This page is a collection of sites that discuss, mention, or link to me around the Web. If you have seen me or my work discussed somewhere and you'd like to notify me, please do.
- (A)sexual by Arts Engine: A documentary on asexuality. I'm in the movie as a major interviewee.
- Publishers Marketplace announcement: The screencap from when my book deal for my long nonfiction, The Invisible Orientation, originally titled So You Think You're Asexual, was reported in the deals section.
- I'm listed as an American author on Wikipedia.
- AVEN members discuss my book.
- IMDB Entry for my role in (A)sexual.
- I was on CTV--Canadian national news.
- My book was featured in the Washington Post in an article discussing various people's asexuality experiences.
- My book was excerpted in TIME Magazine. They also posted it on their Facebook page, where it was subjected to dozens of mocking comments.
- An article on asexuality in the New York Times heavily featured me and my book.
- I have an author profile in Good Vibrations for the articles I've written there.
- I have an author profile in Psychology Today for the articles I've written there.
- The Japanese drama Koisenu Futari, which is about aromantic asexual people, features a scene where a character is educating himself by reading the Japanese translation of my book.
- I got interviewed by Chris from Pleasure Mechanics and it was a really good interview.
- I was interviewed on BBC World Service podcast--segment with me starts at 22:40. I was interviewed on another BBC program a couple weeks later, with Andrew Peach, but the recording expired after a week, so you can't hear it.
- Sexperts is a Playboy podcast and I was on it with Dr. Limor to talk about asexuality.
- I was on Weekend Sunrise, an Australian television program. They also posted it to their Facebook. The comments weren't quite as bad as usual.
- Salon: "You're about as sexually attractive to me as a turtle: Coming out as asexual in a hypersexual culture." My Q&A with Tracy.
- DiversifYA: I answer some questions about asexuality and writing asexual characters on this YA-writing diversity-focused site.
- DiversifYA hosted this guest post of mine about asexuality's importance in fiction.
- Interview on A-Okay Video: Brian interviewed me about my book for his channel.
- SL Huang on Why/Why Not featured an interview with me.
- YA Interrobang interviewed me for the column Dragons Raging.
- Georgia Political Review recycled some quotes from me.
- The Varsity posted about the asexuality conference I went to and featured my photo with my book and quotes from me.
- Book Verdict, of Library Journal, mentions my book.
- Pub Hub mentioned my book.
- The Daily Dish excerpted an article I wrote for The Toast.
- The Daily Mail posted a (somewhat inaccurate, somewhat sensationalized) interview with me. Digital Journal mined its quotes, published their own, and inserted exaggerations, mistakes, and misleading info. It also got recycled as "Julie Sondra Decker Discusses Being Asexual" in The Hollywood Gossip, "I have never had sex and I never will" in Joint Arena, "I Have Never, And Will Never Have Sex" in Nigeria News, "Asexual Woman Says She's Never Had Sex & Never Will" in ¿Qué Más?, "Elle n'a jamais fait l'amour et ne le fera sans doute jamais" in French magazine 7sur7 and "Aseksuaalne naine: meeste arvates tuleks mind ära vägistada" in Estonian magazine Elu24.
- The Huffington Post featured one of my videos and some asexuality info in its Asexual Awareness Week coverage.
- The Huffington Post featured an awareness video I contributed to in honor of Asexual Awareness Week. I am also quoted in the text piece.
- South Florida Gay News interviewed me and published an article.
- The Huffington Post did a feature on asexuality, written by Dominique Mosbergen in six parts. My materials and interview quotes were used in Part 4 and Part 5. One of the article parts was recycled a week later and featured on the front page of AOL's Welcome Screen.
- HuffPost Live's Asexual Pride segment featured me on the panel.
- 429Magazine: An article called "Acknowledging asexuality on the queer spectrum" by Morgan Welch features an interview with me.
- Drake Magazine: An article called "Shedding light on asexuality" by Lauren Hartog features an interview with me.
- The Morning Show: I was mentioned on television in this Australian show's spot on asexuality.
- The Daily Beast: An article called "No Sex? No Problem" by Jacqueline Jennings features an interview with me.
- WNPR's Colin McEnroe Show: I was one of four guests talking about asexuality on a segment called "How Asexuals View the World."
- The Authority Smashing! Hour: David Jay and I were interviewed on this podcast. A transcript is here in a Google doc.
- Compulsory Sexuality quoted me in a journal article.
- Salon had me in "Asexual and Proud."
- Asexual Awareness Week: My YouTube videos are listed as a resource for asexuals.
- PAVE (Partnership for Asexual Visibility and Education) has a 101 page that embeds my Overview video as a resource.
- I appear in two of David Jay's videos from the Creating Change conference: Day 2 and Day 3.
- Singles and Asexuals: Their Intersexion: I'm mentioned in this blog post, with my Top Ten list discussed.
- The Center for Sexual Pleasure & Health on Tumblr linked my article "What can sexual people do to make asexual people feel valued and accepted?" Commenters discuss and support.
- Continuing our Asexual Awareness Week education: GayWrites on Tumblr uses my video to teach followers about asexuality.
- Swankivy--Asexuals need real-world understanding: Lara from Asexual News interviewed me about some asexuality activism issues.
- Skeptic's Play: This Blogspot blogger reviewed the movie (A)sexual and mentioned my role in the movie.
- Deep Dish: This Blogspot blogger also reviewed the movie (A)sexual and mentioned my role in the movie.
- Libela: A Croatian article called "Kriška torte, crni prsten, pikov as, a ne dama i film o svemu tome" reviews the documentary (A)sexual and mentions me a couple times. Google Translate does a pretty good job translating this for you if you don't read Croatian.
- An Interview with the Asexual Sexologist: Sex Positive St. Louis interviewed Dallas, and she mentioned me glowingly.
- Can Asexuals Have Long-Term Relationships?: I was asked to make a guest contribution to The Sexual Futurist's channel on YouTube, and this was my topic.
- Asexual Awareness Week - Everything's A-Okay Extras: I was one of the contributing asexual people to this collaborative video AOkayVideo did for Asexual Awareness Week, answering six questions from an asexual perspective.
- No Sex?!: Laci Green does a video on asexuality and recommends my asexuality materials in the "about" section of her video.
- The Anxious Writer's Tumblr: My "Asexual Bingo" video was linked here, and it spawned many comments and shares on Tumblr, most of which were refreshingly supportive.
- 30-Day Asexuality Challenge: I'm listed as a Tumblr user's favorite asexual person.
- Adapadapa on Tumblr links my "How to Be an Asexual Ally" article and comments on why it's good.
- santacruzlaguna: Lists my "Letters to an Asexual" series as one of the "Blogs, Vlogs, and Podcasts You Should Be Aware Of."
- Asexual News lists my main site as a resource for asexuals.
- Jackie Hyde on Tumblr: In discussing my "Asexual Bingo" video, a couple Tumblr members said some very insightful (and complimentary) stuff about my message.
- AVEN's discussion of sexual assault which bounces off and references the points I made in my "Asexual Bingo" video.
- sophiaphilemon used a collaborative video of mine to analyze common responses to asexuality in an academic paper.
- Claiming My Asexuality: Jayleigh writes a piece on asexuality for elephant journal and links to my writings. Jayleigh points out in a LiveJournal entry that my writings have been personally influential.
- It's swankivy's birthday: A bunch of AVEN users "celebrated" my 35th birthday and I didn't even know about it until the next month. How sweet of them.
- Asexuality and Purity Teachings Can Be a Toxic Mix: Homeschoolers Anonymous discusses conservatism and purity culture in the context of how asexual identity can form, and features my video "Asexuality: An Overview" as a good educational tool.
- The Gay Agenda features asexuality and quotes me, plus recommending my materials.
- ApostleOfCarlin writes for Daily Kos: An Asexuality 101 article that features my "Asexual Bingo" video and mentions the comments I get.
- Elizabeth Emens quotes me repeatedly in her "Compulsory Sexuality" paper published in Stanford Law Review.
- MadameAce's Web Crush Wednesdays: I'm featured as a weekly "web crush" because of my Letters to an Asexual series, and the author of this piece gives me praise for giving voice to experiences we've both had as asexual people.
- Stephanie Mao mentions my role in the (A)sexual movie.
- BLA Gay Straight Alliance links one of my videos to help discuss inclusiveness.
- The host of LJ Idol, clauderainsrm (who's a personal friend), recommends my book to the contest folks and puts it in the store.
- IvyQ's main page shows me as one of the 2014 speakers.
- I'm linked a couple times as an asexual activist in Nichrysalis's post "I am louder than who I say I am."
- Best Magazine published a piece on me, but rewrote it so it looked like I wrote everything in the article. It's full of well-intentioned misrepresentations.
- This Spanish page recommends my book and YouTube videos.
- Cavalier Daily mentioned me in its Pride Week article because of my University of Virginia appearance. (Here is a digital document covering the same story with a slightly different focus.) This appearance is also featured on UVa LGBTQ's Tumblr and Facebook event, plus a special Facebook event for just my talk.
- Upworthy: They recommended (A)sexual's trailer. I'm in it.
- Friday Night Lip Service did an asexuality-themed radio show and plugged my book. They linked my site for more info.
- Twitter conversation in which someone suggests Dan Savage is the most reasonable person in (A)sexual and an early reader of my book points out that I include criticism of Dan in the book.
- I'm in the press release for the Asexuality Conference at WorldPride.
- On the AVEN Polish Forum someone discussing my book jokingly said I look 20 even though I'm 36, which is proof that lack of sex helped to preserve my youth.
- Mark Carrigan reviewed my asexuality book.
- Breathes Books mentions getting a review copy of my book and being excited about its queerness.
- An xoJane article about falling in love with an asexual person recommended my Letters to an Asexual series at the end.
- parallelanprincess was enthusiastic in response to getting a message from me on Tumblr. Language warning!
- I'm mentioned on Labour Pride as one of the asexual community's leaders.
- (A)romantic identities video: I was visible in the audience and I spoke a few times during audience participation things. Brian kept referring to me as an expert.
- The Asexual Librarian made a mention of me in Asexuality at the WorldPride 2014 Toronto Recap.
- Violet Blue calls my book "nothing short of a breakthrough" in this short mention.
- Violet Blue again mentions my book.
- Lara wrote about my book and sort of mixed up some details.
- Ace in Lace wrote about being excited for my book.
- The Ace Theist wrote about my book being out and why it's great that asexuality might get more attention now.
- The Fulcrum, a student paper, features an interview with me.
- Asexuality Resources created a cool graphic to advertise my book.
- I got a book review from Sciatrix.
- I got a book review from Queenie.
- Davy Dave made a video about my book.
- megathornberryy made a video that mentioned my book, among other things.
- Asexuality in a Sexual World started a series of reviews for each of my asexuality book's chapters. This is the reaction to the introduction, Chapter One, and Chapter Two Parts One and Two.
- Brenda Drake featured my newly released book as a mentor spotlight entry.
- Lilian talks about winning my book in the Goodreads giveaway and being excited!
- The Asexuality Blog hosted a giveaway of my book.
- Vue Weekly discussed asexuality and quoted me a lot.
- darkemeralds did a thoughtful post about my book from the point of view of an older asexual-spectrum person.
- Cassandraswarning discussed my book and had some asexuality-related thoughts about it.
- Huffington Post Tumblr: I got GIFed. The awareness video I participated in with Everything's A-Okay got some clips made into GIFs and got passed around the Internet more than 75,000 times during the awareness week.
- Lambda Literary listed me as one of their 2014 submissions, and then later listed me as a finalist in LGBT Nonfiction.
- YourTango discussed asexuality awareness and my book.
- Good Magazine: Asexuality is discussed, with my book figuring heavily in the article.
- The Israel Asexual Forum posted this interview with me (PDF).
- Review Fix interviewed me about my book. They also reviewed it later.
- Everyday Feminism: "Sh*t People Say to Asexuals."
- I got a book review from Bibliotropic.
- Robin Enby recommends my OKCupid profile to help people find asexuality-related questions to answer on OKCupid.
- An interview with me was published in Maclean's.
- An interview with me was published in Yorokobu.
- Robin the Geek mentioned me on Tumblr, discussing enjoying my book.
- fructus dulces posted a German-language review of my book.
- Evening Assam, Morning Pu-er posted a review of my book.
- Asexual Alligator recommended my book with a list of asexual media.
- Freethought Blogs had an asexual atheist panel and they mentioned my book.
- Janelle credits me for creating the videos that assisted their discovery of being asexual.
- My book is recommended by The Asexuality Blog, huzzah.
- An interview with me and other asexual people was published in The Varsity.
- WIRED mentioned my book in an article about asexuality.
- Stacy Osteen included my book and bingo cards in a discussion of asexuality.
- These Tumblr bloggers discussed how to get my autograph and I thought it was cute.
- Everyday Feminism reran an article I wrote for Drunk Monkeys.
- Minding Therapy did an article about asexuality and mentioned me a lot.
- Asexual Survivors Asexuality 101: Asexual Survivors linked some of my materials in their resources section. I'm also on their reading list a couple times.
- Please read the Invisible Orientation: I just thought this was cute. Someone on Tumblr was enthusiastically recommending my book and they got really excited when I made a comment sort of acknowledging and thanking them.
- I'm literally crying: Someone took a photo of my book in a bookstore and discussed how good it feels to have a book on this subject. Awwww.
- Panelists discuss ACE spectrum identities: I'm mentioned as an activist who deserves credit for helping the movement spread.
- Asexual Outreach: I'm in the campaign video for this fundraiser.
- US News and World Report published an interview with me.
- The IPPY Awards got announced with their 2015 winners and I got the Silver.
- Next Generation Indie Book Awards: My book won in the category of LGBT books.
- 429 posted about Asexual Outreach and I'm mentioned a couple times in the article.
- Savage Love mentioned me briefly.
- Reading of the Day listed some quotes from my book while reading.
- Dahlia recommended me for asexuality awareness books.
- Reading With Nixie thinks my book is rad.
- Over the Rainbow Books: I was nominated for May as a book that they want to include on some "final list."
- S. Prescott discussed my book briefly in a "currently reading" blog post.
- iridescentoracle on Tumblr posted enthusiasm about my book. A couple times.
- A Plus interviewed me in "The Asexuality Movement Is Gaining Traction."
- Your Daily Ace picked my book for book club.
- A conversation with mum: A Tumblr blogger named philcoulsonismyhero talked about how my book helped with a parental talk.
- asexualkatherineplumber got excited about reading my asexuality book.
- Guide to Dreaming was reading my book and the blog featured an appreciated quote and a perspective on the asexual survivors section.
- The Notes Which Do Not Fit discussed my asexuality book in two different posts.
- Salon mentioned my videos in an overall article about sexual indifference.
- A Place to be Ace discussed the difference between sexual attraction and sex drive, and quoted liberally from my book to do so.
- gloryandus on Tumblr quoted something from my book about being unpartnered in later adulthood.
- New York Magazine published an article called "5 Ways to Better Understand Asexuality" and my book and I are mentioned in the beginning.
- Autostraddle shared an article called "You Need Help: How to Best Be There for Your Newly Out Asexual Friend." My various materials are recommended heavily in the bit where they discuss resources for new aces.
- Dahlia's Guide to Bookish Twitter: Author and Twitter pal Dahlia Adler recommended people follow me on a list of worthy Twitter authors to follow, specifically if you want to learn about asexuality.
- A-Identity Politics: Asexual Exceptionalism, Precarity, and Activism: Ryan Sheehan did a bachelor's thesis on some asexuality-related stuff and apparently a chunk of my work was analyzed here.
- Tech Insider interviewed me.
- LGBTQ Fall Book Releases to Be Excited About: Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian recommends my book on this list of new fall stuff.
- "Ten Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who's Asexual": Mindbodygreen's article reprint by me.
- Resources for Ace Survivors: For Professionals: Several of my pieces and works are recommended for asexual survivors.
- "Asexuality: Not Incomplete": Red Queen on GayNZ discussed my book a little bit.
- "The Emerging Orientation": My book was used a few times as a resource in this article.
- Benedict-Applebatch: This blogger photographed my book and announced being excited to read it.
- Pieces of Ace had me on for an informal video interview during Asexual Awareness Week 2015.
- Blogger wearmanyhats photographed a copy of my book and declared intent to highlight its text and read it aggressively in front of family.
- Blog Moon Export details the author's asexual story and thoughts about my book.
- Why do people struggle to understand that I'm asexual?: Robin Dibben has a piece in The Telegraph which has a video interview with me prominently embedded.
- Asexuality: People Who Just Don't Love Sex: My book and activism is mentioned in this Article Cats piece.
- Brithistorian said "the world of asexuality is going to divided into before and after the publication of" my book.
- Convergence 2016 includes an article with input from me.
- Someone seems to have written Asexual Tony Stark fanfiction which involves the character discovering my book and crediting it with saving his life? Interesting.
- includes a personal piece that mentions my book and discusses asexuality.
- I'm quoted and referenced in a Lithuanian interview.
- A blogger named Emery got excited that I followed them on Instagram. :)
- Sex Nerd Sandra did a feature on asexuality with ace group members at Occidental College, and my book was mentioned.
- LatinosHealth ran a brief, sparse article about an asexual experience, and it mentions my book at one point.
- LatinosHealth ran a brief asexuality article and my book is mentioned.
- The Wells Reference Blog of Indiana University Bloomington mentioned my book in a list focused on "Celebrating Queer Books."
- YALSA has a new list of asexuality being featured in YA literature, and my YouTube and book are recommended as resources at the end.
- The Notes Which Do Not Fit discusssed coming out as aromantic and referenced my book in the conversation.
- Our Better Half did an episode on this podcast regarding asexuality, with my book mentioned.
- Everyday Feminism has an article on how to support an asexual friend who just came out, and my book is recommended.
- Drunk Monkeys Anthology: An essay I wrote on asexual experience is included in this anthology.
- The Times of India discussed my book.
- An Italian blogger shared a lengthy quote from my book.
- Yo You Heard has a video on asexuality that quotes my book.
- Asexual Outreach listed my book as a resource.
- Ace Case Blog lists my book as a good resource.
- Spaces for Aces: Finding a Home in a Sexual World: Lehen Productions offers a sort of dense essay that nevertheless speaks with compassion about asexual experience. It cites my book.
- My book was discussed on the podcast Friday Night Lip Readings.
- YALSA has a new list of asexuality being featured in YA literature, and my YouTube and book are recommended as resources at the end.
- wtfdynamics on Tumblr was very excited to see my book at the bookstore.
- ¿Sexo? No, gracias was published in SEMANA with a quote from me.
- My book was quoted in an essay about Seanan McGuire's book by Lynn O'Connacht.
- BookNerdTV on YouTube did a video review of my book.
- Graying Rainbows: I was on this queer podcast talking about asexuality.
- Geeks OUT did an interview with me.
- 10 Facts about Asexuality That Dispel Harmful Myths: Julie Kliegman interviewed me and others about asexuality.
- Beyond Awareness: Creating a Space for Asexual and Aromantic People: UMass Amherst put on a panel of ace individuals to discuss our experiences.
- Asexuality deserves recognition; content creators: all sexual identities: Amani Hamed interviewed me and others about asexuality.
- A look into the spectrum: Affirming asexual narratives: I have some quotes here about various aspects of ace life and outsider perspectives.
- USA Today interviewed me and a few other asexual folks on the difference between sexual avoidance/repression/trauma and asexuality, bouncing off a story about Paris Hilton.
- Book Panel: A Room of One’s Own I AM ACE Panel Discussion involved me and two other ace activists (Cody Daigle-Orians and Ashabi Owagboriaye) discussing Cody's book and other ace-related topics.
- Everything You Need to Know About Asexuality (But Didn't Want to Ask): An article on The Knot featuring me and two others (but mostly me).
- The Silencing of Asexuals: Sheila Das had me on the podcast Flow to talk about asexuality.
- The One Where I Talk To Author & Asexual Activist, Julie Sondra Decker: Lucy Meggeson had me on the podcast Spinsterhood Reimagined to talk about asexuality and its relationship to singlehood.
- Modern Pleasure Podcast included me to chat with Dr. Jenni and Kim about asexuality.
- Queenie included me in a few of the recurring "teeny tiny linkspams":
- The Asexual Agenda's linkspam frequently features me:
- My author profile on my fiction literary agent's page.
- My author profile on my nonfiction literary agent's page.
- Timeless Tales authors are listed here, and I made the list when I sold a story to the magazine.
- Writerly Goodness: One of my helpful articles was listed in a roundup of good writing advice.
- The Timeless Tales Facebook promotes my story before it came out by quoting a bit as a teaser.
- The Literary Engineer did a two-part interview with me to discuss the differences between fiction and nonfiction in the publishing world. Here is Part 1, and Part 2.
- Come And Get It!: I was a judge in this writing contest. The entries I judged are here and here.
- Pitch Wars 2013 - 2014: I was a mentor for this writing contest, and these were my picks.
- Pitch Wars August 2014: I'm on the mentor list again, and these were my picks.
- Dan Koboldt discusses the "Ask Mentor" event and opines that I am hilarious. He later mentions me while discussing what he learned as a mentor.
- Pitch Wars August 2015: On the mentor list for the third year.
- Get to know the Mentors: Brenda Drake published "mini interviews" with some of the participating mentors and I threw in some answers to text questions. I didn't participate in the videos this year because I did it last year.
- The Big Reveal: I am one of the featured writers on Suzi Retzlaff's author interview feature, which runs on Thursdays on her blog. I'm in the round of authors starting September 12, 2013 and ending March 20, 2014.
- My 2014 Pitch Wars mentee Megan Paasch wrote about Pitch Wars and blogging, mentioning me in a flattering way.
- I was mentioned in year-end roundups by Dan, Dahlia, and Megan for 2014.
- Jessica Gunn wrote about my small part in helping her get her book on the road to being published when she was my alternate mentee in Pitch Wars 2013.
- What's Your Favorite Book on Writing?: I contributed to this blog post on craft books for Mother. Write. (Repeat.)
- Holiday Guest Post: I wrote about Solstice celebrations in a guest post for Brenda Drake's blog.
- Pitch Wars Success Story: An interview with me and my mentee Whitney Fletcher in Pitch Wars, covering how my mentee signed with his literary agent.
- "Pitch Wars Interview with Lynn Forrest and Julie Sondra Decker": My Pitch Wars interview with my 2015 mentee came out.
- Impish Idea: My essay on Eragon is listed as "SwankIvy's famous essay" in this site's resources.
- Ronni lists me as a good critique partner and discusses how I've helped her with her work.
- D.D. shares her appreciation of my critique after pursuing mentorship in Pitch Wars.
- An Inside Look Part I and Part II, on Suzi's blog, involves an interview with me about Pitch Wars and my process picking my mentee.
- Dahlia linked to my post where I helped her with her book release celebration by going "behind the scenes" on my webcomic.
- Eragon Sporkings: A fan of Paolini's work complains that it makes no sense for anti-fans to keep reading his books. Some commenters elaborate on the phenomenon and reference me.
- Conjugal Felicity: Rorschach discusses the travesty that is G. Tesch's publicity machine, and recommends my video and writeup as a good resource.
- thealyrianboredomsquad discussed my Inheritance critique and shared excitement about our communication.
- NaNoWriMo Boards discussed the Inheritance Cycle and there was some heated discussion of my critical essay.
- TVTropes: Tesch's series is mocked a bit on this page, and my analysis of the family's promotional techniques is referenced, along with my Eragon review.
- Comic Fury's discussion of G. Tesch: My video criticizing the promotional techniques of G. Tesch is discussed in this forum thread. Be warned: a couple of the participants think I'm a bitch and say so unapologetically.
- The Red Pen: Scrivvet thanks me and other folks for being a good example of how to put thoughts into words.
- Tumblr user poisoningpigeonsinthepark enjoyed one of my short stories and then had an exuberant response to my replies. :)
- Dannie Morin posted an interview with me on her blog, Left to Write, in which I discuss my writing process and philosophy.
- Locus Online reviewed a bunch of short stories, including one of mine that got published in Kaleidotrope. Unfortunately the reviewer thought my story was crap, but what are you gonna do?
- Handsome Boys Comics Hour: I discussed a graphic novel called The Nameless City with Eric and Robbie.
- "Awful Site of the Day" on Something Awful: Got puked upon by Andrew "Garbage Day" Miller on July 22, 2010. References my comprehensive debunking of G. Tesch's misleading advertising strategies and proceeds to present a list of the things I like and the things I do while presenting my existence as pathetic.
- Music video on YouTube: G. Tesch VERY briefly has my face spliced into one of her videos (superimposed with the word "ratchet," wow, hardcore) in which she is dancing around clearly thinking she is issuing a resounding in-your-face at me for daring to criticize her terrible promotional tactics and exposing her lies. Obviously it's easy for people like her to claim I'm a "hater" instead of actually addressing the criticism or refraining from committing the sins I pointed out. Too bad everyone who knows the situation (read: everyone who's ever Googled her, since my criticism of her is more popular than her actual work) knows how desperately she would like to be able to do what I'm doing, writing-wise.
- Awful Profiles by Women: Some website devoted to shaming "bad" profiles by women on dating sites (with a mission statement acknowledging that only women's profiles should be featured, since men with bad profiles should be pitied, not mocked), which has part of my profile pasted in with little commentary because apparently my hilarious "awfulness" is self-evident. It is presented by user "Dd3dd" as "this one is going to be hard to beat." The page is full of men discussing how the women have no right to be so picky about what men they want because they are not very pretty (with typical PUA-style subjective ratings of "high 6" and whatnot slapped on women who don't deserve to be picky) and rambling about how all the women on this site should really be begging for their attention and will never get a man with this entitled attitude spewing for their STANDARDS and whatnot. Gotta say I'm GLAD men like this find me repugnant, because the feeling is definitely mutual.
- Coming out as "asexual": Men's Rights Activists explain that I am nothing but a special snowflake and also am asexual because of having been forced to be so due to my below average physical appearance. Lulz. They're so original. A duplicate thread posts a photo of a model and says they'll only believe "this bullshit" when a woman who looks like the model comes out as asexual.
- "Justify Your Crap" on Received a borderline incoherent and seemingly deliberately convoluted "review" of my short story "Clouds." Written by Stevehen J. Warren.
- TheForum: In a thread entitled "I Take The Internet Seriously And Made Page About Assholes," a user called "AlterEgo" calls for folks to send me sexual offers and rape/death threats. They criticize my website, use a lot of foul language, and call me ugly a lot. Ho-hum. (You have to be a TheForum member to read this thread.)
- The Internet Is Terrible: My YouTube video "Stupid" got listed under "This video is 9 min long" on a site dedicated to posting the worst sites on the Internet.
- Asexuality, Porn, and Me: A LiveJournal member submits a rather confused-sounding criticism of my published article "Asexuality isn't Antisexuality," suggesting that my definition of asexuality isn't inclusive enough because I exclude people who experience sexual attraction.
- Studiously Uncool has decided I deserve no "sympathy" for my orientation because I consider it part of my identity, just like heterosexual people do. She spends the rest of the blog entry discussing how it's clear I'm just lying to myself and framing asexuality as a "failure to develop a part of your personality." Ho-hum.
- Taki's Magazine writes a deliberately exaggerated, misrepresentative, mocking account of what the asexual community is about, complete with redefining our terms in inaccurate ways so they can make fun of how absurd WE are. My book is mentioned, referred to as "the Mein Kampf of the chronically un-aroused." Great comparison--asexual people to Nazis--especially since the author of said book is a woman of Jewish heritage.