
Here are some of my favorite photos of 2015! (Some are redundant from other pages, and others appear here only.) These are displayed with the newest on top.

Click on the thumbnail or the words to see a large image.

[?] Ash is fake-sleeping in the chair on New Year's Eve. December 31, 2015.

[?] Ash hanging out at my house on New Year's Eve--he found the perfect small chair for his small self. December 31, 2015.

[?] Ash is a little builder. December 29, 2015.

[?] Ash is watching The Point in a silly pose. He dances to the music. December 29, 2015.

[?] Ash has his own box house at my mom's. December 29, 2015.

[?] I got a blanket with Garnet from Steven Universe on it as my holiday gift from Jeaux, and I like it a lot. December 27, 2015.

[?] The perfect cinnamon roll. Made by my sister. December 25, 2015.

[?] Ash sometimes plays doctor. That means that sometimes Mommy gets covered in Band-Aids. December 25, 2015.

[?] Ash sometimes plays doctor. That means that sometimes Grandma gets covered in Band-Aids. December 25, 2015.

[?] This kid loves a good story about ABCs. December 25, 2015.

[?] The watermelon consumer has arrived. December 25, 2015.

[?] Ash is enjoying one of his new toys: a motorcycle. December 25, 2015.

[?] Yusuke and Ash are having some sweet togetherness time on Christmas Eve. December 24, 2015.

[?] Ash is enjoying his new personalized train cars from a very special auntie. ;) December 24, 2015.

[?] Ash is enjoying his new caterpillar toy from one of his favorite books. December 24, 2015.

[?] Sister Lindsay with her stocking on Christmas Eve. December 24, 2015.

[?] Hey it's me with my stocking on Christmas Eve. December 24, 2015.

[?] My sister Patricia took this one of some of the family on Christmas Eve about to open presents. December 24, 2015.

[?] Ash is enjoying raisins with his parents. December 24, 2015.

[?] At Mom's, Ash is enjoying the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. December 24, 2015.

[?] My Steven Universe Pop! figure collection is complete now. Yay! December 23, 2015.

[?] Ash is ready for his big boy cake. December 20, 2015.

[?] Birthday boy under the Happy Birthday sign. December 20, 2015.

[?] Ash's second birthday! I got to make his cake, which was apple bread with whipped cream icing. December 20, 2015.

[?] I bought the Steven Universe Funko Pop! toys online but they had stock issues so my shipments were delivered separately. The first one to arrive was my Pearl figure. :) December 20, 2015.

[?] Sometimes Ash gets a little distraught and responds well to music. December 19, 2015.

[?] We visited my dad in Sarasota and they had this little Christmas tree. Here's Ash beside it. December 19, 2015.

[?] I was excited about cartoons but still stuck at work so I freaked out a little. December 18, 2015.

[?] Ash hanging out with his parents in his jammies at Mom's. December 17, 2015.

[?] Ash wears a Jason Mraz–like hat and requests the song where he sings with Elmo. December 17, 2015.

[?] Ash was holding up this phone like he was gonna take my pic, so I took his pic. December 17, 2015.

[?] Having my favorite sandwich at Drink and Draw. December 12, 2015.

[?] It's Santa Eric at Drink and Draw. December 12, 2015.

[?] My boss took this picture of me holding a gift our office received. It is disguised to look like a roll of engineering plans, but this tube is full of cookies! December 10, 2015.

[?] Me with my Crystal Gems coffee mug from Cartoon Network. December 4, 2015.

[?] I had to pick up a package at the Post Office and it was really tiny. December 1, 2015.

[?] Found some cool items at an Etsy store--an asexuality pin and a Crystal Temple star! Shiny Things by Miyuka. :) November 13, 2015.

[?] When you have a chance to take a selfie with a pirate, YOU DO IT! October 31, 2015.

[?] Donut girl selfie. What'cha think, do I make a decent Sadie? October 31, 2015.

[?] Eric sat in my tiny chair somehow. October 31, 2015.

[?] "Hmm . . . from here, he kinda looks like Steven." October 31, 2015.

[?] Mommy came as a SCUBA diver. October 31, 2015.

[?] It's Steven and a Steven. Tiger Millionaire. Whatever. ALL THAT MATTERS IS HOW STEVENY MY HOUSE IS. October 31, 2015.

[?] It's Jeaux . . . as Tiger Millionaire. He even has a giant cell phone prop that he made himself. (Compare him with the cartoon character here!) October 31, 2015.

[?] Joy made my party twice as Steveny by coming as Steven Universe himself, complete with ukulele and magic belly button. (Yes, she can play the songs, and did so.) (Compare her with the cartoon character here!) October 31, 2015.

[?]nightvalebook.jpg: Me when my Welcome to Night Vale book came. October 23, 2015.

[?]tallandsmall.jpg: Me at Drink and Draw with very tall Tom. October 17, 2015.

[?]drinkanddrawoct.jpg: Drink and Draw poster. October 17, 2015.

[?]ericivydraw.jpg: Eric and me at Drink and Draw. October 17, 2015.

[?]ericdraw2.jpg: Eric drew Randy Savage at Drink and Draw. October 17, 2015.

[?]ericdraw1.jpg: Eric drew Batgirl at Drink and Draw. October 17, 2015.

[?]joydraw.jpg: Joy drew the Steven Universe character Amethyst at Drink and Draw. October 17, 2015.

[?]victorparty4.jpg: Victor with all his birthday gifts. October 10, 2015.

[?]victorparty3.jpg: All the geeks at the party arguing about superheroes. You can see my feet. October 10, 2015.

[?]victorparty1.jpg: Surprise party for Victor. These nerds came to help celebrate. October 10, 2015.

[?]paperbacks.jpg: My editor sent my paperbacks to me for the new release! October 8, 2015.

[?]cardsmagnify.jpg: My mom's glasses broke so she had to use a magnifying glass to play Cards Against Humanity. October 6, 2015.

[?]hookahkids.jpg: My sister and brother-in-law enjoying their hookah at Mom's. October 6, 2015.

[?]squarepizza.jpg: We had a pizza party at work because we made some money. Square pizza?! October 2, 2015.

[?]skyhorsefall.jpg: A stack of Skyhorse fall releases, tweeted by my editor--my paperback included. October 1, 2015.

[?]tinycoke2.jpg: At my mom's house I like to drink these tiny Cokes. September 29, 2015.

[?]withfubot.jpg: I'm at Drink and Draw hanging out with the FU Bot. It insults you if you tweet at it. September 26, 2015.

[?]ericsetsup.jpg: Eric is setting up his rude robot at the Drink and Draw. September 26, 2015.

[?]drinkanddrawseptember.jpg: I'm at Drink and Draw posing with Eric's poster. September 26, 2015.

[?]airmattress.jpg: Resting on an air mattress at my mom's while sleeping over. September 2, 2015.

[?]tinycokes.jpg: My mom got me tiny Cokes in bottles! September 2, 2015.

[?]drinkanddrawaugust.jpg: Me at August's Drink and Draw. Also, there was a double rainbow. August 22, 2015.

[?]backtogether.jpg: Wearing my "back together" shirt at work because I'm a dork. August 21, 2015.

[?]iddred.jpg: I played DDR and got nice and tired. August 15, 2015.

[?]royalties.jpg: My very first royalty check from sales of my book! August 7, 2015.

[?]earsfirst.jpg: I ate my last Cookie Cat. July 26, 2015.

[?]cheongbomb.jpg: I was taking a last-minute selfie with Eric's Drink and Draw poster when Cheong photo-bombed me. July 19, 2015.

[?]cookiecat.jpg: Me with one of the Cookie Cat ice cream sandwiches I made. July 17, 2015.

[?]testtogetherbreakfast.jpg: I tested out my "Together Breakfast" concoction. July 6, 2015.

[?]keepinitweird.jpg: My new shirt for Keep Beach City Weird. July 3, 2015.

[?]sebastianivy.jpg: Sebastian and me at the Insomnia restaurant. They picked a very cool place to eat! June 21, 2015.

[?]group5.jpg: At the asexuality conference, some of us took a group photo! There were lots of people who didn't want to be in the photo or weren't there, though. June 21, 2015.

[?]booksign.jpg: Signing books and tabling at the asexuality conference. I signed a bunch of books and held a drawing to win a copy. June 21, 2015.

[?]timhortons.jpg: I got some coffee from Tim Horton's, which is apparently a must while in Canada. June 21, 2015.

[?]officepub.jpg: Me with my group of pals at the Office Pub after the first day of the ace conference. June 21, 2015.

[?]detractors.jpg: My workshop at the Toronto conference, where I discussed how to handle detractors. June 21, 2015.

[?]aceoutreach.jpg: Me behind the Asexual Outreach banner, doing my table. June 21, 2015.

[?]torontodorm.jpg: Me having just arrived in the dorm room I rented in Toronto, where I stayed for the asexuality conference. June 19, 2015.

[?]justcartoons.jpg: This is the face I make if someone tells me to stop pretending cartoons are serious business. June 17, 2015.

[?]weirdclouds.jpg: Riding my bike home, I saw these really cool clouds. June 15, 2015.

[?]drinkanddraw6-2015.jpg: Me at Drink and Draw with Eric's cool poster. June 13, 2015.

[?]juvenile.jpg: I laughed until I hurt myself at something incredibly juvenile. I am five. June 13, 2015.

[?]lammyparty2.jpg: With John at the after-party. June 1, 2015.

[?]lammyparty.jpg: With John at the after-party, in weird light. June 1, 2015.

[?]redcarpet.jpg: Official picture of me on the red carpet at the Lambda Awards. June 1, 2015.

[?]computering.jpg: I'm very social at parties, not. May 30, 2015.

[?]takingpicturesofpictures.jpg: This is Mike's photo of me. May 30, 2015.

[?]mikeparty.jpg: Hanging out with John's friend Mike, who was really fun to talk to. May 30, 2015.

[?]beforeparty.jpg: Hanging out with John before his birthday party. May 30, 2015.

[?]andreajulie.jpg: I met with my agent Andrea for brunch and we had some really nice food and great conversation. May 29, 2015.

[?]aftertheshow.jpg: Hanging out with Dad after seeing A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder on Broadway. May 28, 2015.

[?]icedlatte.jpg: An iced latte before seeing a Broadway show. May 27, 2015.

[?]beforetheshow.jpg: I met my aunt and my dad for dinner at Mercato before we went to a showing of A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder. May 28, 2015.

[?]julienatalka.jpg: There she is! Natalka and me in the park. We had a lot of fun talking publishing and writing stuff. May 27, 2015.

[?]argocoffee.jpg: I had a really good coffee at Argo while waiting for one of my writer friends to show up for hangout time. May 28, 2015.

[?]somedorkwithmedals.jpg: Here's me with two book award medals I won: gold in the LGBT category for the Next Generation Indie Awards and silver in Sexuality/Relationships at the IPPY awards. May 27, 2015.

[?]ippymedal.jpg: Me getting my medal with spokesmodels at the IPPY Awards. May 27, 2015.

[?]johnsplace.jpg: Yay New York! I was invited to stay at John's place for my NYC vacation. May 27, 2015.

[?]jeauxcookiecat.jpg: Jeaux likes his Cookie Cat shirt while eating at Moe's. May 25, 2015.

[?]curls2.jpg: Trying out a new hairstyle to see if I can look fancy. May 24, 2015.

[?]curls1.jpg: Trying out a new hairstyle to see if I can look fancy. May 24, 2015.

[?]523dnd3.jpg: My irritated coffee face. May 23, 2015.

[?]523dnd2.jpg: Eric reading something entertaining while he was supposed to be drawing. May 23, 2015.

[?]523dnd1.jpg: My obligatory Drink and Draw selfie for May. May 23, 2015.

[?]starshirt.jpg: My latest wardrobe addition: another Steven Universe shirt. (I have four now.) May 11, 2015.

[?]nextgenerationdonut4.jpg: The donut I bought as a reward for winning the Next Generation Indie Book Award in my category. May 9, 2015.

[?]momsdress.jpg: The dress my mom is letting me wear in New York. May 2, 2015.

[?]custardlongjohn.jpg: Me with my reward for getting an IPPY Award: a custard longjohn. May 1, 2015.

[?]415dnd4.jpg: A very crowded Drink and Draw. April 25, 2015.

[?]415dnd3.jpg: Me wearing Eric's hat at Drink and Draw. April 25, 2015.

[?]415dnd2.jpg: Me with the Drink and Draw poster. April 25, 2015.

[?]415dnd1.jpg: Folks hanging out before Drink and Draw. April 25, 2015.

[?]waterbottle.jpg: Showing how strong I am by picking up a water bottle. Wowee. April 22, 2015.

[?]adastracupcake.jpg: Celebratory cupcake for getting a short story accepted in Ad Astra. April 20, 2015.

[?]gemshirt.jpg: In my hotel room after the Minnesota event. April 13, 2015.

[?]flags2.jpg: Flags in the queer student room. Including the ace flag! April 13, 2015.

[?]minnlecture.jpg: Me giving a presentation at University of Minnesota Twin Cities. April 13, 2015.

[?]flags1.jpg: Some cool queer flags in the queer student room. April 13, 2015.

[?]mnspringpride.jpg: The Spring Pride program in the queer student room. I was on it! April 13, 2015.

[?]notgonnachange.jpg: I had planned to wear a different shirt for my actual presentation, but everyone liked my Ruby and Sapphire shirt so much that I decided not to change. :) April 13, 2015.

[?]airportcoffee.jpg: Airport coffee is sometimes a necessary evil. April 13, 2015.

[?]goingsomewherecold.jpg: I was about to go to Minnesota where it was pretty cold, and here I am in Florida where people are swimming. April 12, 2015.

[?]nightvalecast.jpg: The cast at the Night Vale event. April 3, 2015.

[?]tamikacecil.jpg: Tamika & Cecil at the Night Vale event. April 3, 2015.

[?]debcecil.jpg: Deb (the sentient patch of haze) & Cecil at the Night Vale event. April 3, 2015.

[?]carloscecil2.jpg: Carlos & Cecil at the Night Vale event. April 3, 2015.

[?]dessa.jpg: Dessa at the Night Vale event. April 3, 2015.

[?]jeauxivynightvale.jpg: The terrible selfie I took with Jeaux at the Night Vale event. April 3, 2015.

[?]nightvaletickets.jpg: OMG I got Night Vale tickets! April 2, 2015.

[?]floorartists.jpg: I was drawing while my friends were hanging out for a birthday party and card game. April 1, 2015.

[?]drinkanddrawmarch.jpg: At the Drink and Draw, with Eric's poster. March 29, 2015.

[?]erichearteyes.jpg: Eric wearing my heart-shaped sunglasses before Drink and Draw. March 29, 2015.

[?]eyecafe.jpg: My head and a café I went to with Eric. Weird framing intentional. March 29, 2015.

[?]trafficcounting.jpg: I got to count cars for eight hours for my job. March 24, 2015.

[?]marryingdallas.jpg: Dallas said we need to get married because she likes my videos and how I talk, so I got ready for our wedding. March 19, 2015.

[?]indiefabdonut.jpg: I bought myself a donut to celebrate getting nominated for the Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Book of the Year. March 13, 2015.

[?]lambdadonut.jpg: I bought myself a donut to celebrate getting nominated for the Lambda Award. March 13, 2015.

[?]everydaydrunkcupcake.jpg: I buy myself cupcakes when I sell short writings. This is to celebrate that the piece I got accepted in Drunk Monkeys is also getting reprinted in Everyday Feminism. March 9, 2015.

[?]michelleschocolates.jpg: My agent sent me chocolate. March 8, 2015.

[?]yearling1.jpg: Here I am at the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings house. March 7, 2015.

[?]rtypewriter.jpg: A typewriter out on the porch at the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings house. March 7, 2015.

[?]laidanegg.jpg: One of the hens at the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings house laid an egg. March 7, 2015.

[?]flippyhair.jpg: I had flippy hair like an anime character at work. March 5, 2015.

[?]ivydd.jpg: I'm posing with the sign at Drink and Draw. February 21, 2015.

[?]ivyericdd.jpg: Eric and me at Drink and Draw, with him making one of his weird faces. February 21, 2015.

[?]wallguys.jpg: Me with drawings on the wall at Cafe Hey, at Drink and Draw. February 21, 2015.

[?]ddcrowd3.jpg: A group of artists at Drink and Draw. February 21, 2015.

[?]ddcrowd2.jpg: A group of artists at Drink and Draw. February 21, 2015.

[?]ddcrowd1.jpg: A group of artists at Drink and Draw. February 21, 2015.

[?]ivyunpacks.jpg: Me at Drink and Draw. February 21, 2015.

[?]drinkanddraweric.jpg: Eric at Drink and Draw. February 21, 2015.

[?]tropes.jpg: I bought the book that my friend wrote about fantasy fiction tropes! February 6, 2015.

[?]cookingbattle.jpg: A cooking battle with two kitchen wenches. January 18, 2015.

[?]coolshades.jpg: I was very pink on my birthday. January 17, 2015.

[?]wegotwine.jpg: The place we were staying gave us wine to drink. We didn't drink it. January 17, 2015.

[?]birthdaysweatpants.jpg: I changed into sweatpants while on vacation and it was glorious. January 16, 2015.

[?]jpizza.jpg: This is my silly pizza face. January 16, 2015.

[?]mpizza.jpg: Meg has PIZZA. January 16, 2015.

[?]bothpizza.jpg: Meg and me at a pizza place, but my selfie skills aren't good enough to get the pizza in the frame. January 16, 2015.

[?]gailsbook.jpg: A fellow Pitch Wars mentor, Gail Nall, had a book release and it sounded so cute I had to run out and buy a copy. January 14, 2015.

[?]foggy.jpg: I ate hot food while wearing glasses and they fogged up! January 9, 2015.

[?]veganmarshmallows.jpg: I had a hot white mocha with almond milk and vegan marshmallows, and I was super excited about it. January 10, 2015.

[?]babyselfies.jpg: Yes, it is necessary to take this many baby selfies. January 1, 2015.

[?]rollingbaby2.jpg: More rolling. January 1, 2015.

[?]rollingbaby1.jpg: Cute child rolling around on New Year's Day. January 1, 2015.
