Poem: Realistic

Written for Tenth Grade English Class
(I like the rhythm and rhyme scheme, but I couldn't find a way to address one of my problems within the structure of the strict Shakespearean sonnet format; you'll see references to blue flowers not being realistic, and of course there are blue flowers in existence. Just not natural blue ROSES. I couldn't figure out how to make the poem say that, though.)


My art teacher told me that it isn't right
To draw roses with petals of blue.
I don't understand why the rules are so tight
That I can't draw what I feel is true.

For my flower I could have picked yellow or black
But I chose blue to show an emotion;
Flowers drink water, so I traced it back
To its beautiful source in the ocean.

The ocean holds life that is often simplistic
And yet commands fantastic power.
But my art teacher told me to be realistic;
"Have you ever seen a blue flower?"

I could follow instructions my art teacher gives,
But expressing myself is where happiness lives.

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