jpg: Aww, the best friends are singing.

[?]kar3.jpg: Choosing a song is serious business.

[?]kar5.jpg: Katelyn sure isn't afraid of the mic! She did a great song by herself.

[?]kar6.jpg: You might think she looks great, but she sounds even better, I promise!

[?]bcake1.jpg: And last on the agenda for the night was the BIRTHDAY CAKE! I think we actually had to wake Fred up for this, but it was worth it!

[?]bcake2.jpg: See, it says "Happy Birthday Fred." It was an ice cream cake!

[?]bcake3.jpg: I think he is happy to have friends like us.

[?]royalcat.jpg: This cat is not as friendly as Steve. Tut is a bit of a royal snob . . . or just shy. :)

[?]sprawlc.jpg: This kitty sure ain't shy, though!

[?]letsbisc.jpg: In the morning we girls made breakfast, and Katelyn helped me make my usual homemade biscuits from scratch. She's a great helper.

[?]kheels.jpg: Call me crazy, but I think this little lady looks better in heels than most grown-ups do. (And she probably walks in them better too.)

[?]brenpuff.jpg: After food, we went malling, and this is Bren in the food court with a puffball confection of some sort. Yum!

[?]ohcandy.jpg: This candy store was sooo cool. I couldn't resist buying a candy necklace there.

[?]fpizza1.jpg: After the mall, we traveled back to Tampa and made our own pizzas for dinner. This is Fred working on the dough.

[?]fpizza2.jpg: He did a really good job; most of the time when I first make pizzas with people, they can't get the dough to spread without tearing. I think Fred and food just have a general understanding.

[?]jpizza1.jpg: He made a really nice-looking pepper-and-tomato pizza. It was very crunchy and wet. Mine was cheesy and mushroomy. I don't eat peppers or tomatoes. We ate our pies while watching the movie Amélie.

And then Fred went back to Phoenix, never to return. Nah, I'm kidding, I'm sure he'll come back soon. :)
