Recently Read Books!

This is a list of the books I've read this year, with a few of my thoughts on each.

Go here for last year's list!
Go here for the jump-off point of all the years I've been recording my reading list, separated by year!

2/27/25 How to Be Ace
Rebecca Burgess
This is a graphic novel about one ace person's journey toward finding herself during and after college. I really enjoyed how well it showed the author as a complete person with related and unrelated struggles. Many of the asexual experiences were very relatable for me.
2/9/25 Dream to Me
Megan Paasch
I read this one because I worked with the author in Pitch Wars--this wasn't her manuscript from that contest, but I remembered while reading it why I liked her so much. Great flavor, great characters, really expertly woven exposition. I was honestly more caught up in the characters than the plot, but I have no complaints about where the story took me.


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