
Now Ben is a toddler!

Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.

Here's when he and his mommy came to visit me in September 2008.

[?]913benbookring.jpg: Ben playing with rings and a new book he got for his birthday.

[?]913benbooks.jpg: He seems to like the book. . . .

[?]913benencroaching.jpg: Funny how whenever you try to take a good picture of a baby, he'll come attack the camera. . . .

[?]913benivycup.jpg: Cute kid playing with his toys and a cup while I'm watching.

[?]913benivylap.jpg: He'd stay on my lap if I held him tightly. . . .

[?]913benlapboy.jpg: He's great fun to squeeze. I showed that here!

[?]913benpegplay.jpg: He really likes that ring set!

[?]913benringpen.jpg: Ben's enjoying the toys. . . .

[?]913benringput.jpg: He can actually put the rings on the peg.

[?]913benwetgrin.jpg: Such a big wet grin!

[?]kidsriding.jpg: Oh look, Ben is riding a ride with big sister Katelyn!

[?]motorcycle.jpg: Ooh, another thing to ride!

[?]sweetsiblings.jpg: Aww! Ben's sleeping on Katelyn!

[?]sweetsiblings2.jpg: Gosh, li'l Ben looks so peaceful there.

[?]lappybro.jpg: Ben is comfortable in Katie's lap.

[?]lappybro2.jpg: He likes laps!

Okay, now some from the time I came to visit the family when Bren and Meg got married:

bencorral1.jpg: When I arrived in Jacksonville, we went out to eat at Golden Corral, and Meg and Bren had baby Ben with them. I tend to take a lot of pictures of this child when I am around him, because he is just so darn cute!

Here he is trying to eat an orange. He kept biting into it and making a funny face, then doing it again anyway.

benonthephone.jpg: Benny likes picking things up and holding them to his face like they're a phone. Once in a while he does it with an actual phone.

benkatiedeptstore.jpg: After Katelyn got back from school, we had to go shopping. Here's Katie keeping her brother entertained while Mommy was shopping for Daddy's present.

benkatieshoestore1.jpg: They were cute in the shoe store while Meggie was looking for shoes.

benkatieshoestore2.jpg: And here they are at a different shoe store, hanging out on a cool cushy couch.

ivybenkatieshoestore.jpg: I joined them in lounging on the comfortable-looking cushion.

responsiblebigsis.jpg: Katie does a really good job watching her brother. Sometimes it's hard to believe she's only ten!

awakecarseatben1.jpg: Here's sweetums being good in the carseat.

awakecarseatben2.jpg: Still just chillin'. . . .

sleepingcarseatben.jpg: Oops, now he's conked out.

dontwannaeat.jpg: The baby is resisting dinnertime.

rehearsallunchben1.jpg: The day before the wedding, we had a rehearsal and a lunch after. Here's the baby having a ball on the table.

rehearsallunchben2.jpg: I'm sure he's making a mess. :)

Here are a few shots of bridesmaid Jenny playing with the baby.

receptionkatieben.jpg: Katie in her bridesmaid dress with her brother. He's playing with her necklace.

receptionkatiebenny.jpg: More Katie and Ben at the reception.

Now Halloween 2008:

[?]rebellingmonkey1.jpg: At the last minute Mommy and Daddy dressed Ben up as a monkey, but he wasn't a big fan of the hat.

[?]rebellingmonkey2.jpg: See? He wants it off.

[?]rebellingmonkey3.jpg: Yeah, he got his way.

[?]wearingbenshat.jpg: "If you're not going to wear it, can I?"

[?]babyontable.jpg: Here's Ben in his monkey costume sitting on my table.

Here are a few from when the family came to visit me for my birthday, January 17, 2009:

[?]birthdaybeans.jpg: I received jellybeans as a gift, and Ben is playing!

[?]benwithtoy.jpg: He got this toy for Christmas.

[?]smilingbenwithremote.jpg: Little guy does like his remote controls.

Wrestling with big sister!

[?]bennydrives1.jpg: Leave him unrestrained in the car, just for a second, and he tries to take the driver's seat.

[?]bennydrives2.jpg: Oh lord! Psychotic baby is driving! How can this be?

[?]bennycheese1.jpg: This is Ben with his pizza at Chuck E. Cheese.

[?]bennycheese2.jpg: Look out! Supreme adorableness!

[?]bennycheese4.jpg: Sometimes one needs one's mommy's help in order to poke pizza with a plastic knife.

[?]bennykatievideogame.jpg: It's nice to have a big sister that lets you drive, huh?

And now, pictures from Disney, during a family vacation June 2009!


There are also a few from when the family was in California for Brendon's sister's wedding:

And these are from Halloween when he came to my party, 2009. :)

[?]supercutebennygrin.jpg: An incredibly cute expression!

[?]benisnotimpressed.jpg: "Nope, I am not in fact impressed."

[?]momisachair.jpg: Moms make good chairs!

[?]bathcheese.jpg: Sayin' cheese in the bathtub.

[?]peekincheese.jpg: Who's peekin' out under there?

[?]iwontsmile.jpg: "I won't smile. You can't make me."

[?]bennygrrrr.jpg: Monsterface cutie.

[?]blacklips.jpg: Whoa, messyface!

[?]blacklips2.jpg: Mr. Messyface is now talking on the phone.

[?]openwithafork.jpg: Is that plastic fork being used to help open presents?

[?]benopens.jpg: Opening his Christmas presents.

[?]benbakuganball.jpg: Ooh, a ball with Bakugan on it.

[?]kstuffedanimalpresent.jpg: Ben's sister received a stuffed animal carrying bath products, and he's just having a grand old time with his big ball in the background.

Here're some cute shots of Benny doing karaoke!

[?]bennymessmouth.jpg: Whoa, whatever he ate last went mostly around his mouth, not in it!

[?]katelynbendoorway.jpg: With big sister in the doorway at Grandma's new place.

In March 2010, we went to the Renaissance Faire in Tampa with Benny. Here are some of his adventures.

[?]bennypets1.jpg: The faire had an animal pen for people to pet various animals. Ben was very interested!

[?]bennypets2.jpg: You can see his li'l face poking between the fence there.

[?]bennypets3.jpg: There was a pig!

[?]bennypettedanimals.jpg: Mommy picked him up after he got to pet everyone.

[?]benmommybirdy1.jpg: Wow, look at the big bird!

[?]benmommybirdy2.jpg: He looks sorta fascinated, huh?

[?]benfoundachair1.jpg: Then he found a chair and decided it looked comfortable.

[?]benfoundachair2.jpg: Suddenly he was just too content to move.

[?]benfoundachair3.jpg: You could almost sleep in this thing, huh Ben?

[?]benridesswing.jpg: He literally DRAGGED his grandmommy over to this contraption because he wanted a ride. He loved it! It's an old-fashioned ride where it's actually pushed by a person.

[?]benhasacookie.jpg: Ben had a chocolate chunk cookie. Obviously he was enjoying it quite a bit. It took two wet napkins to wipe him down after the cookie-eating and the dirt that got on his hands afterwards.

Here are photos from an EPCOT trip, March 2010:

[?]bensquishyface.jpg: Ben's cute face, close-up.

[?]poohcharacters.jpg: With Winnie-the-Pooh characters!

[?]mickeyminniecharacters1.jpg: Wow, can't believe they got to meet such famous mice!

[?]mickeyminniecharacters2.jpg: Another shot of the above.

[?]withbuzz1.jpg: They also got to meet Buzz Lightyear.

[?]withbuzz2.jpg: Another shot of the above.
