![[Pink Smog]](pinksmog.jpg)
Pink Smog, taking place sequentially before Weetzie Bat but after or alongside Baby Be-Bop, is the story of Weetzie's early teen years, when she was an awkward high school girl named Louise. She deals with her family falling apart--her mother drinks too much and her father leaves--and she finds herself drifting, longing for the early days when their family was happy and could rejoice in simple pleasures. Now Weetzie has to take care of herself and keep an eye on her mother, and she struggles to form an identity while digging into defining herself by her city and reaching out to other misfits. She forms some friendships, and they support her as she tries to solve the mystery of her neighbors and the disturbing notes she's receiving that seem to be directing her behavior. The angelic boy from her building and his scary witch of a sister--not to mention their mother--hang over Weetzie as an unsolved mystery, and eventually she has to come to terms with her relationship with her dad and learn to be who she truly is in order to attract the types of people she belongs with.
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