School Assignment: "Bright Futures" lesson plan

Written for after-school tutoring with disadvantaged children.

Written February 3, 1999.

Week #1!

List what you hope to accomplish this week (what are your purposes?):

I hope to get to know my mentee and let him get to know me! And I hope to have fun together.

ACTIVITY ONE: A short chat.
Purpose: To introduce ourselves and get to know each other.
Steps: I plan to introduce myself, have him introduce himself, and try to get comfortable with each other. I’ll be bringing a modified “Personal Data Sheet” to fill out. Since I don’t know yet how his writing skills are coming along, I’ll be prepared to either let him write or to do it for him. At this point I’d also like to discuss what he wants to do in future sessions, so that I can plan activities he’ll like.

ACTIVITY TWO: A drawing web.
Purpose: To do something I already know he enjoys (drawing) and get to know more about him.
Steps: I’m going to bring two large sheets of paper to draw a big picture on. I will ask him to draw a self-portrait in the center and then to draw other things he likes all around him: his favorite animals, his friends, family, favorite foods, et cetera. I’ll draw one for myself too, and hope that mine gives him some ideas if he has trouble thinking of more things to draw.

ACTIVITY THREE: Picking a book.
Purpose: To see what his reading skills are like.
Steps: I’ll let Jarquez pick one book to read with me. After we find a book he likes, we can read it together, possibly using its plot elements or characters in a future activity.

Other Possibilities: Should I run out of things to do, I will have playing cards with me, with which we can play war or go fish, or maybe even invent a game.

[My comment: We were supposed to make lesson plans for our tutoring and also send communications home to the parents, but it seemed like most of the other students didn't bother.]

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