Summarized Plot: THIS IS A CHOOSE-YOUR-OWN-ADVENTURE-STYLE ANIMORPHS BOOK. IT IS NOT PART OF THE CANON (and, as a personal aside, is not recommended by this website author). The book allows you, the reader, to "become" part of the Animorphs by putting you there when Elfangor lands and allowing you to acquire the morphing power, then presenting you with a series of decisions (choose-your-own adventure style) to dictate the plot. Story elements of the first book and the eleventh book are incorporated, allowing the reader to participate in the first trip to the Yeerk pool with the Animorphs and a strange altered version of a second trip through the Sario Rip plot leading into the Amazon jungle. There is only one winning ending, which involves using accidental time travel to stop Visser Three from killing Visser One's host before Visser One entered the picture, and you get to eat pizza with Jake.
Detailed Plot: No detailed plot is going to be provided for Alternamorphs because they are terrible and I frankly never want to read them again. Please read the detailed synopsis on Wikipedia if you really want to know.
Narrator: Unnamed narrator, second person point of view
Notable: This book was ghostwritten by Tonya Alicia Martin.
The events of the Alternamorphs books are not written into the canon whatsoever.
Though allowing the reader to make the choices helps enhance the feeling of participation, repeatedly adding important details to the plot that may not be applicable to the reader diminishes the effect. For instance, the narration assigns you a sister you may not have, with a hamster named Hamlet which you almost certainly don't have.