Short Story: Reborn |
Written January 29, 1992
Spelling and formatting preserved
See the drawing I did for the cover
It is the year 2092. I am one-hundred and fourteen years old, but I only look about thirty, because of our life-enhancement program. My family and I are watching a solar eclipse.
We are watching as the sun and moon become aligned. The sun's corona peeks out around the moon.
Suddenly, something like an earthquake occurs. Everyone is surprised and we all look anxiously at each other.
Our latest technology has recently detected a certain kind of gravitational pull never identified before coming from a void in space. It couldn't be a black hole because there were no X-rays.
The moon is beginning to get so big it is blocking out the sun! Somehow, most of the planets had come into line and their gravity has made the moon's and Earth's orbits very strange lately! It seems as though the moon's been yanked out of orbit. It probably has to do with that black void in space. The moon disappears over the horizon. Suddenly, the earthquake begins again! The ground is shoving everyone around and there's total chaos. A crack appears in the ground. . . . .
Ten days later, our family is huddled together around a fire to keep warm. We are on an asteroid about a mile long and a mile wide. I don't know why we can still breathe, because we are now drifting in space. The gravitational pull yanked the moon out of the sun's orbit. It struck earth in the center of South America, and split Earth into many pieces. We are on a small, small piece. And we're drifting toward that black space.
As we drift nearer to it, we are all wondering what's out there. We are'nt cold anymore, don't know why.
I don't know what I expected, a long black tunnel maybe, but it was bright when we went in. We could kind of see another sun as we came through.
We were very tired, so we slept. When we woke up, we were hovering over a large body of land. Our little asteroid set down in a ditch that had its same shape. The crack between the asteroid and the land disappeared, and it was like it had always been there!
Slowly, my family and I walked off. We'd landed on a sort of cliff, overlooking the ocean. Nearby was a cave, where we went to sit down. We discussed the possibilities. We didn't have any idea where we were, or how we arrived at this place. My youngest daughter walked out of the cave and called for us. There was a ship coming, on the horizon. It docked offshore and men hopped off. They asked us to come aboard, told us not to miss the ship. We got on the boat and talked to these people. We didn't tell them about our asteroid. But, boy, did they talk. It was the year 1542! Before America was even started as a real country! It was mind-boggling.
We were on a ship coming from England to colonize America, and we were the colonists!
Back on present-day 2092, we had a collection of photographs of people from this time. They weren't really photos, but they were pictures of sixteenth-century paintings.
In a museum, I'd seen colonial pictures, and there were a few pictures that had people that looked like my husband and me, and our seven kids. I'd noticed it then and I remember it now. Those people looked like us. It was us.
Sure enough, the artist on the ship had us pose for pictures. The pictures that were painted looked the same. Like us.
If we'd been alive then, in 1542, our children would have children who would have children who would have children until 1978, when I was born. I'd live, marry, have my kids and then, the moon'd crash into Earth, sending me and my kids and family spinning off on an asteroid, through a timewarp. So my kids could have kids, who would have kids until 1978, and so on. An endless circle. I wonder where it started?